Hogwarts God of Ice and Fire

Chapter 10 Professor Green's Practical Class

Lynn nodded and said, "Of course! What is it, a new toy from Zuko's joke shop?"

Fred laughed and said, "What new toy? It's more exciting than toys!"

George said, "See you tonight!"


After saying goodbye to the Weasley twins, Lynn came to the underground Potions classroom.

This is a large underground classroom that can accommodate at least 20 young wizards in class. The shelves on the walls of the classroom are filled with various glass jars, which contain animal specimens soaked in solution.There is also a magic material locker in the classroom, which holds various ingredients that students of all year groups may need when making potions.

The environment of the Potions class was much colder than other classrooms in the castle. I don't know if it was because of the dim lights here, or because of the creepy stuffed animals on the shelves.


Suddenly, the Potions classroom was opened, and Professor Snape in a black robe strode in as if he had his own blower.

"You have come here to learn the precise science and rigorous craft of potion making." Professor Snape began, his voice was almost a little higher than a whisper, but everyone could hear him clearly "Many of you won't believe it's magic since there's no silly wand waving here."

"I don't expect you to really appreciate the beauty of the simmering cauldron emitting white smoke and bursts of fragrance. You won't really understand the magic of the liquid flowing into people's blood vessels, which makes people's hearts sway and their minds blurred. magic……"

"However, for the very few smart people, I can teach you how to confuse the mind, how to confuse the senses, I will teach you how to increase your reputation, brew glory, and even prevent death - but there must be one thing, that is, you are not me Just the kind of stupid fools you've come across all the time."

Professor Snape clasped his hands on his chest as he spoke, like a big bat.

At this moment, the entire classroom was silent, and almost everyone was shocked by what Snape said.

Lin En, who was sitting at the back, was very excited, after all, this was another famous scene!

It's a pity that Lynn will be in the second grade next year, otherwise he would still like to see the famous scene where Professor Snape asked Harry three times.

Potions class went smoothly. Professor Snape divided the young wizards into two groups and instructed them to mix and prepare a simple potion for treating boils.

Joining Lynn was Irving Foley, whom he had spoken to at dinner yesterday.

"I'm in charge of handling the materials, how about you brewing the potion?"

Irving asked.

Lynn nodded in agreement, so Irwin quickly weighed the dried nettles, crushed the snake's fangs, and handed the processed materials to Lynn one by one.

Lynn, on the other hand, put the ingredients into the crucible one by one and boiled them. He had previewed the Potions textbook in advance. Although he hadn't practiced it, his experience in chemistry class in his previous life made him not like other little wizards. It's easy to make mistakes.

Soon, the potion was ready, and they were the first group in the classroom to finish the potion.

Snape came over, swirled a drop of the liquid medicine between his fingers, put it in front of his nose and sniffed it.

"Ordinary potions, not brilliant. However, because you finished the potion the fastest and didn't make any mistakes, Slytherin will add five points!"

Professor Snape said flatly.


After the Potions class, it was lunchtime, and Lynn and the others only had one class in the afternoon, which was Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Wallyson Green arrived in the classroom on time.

Just like Wallyson Green in the Chocolate Frog card, this Professor Green is a very serious looking man, and in the depths of his eyes, there seems to be an imperceptible gloom, which may be that he once caused by experience.

"Please put down your textbooks, you don't need to use textbooks in my class. What we are going to learn today is a general method to deal with some black magic creatures."

Professor Green scanned the classroom and spoke slowly.

"Remember, you are wizards, and the wand is your best tool for most problems. Maybe your textbooks think you are only in the first grade, and you don't need to learn self-defense magic, but this is my class, and I don't care. Accept your textbook's suggestion." Professor Green said, picking up a cage covered with a red cloth from behind.

Professor Green opened the cage, and in the cage was a petrified acromantula larva, which was apparently just caught by Professor Green from the Forbidden Forest.

"The whole body binding spell, this is a spell that can remove the threat of the opponent very well. Whether it is a black magic creature or a dark wizard, it can be controlled by the whole body binding spell. This is one of the most suitable spells for you to learn. "

"The incantation of the full-body binding spell is: petrify everything. After casting, the effect is to make the arms and legs of the casted object cling together, and the whole body becomes stiff."

"Stop the curse!"

Professor Green said, and then lifted the spell on the acromantula larvae in the cage.

"Watch my demonstration! Everything is petrified!"

Professor Green reminded the little wizards, and then gracefully waved the black wand in his hand.

A white-gray light burst out from the top of the magic wand, and hit the giant acromantula larva in the cage with lightning speed. Hit by a spell.

The eight legs of this acromantula were instantly pressed together, and then the whole body became stiff and fell into the cage.

After completing the demonstration, Professor Green took out more than 20 cages from behind again, and each cage contained a lively acromantula larva.

"Today, your task is to successfully cast a full-body binding spell. As long as you can petrify the acromantula in front of you, you will be considered a success! The first one to successfully release the spell will get 10 college points!"

Professor Green distributed the cages and said to the young wizards.

Hearing Professor Green's words, all the little wizards were a little excited.

Especially the lion cubs in Gryffindor next door are all gearing up and planning to make a big fight.

This is a full 10 college points!

Even the sum of the college points Lynn got in Transfiguration and Potions class is only 9 points, and in Defense Against the Dark Arts class, he only needs to cast a spell once to get 10 college points .

How can this not make these little wizards excited? !

Not only the lion cubs next door, but also the little snakes in Slytherin are also shining in their eyes. Naturally, they love honor and they will not miss this opportunity to add points.

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