"Xianglin, forget about the samurai, go and sense the position of Hokage!"

Xianglin tilted his head, looked at Chongwu and asked, "How will the warriors deal with it?"

Chong Wu raised his head and said, "I'll be their opponent. Anyway, Hokage's position is important."

Xianglin didn't listen to Zhongwu, but looked at Sasuke carefully, suddenly, Xianglin was very surprised and said: "Sasuke's chakra is different, it has become so cold!"

Below, a few samurai rushed towards Sasuke, Sasuke slowly lowered the Lei Dun knife, but he still stayed there, motionless.

The leading samurai rushed over with a sword in his hand, and roared in a low voice. Sasuke raised his head slowly, opened his sharing eyes, and when the samurai's sword slashed over, he turned slightly sideways, and then directly slashed, blood splattered everywhere.

The samurai let out a cry and rushed to the street.

Sasuke jumped up, made a beautiful turn in the air, landed, and came to the crowd supporting the samurai, and then started the massacre, one child at a time, even the samurai's sword had no chance to collide with Sasuke's sword, so he was directly killed. take away!


Sasuke's sword cut ruthlessly on the samurai.


"Ah oh..."



With one scream after another, the warriors fell down one after another.

Shuiyue looked down, couldn't help but clenched her right fist, pounded on the wall, and complained: "This guy, he clearly told me not to kill people, but he was happily chopping vegetables down here!"

Chongwu looked down and said in shock: "This is it!"

Only Xianglin, hiding behind the wall, shivered, because she could clearly feel the change of Sasuke's chakra. The current Sasuke is not the same as Sasuke in the past at all. It should be thick, and there is a kind of coldness that penetrates into the human bone.

Among the samurai, the three captain samurai watched their subordinates fall one after another, anxious and angry, they immediately joined forces, and the three of them jumped into the air together, each clenched the chakra knife in their hands, and shot together, here they come A wave of sword energy cut!

Sasuke held the knife and looked in front of him calmly. There was no emotion in Sangou Yushulun's eyes.

With a bang, the sword energy was blocked, and a puff of smoke was stirred up.

The three captain warriors fell from the sky and looked ahead.

The smoke slowly dissipated, revealing the semi-immortal Chongwu.

It turned out that the attack just now was blocked by his immortal sword left hand.

Seeing this, one of the captain warriors said in a deep voice, "There are other comrades!"

On the floor, Lei Ying was running quickly with Xi and Darui.

Xi reported while perceiving: "There is a chakra that is madly destroying the chakra of the samurai, and that should be Sasuke!"

Lei Ying hurriedly asked: "Where is it? Xi."

Xi felt it for a while, and said with certainty: "It's right below, Master Raikage!"

As soon as the words fell, Raikage directly covered his whole body with thunder escape chakra, and the cells were activated instantly, then stopped on the spot, raised his right fist high, and then slammed it to the ground.

Darui's forehead started to sweat, and he said in his heart: "Boss, you are demolishing again!"

With a bang, Lei Ying directly tore through the floor of this floor!

Xianglin was alerted immediately: "Something is coming, and it's very powerful!"

When the rumbling sound came, Sasuke and Chonggo also noticed it instantly. When they looked up, they saw countless stones falling from upstairs. Sasuke and Chonggo quickly jumped up and dodged.

Xianglin and Shuiyue also heard the sound and hurriedly looked.

Lei Ying landed with Xi and Darui, and with a glance, he saw a person over there, holding a sword, and the sword was crackling and enchanted with Lei Dun Chakra, it was impossible to dodge, and then look at those eyes , can't go wrong!it's him!

Lei Ying gritted his teeth, stripped off his clothes, and threw them away directly, revealing a mighty big belt, his upper body was naked, his muscles were vertical and horizontal, and the Lei Dun chakra floating on his body instantly strengthened a bit, and the cell activation was even greater .

"Little devil! Let me show you what is the fear of anger!"

Sasuke couldn't take it anymore.

In front of my bullying king, you actually dare to pretend to be bullying.

As he said that, he rushed out with the sword in his backhand, and Shuiyue hurriedly shouted upstairs: "Sasuke, don't mess around alone."

Chong Wu said nervously: He lost his calm.

Even in the face of Raikage, Sasuke did not hesitate at all, he jumped up, ready to slash him with the Raikage.

Where Lei Ying stood, he didn't move, as if he was looking at the man who took his brother away.

Next to him, Darui was not as idle as Raikage, and immediately entered into a fighting state, with his hands sealed together and said: "Water escape, water formation wall!"

When Sasuke rushed in front of Raikage, Darui spewed a large amount of water from his mouth, forming a water column barrier, and Sasuke was blocked.

Immediately afterwards, Darui made a seal again.

"Lei Dun, thank you Bo."

A bolt of lightning came out from his hand, and because the water flow was conductive, it directly followed the water flow spit out from his mouth, covering the entire water column. For a moment, the crackling electric shock hit Sasuke who was blocked by the water flow!

Sasuke's attack was forced to stop, he was directly repelled, and fell back to Chonggo.

Seeing that Sasuke was fine, Daruihui reported: "Boss, just as the information said, this guy has thunder and fire attributes."

Xi accosted, "You should be able to use fire escape later, lazy, you should always have water escape ready."

Darui responded, saying that there is no problem.

Seeing this situation, Xianglin said, "Sasuke's battle information seems to have been leaked."

Shuiyue saw the person clearly, and said in shock: "The one in the middle, that... can't be..."

Shigego was beside Sasuke, fighting on alert, explaining to Sasuke: "The one in the middle covered with Lightning Chakra is Raikage, and the two next to it are Yun Yin's jounin. Sasuke, the opponent is very strong, so don't attack easily!"

I hope Darui has just shot, and it's him next.

"Watch me fix you!"

Afterwards, Xi began to seal.

Chong Wu leaned slightly, reminded Sasuke urgently: "The other party is about to attack."

"Lei Huan! Lightning Pillar!"

Immediately, countless lights came out from behind Xi, like flash bombs, so bright that people couldn't keep their eyes open.

Shigego shielded his eyes with his hands, and opened his eyes to check the situation with difficulty. As a result, when he opened his eyes, he saw Raikage flying directly over, and then punched Sasuke next to him into the floor with a heavy punch!

Chongwu was shocked, how could it be! ! !

At this moment, there was a sound of Sharingan turning.

Sasuke said in a deep voice, "Shigego, wake up!"

Only then did I realize that it was an illusion just now.

There was a smile on the corner of Xi's mouth, and he praised in his heart: Not bad, those sharing sharing eyes, but even if you see through my illusion, it's already too late.

Here, Raikage and Darui directly attacked Sasuke under Xi's cover.

One left and one right, heavy punches and big knives, double attack, attack quickly!

Even Zhongwu next to him was not included in the attack target.

It's Sasuke! ! !

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