Sakura understood Xiang Lu's words, thought about it, and felt that Xiang Lu's words made sense.

Xiang Ling saw that Sakura seemed to understand what he said, so he continued to look at Sakura and said: "Well, after we finish washing the dishes, I will take a shower first, and then you can talk to Sasuke and wait for me to wash." After you finish, you can wash it again, you know!"

"When you go to take a shower, I will take the initiative, and then you can come out after a while. Be generous and join me directly. In this way, if we attack together, we can definitely defeat Sasuke!"

Sakura let out a surprised sound when she heard Xiang Lian say that they wanted to come together.

Seeing Xiao Ying's blushing look, Xiang Ling disapproved and said, "Oh, it's true. Look at you, we are all sisters from now on, what are we afraid of!"

Seeing Xiang Lian say this, Xiao Ying had no choice but to nod.

Compared to Xiang Lian, Sakura is much more conservative. Xiang Lian doesn't think there is anything shy or outgoing about this. She is thinking about things later.

Sakura, on the other hand, had already imagined the embarrassing scenes that might happen soon in her mind.

Here, the dishes have been washed.

After cleaning up, Xiang Lian went to the bathroom to take a shower, then pulled Sakura and said: "Sakura, you talk to Sasuke first, I'll take a shower, see you later!"

Saying that, Xiang Lian gave Sakura a look.

Sakura nodded shyly, and then went to find Sasuke. Xianglin took a change of clothes, and then said to Sasuke: "Sasuke, I'm going to take a shower first. You and Sakura can talk."

Here, Sasuke nodded, put down the kettle for watering the flowers, and then sat on the sofa with Sakura.

"Sakura, what happened today is embarrassing for you!"

Sasuke looked at Sakura and said, Sakura shook her head and said: "No! It's not difficult. In fact, it's just that I can't let go. And, Sasuke-kun, you also know that I have liked you since I was a child. Being able to do this with you, It’s something I’ve always thought about, and even dreamed about!”

Sakura became more and more shy as she spoke, and her voice became softer and softer.

It's no wonder that Sakura speaks from her own heart. Which girl in this world doesn't have a child?

Sasuke smiled. He knew that Sakura liked him. After all, his popularity in school was exactly the same as that of his brother Itachi when he was a child. No little girl would not be confused when seeing him.

As for their group of Twelve Little Strong, apart from Sakura, Ino also liked him very much, and even competed with Sakura for him when they were young.

Tiantian, I can’t say I like it, but I definitely don’t hate it.

There is no way, who calls me so handsome?

Sasuke suddenly thought of something, looked at Sakura and asked: "By the way, Sakura, has Naruto told you about the two of us, about our future!"

When Sakura heard Sasuke ask this, she nodded and said, "Naruto told me that we were destined to be a couple, and that... we would have a daughter in the future."

Sasuke nodded and said: "Yes. Naruto said this is a destined fact. In this case, we have already cooked the rice. When we find a chance, I will ask my parents to go to your house to propose marriage, and then Like Naruto, we are also getting married, do you have any problems."

Sakura was shocked by Sasuke being so direct, and was speechless for a moment.

Sasuke saw Sakura stunned for a moment and asked in confusion: "What's wrong? Sakura, do you think there is something wrong?"

Sakura waved her hands quickly and said: "No, no, no, I have no problem, I can do it! Hehe."

Sakura giggled, suddenly feeling that happiness came too suddenly.

After a second thought, Sakura looked back at the bathroom, then looked at Sasuke and asked, "What about the phosphorus?"

Sasuke pondered for a moment, and then said: "I may have to aggrieve you on this point and convince your parents. I want you to marry me together on the same day, so as not to have another ceremony, which is more cumbersome. I don't know, Sakura, do you suggest it? suggestion."

Sakura thought deeply: "Now that we are all like this, I definitely don't recommend it. My parents and other people in the village may have some opinions and remarks!"

Sasuke nodded and said, "That's true."

Sakura smiled and said, "But don't worry, Sasuke-kun, I can take care of my parents, including my relatives, I can persuade them, there's no problem."

Sasuke looked at Sakura with moving eyes and said, "Trouble, Sakura!"

Sakura was attracted by Sasuke's look. She stood up and sat on Sasuke's lap. She held Sasuke's head and leaned it against her chest. She said softly, "It's okay. As long as it's for Sasuke-kun, I'll do it."

Sasuke smiled slightly and hugged Sakura.

The two of them were having a sweet moment, when there was a sound, the bathroom door was opened, and Xiang Ling came out wrapped in a bath towel after taking a bath.

"Wow! It's so comfortable to take a hot bath. Hey! You two are having a sweet time!"

Xianglan walked out with a smile. When Sakura saw this, she immediately got up from Sasuke's lap. Xianglan smiled and said: "Sakura, what are you doing? Sit down in a big way. Why are you doing it like stealing? Really?" !”

"By the way, Sakura, do you want to take a shower? I also brought you a change of clothes and put them in the bathroom!"

Hearing this, Sakura nodded, glanced at Sasuke, then got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

In the living room, only Kaoru and Sasuke were left.

Xiang Ling was wrapped in a bath towel and saw Sakura going to the bathroom to take a shower. She smiled evilly at Sasuke, then walked over, pulling Sasuke towards the room.

Sasuke: "What are you doing?"

Xiang Ling remained silent: "Keep your voice down!"

Xiang Ling pulled Sasuke and went directly into the room. After closing the door, he heard the sound of humming.

Here, in the bathroom, Sakura was taking a shower. After washing, she dried her body. When she saw the bath towel Xiang Lu prepared for herself, Sakura wrapped herself in the bath towel and walked out of the bathroom.

Look up, huh? Where are Karin and Sasuke?

Sakura walked out and saw that there was no one in the living room. She was about to go to the room to have a look. But as soon as she reached the door of the room, she heard a humming sound. Sakura frowned and leaned closer to listen.

The sound inside, this is...

Sakura's heartbeat quickened. She slowly opened the door and looked inside. Sure enough, she was really...

Thinking of what Xiang Ling said to her when she was washing the dishes, Sakura took a deep breath and exhaled, then opened the door generously and walked in.

"Sorry, maybe I came at the wrong time."

Xiang Ling smiled slightly and said: "No! Xiao Ying, you came at the right time!"

Sasuke: "What are you doing???"

Sakura smiled slightly and closed the door.

With a bang, the door was closed, and then another humming sound came from inside.

[There are details in the room, but I forgot to write them down. 】

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