Pirates: Building a Pirate Family

Chapter 472 Mary Joa’s Quarrel

"Even when they answered me, they said that Rockefeller Charlotte was always on the island and never left."

Saint Satan said with disdain at the corners of his mouth.

He had almost had enough of those losers.


"We must not give up at this time. The World Government must come back with revenge and invade Impel Prison. This is a blatant declaration of war on the World Government. Even Rocks did not invade Impel Prison back then."

Saint Wuchuli slapped the table and roared.

"Ha! Yes, even Rocks didn't dare to be so crazy back then. And Rockefeller Charlotte, the inconspicuous little character who followed Rocks back then, grew up and even boldly invaded Impel. You Whose problem is this and who is condoning it? Can you tell me?"

Saint Satan stared into Saint Wuchuli's eyes and said.

After hearing the words, Saint Wuchuli choked and looked at Saint Satan.

"Ever since the battle in the Valley of the Gods, I proposed to get rid of Rockefeller Charlotte who was active in the New World, but no one listened. Even when Rockefeller Charlotte was blatantly wandering around the world, he still treated him as if he didn't exist. See, this repeated indulgence directly led to the Rockefeller Pirates' arrogance, who is responsible for this?"

Saint Satan's words struck the hearts of the other four Five Old Stars.

It made the other people look ugly.

"Okay, now is not the time to hold people accountable. It has already happened. What we should discuss is how to solve it and how to reduce its impact."

After hearing Saint Satan's words, Saint Maz put down his crossed legs and sat upright and said.


After hearing this, Saint Satan gave a low drink of disdain and leaned on the sofa without saying a word.

Saint Nashou Lang stopped talking.

"Now the Rockefeller Pirates' operation has directly caused tens of thousands of pirates to return to the sea. These pirates are not ordinary pirates. The pirates who can be imprisoned in Impel Prison are all There are two brushes. If you don’t face this problem squarely, even if the damage they cause is absolutely huge, it will not be easy for the Navy to clean them up.”

Mazsheng revealed the most serious problem.

And this question instantly caused others to fall into deep thought.

The knife-wielding man standing nearby lost interest immediately after seeing the discussion on how to deal with the pirates.

"You guys can discuss it, I'm out."

After saying that, he didn't care about the reactions of Wulaoxing and the others and walked out directly.

Watching his leaving figure, the five old stars silently wrote it down in their little notebooks in their hearts.

I plan to use him as a scapegoat when I report to Lord Im in the future.

Back to the topic.

This problem is difficult to solve. It is almost impossible for the navy to catch them all. I believe that these pirates will be more cautious after learning the lesson from the last time. It is almost impossible for the navy to deal with them again.

Especially the Golden Lion Shisky and the Red Earl Patrick Redfield.

It was a complete fluke that the Navy caught them.

One rushed to the navy headquarters in a daze and was directly arrested by the navy. The other fought alone with the navy marshal and was missed by Vice Admiral Garp.

To be honest, Wu Laoxing was shocked when he heard that the Navy Marshal actually lost the battle with the Red Earl.

If not for Garp's timely appearance, the Navy might have had to change its leadership early.

"How about increasing the strength of the navy?"

Nasshou Langsheng suggested.


In an instant, four looks from around him immediately said.

"The navy is already strong enough. We must not open our doors and allow the navy to grow bigger."

Peter Saint said in awe.

Saint Pit's words made Saint Nashoulang frown and stopped talking.

The room fell silent.

a long time.

"We don't necessarily have to use the navy to deal with pirates. I think we should change our thinking."

Maz Sheng suddenly spoke.

Everyone looked at Maz Sheng.

"What do you mean by that?"

Nashou Langsheng asked.

"What do you think if our world government recruits some famous pirates in the world and grants them the status of legal plunder, but must hand over [-]% of the plunder and let them deal with the growing number of pirates on the sea? It is necessary This can not only reduce the pressure on the navy, but also attack the pirates who went to sea in the Age of Discovery, and also split the pirate forces."

Maz Sheng looked at several people and said.

"No, absolutely not. How can our world government collude with pirates?"

After hearing this, Saint Nashoulang immediately expressed his opposition.

How can an official be with a thief? What does this mean?

Not only Saint Nashoulang objected, but Saint Sartan also firmly shook his head.

As for the other two, they said nothing, expressing neither support nor opposition.

Maz Sheng also frowned when he saw the two people being so fierce.

It seems that it is still difficult to wrest some power from the two of them.

Of these two people, Saint Nashouro controls the navy, the most powerful violent organization on the sea, and Saint Sartan controls the espionage force of the world government, and both possess powerful force in their hands.

Compared with these two people, the power in the hands of the other three five old stars is much less.

They don't have much say in some issues.

Maz Sheng wants to seize some power from the navy and cp0.

Want to create an army of people who will obey the orders of the World Government.

Even if it is in the name of the World Government, as long as I can direct it.

Maz Shengjia and Maz Shengjia were determined and did not give up. They continued to argue with each other.

Suddenly there was a big quarrel in this office that controlled the world.

Saint Maz quarreled with Saint Nasshoulang and Saint Satan alone.

Everyone expressed their thoughts.

Saint Pit and Saint Wuchuli quietly lowered their heads and looked at Saint Maz, who was arguing hard, with some light shining in his eyes.

The rights that Maz Sheng fought for were not in their favor.

However, this matter is not settled in a word and requires careful planning.

"Okay, okay, how is it appropriate to make a fuss about such a trivial matter on such a sacred occasion? Let's put this matter aside for now and discuss it later."

Saint Pit immediately acted as a peacemaker, and with a glance at Saint Maz, he temporarily dropped the topic.

"Hmph, I will never agree to this proposal."

Finally, Saint Nashoulang said loudly.

But Maz Sheng was not arguing with him this time.

"The matter of cleaning up the pirates should be left to the Navy for discussion. Even if it is slower, it will be fine. However, the impact of this incident must be controlled. Someone needs to inform Morgans."

Saint Pit said with a cold light in his eyes.

Everyone else nodded one after another.

The World Government is very dissatisfied with the fact that the right to speak has always been controlled by Morgans.

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