Nine Tails drew a long waterway on the water surface, and its huge body stirred up a huge water wave.

The whole body was lying on its back, even the tail was blasted apart by the spiral wind!

Four on the left and five on the right.

Namikaze Minato swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked at Naruto in front of him, very shocked.

He even learned his own Flying Thunder God!

Moreover, the note just now:

Receive, transform, send.

Played quite beautifully!

To some extent, my demeanor back then is worthy of being my father's big brother!

For a while, because Naruto had no scruples about unlocking the Nine-Tails seal, Minato temporarily forgot about it.

"Yaoxi! Next, it's tug-of-war!"

With that said, Naruto touched his fist and used his own Chakra.

Suddenly, behind Naruto, a phantom of his own portrait appeared, which was formed by the condensation of his own chakra.

Kyuubi doesn't cooperate, and I want to use Kyuubi Chakra, what should I do?

That can only be the same as in the previous life, first beat Nine Tails, grab it, and then talk, wait until later, and then coax slowly.

After all, in the previous life, Naruto coaxed him here as well.

Naruto came to one of Kyuubi's tails, and the phantom Naruto behind him stepped forward, grabbing Kyuubi's tail with both hands, and Naruto stepped back. Suddenly, a large piece of blue Nine-Tails chakra was caught by the phantom Naruto. People were pulled out.

Namikaze Minato was shocked, he finally understood why Naruto had to open all the seals.

For a long time, my son wants to strip the Nine-Tails Chakra for his own use!

All right, kid!

The process was faster than I expected, and my heart was not even affected, so I went directly to practice the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode.

Minato came to Naruto, looked at Kyuubi, and said cautiously: "Naruto! Taking advantage of Kyuubi's weakness, pull its chakra outward!"

Naruto gritted his teeth and nodded, "I know."

Minato is also anxious, because when he was alive, he also heard from his wife Kushina about the use of the Kyuubi Chakra.

Kushina said that capturing Nine-Tails Chakra is like a tug-of-war, whoever wins can use Nine-Tails Chakra.

At the time, he didn't know much about it, but seeing Naruto like this now, he understands it thoroughly.

"Come on, Naruto!" Namikaze Minato was on the side, cheering on his son.

Kyuubi stood up tremblingly, looking at Naruto, who was actually pulling his chakra.

Apart from being angry, I was also somewhat disdainful, so...

While Naruto was pulling on Nine-Tails' Chakra, Nine-Tails was releasing his hatred to Naruto.

The red and black Nine-Tails Chakra oozes from Nine-Tails' tail, and spreads rapidly along the blue Chakra strip pulled by Nine-Tails Naruto, like a snake, directly infecting Nine-Tails Naruto until it is completely wrapped !

Afterwards, there was a long sound of hatred in Naruto's ear.

"I hate it, I'm in so much pain, I want to kill you!"

Naruto narrowed his eyes slightly, but he didn't resist, and chose to let go of his heart and let this hatred come in!

As a result, he instantly felt that he had entered a hell, where there were countless ghost heads floating around, sobbing and shouting in his ears!

"If only there wasn't that guy, if only there wasn't that guy!"

Naruto covered his head and gasped, "Kyuubi guy!!!"

Putting on the chakra connection belt, the phantom Naruto slowly flowed out from Naruto's body, dragged by the evil chakra of the Nine Tails, getting farther and farther away from Naruto's body!

Namikaze Minato shouted in shock: "Oops! Naruto, cheer up, don't admit defeat!"

Seeing this, Kyuubi said sarcastically, "It's my fault that I didn't fully believe in you, hum! In the future, you can't even control my power, so why talk to me!"

Minato looked at Kyuubi in shock. From what it said, Minato learned that Naruto must have talked to Kyuubi before this, and the content of the discussion seemed to be some extraordinary things.

Naruto squatted on the ground, because of the interference of the Nine Tails, the Senju Chakra was unstable, and the orange sage logo at the corner of his eyes faded.

He snorted coldly, looked at Jiuwei and said, "Don't get too complacent, Jiu Trumpet!"

Minato squatted beside Naruto, and asked with concern: "Are you okay, Naruto, or I'll close the seal."

Naruto gritted his teeth, waved his hand and said, "No! Dad, leave me alone, really! Believe me, after a certain amount of time, Mom will come out."

Namikaze Minato raised his body in surprise, looked at Naruto in front of him, he seemed to have thought of something, and asked in shock: "Naruto, did you mean it..."

Naruto raised his head with difficulty, his forehead was covered with sweat, and he smiled and said, "Ah! No way, mom's Chakra, how did you come out?"

Kyuubi looked at the two father and son and didn't know what to mutter, so he said, "Don't waste your efforts, Naruto, the fourth generation! You are just a small part of my hatred. In my chakra, there is a long The endless hatred in the years can be endured by this little brat!"

Naruto panted heavily, allowing the evil chakra of the Nine Tails to come in.

In a trance, he seemed to have returned to his childhood.

"That's it, disappear!"

"No one will agree with you."

The young Naruto stood there alone, a group of indifferent people stood in front of the young Naruto, and they kept chanting:

"Go away, go away, go away, go away."

Naruto covered his head and roared angrily, "It's so noisy!"

Namikaze Minato was shocked, and shouted eagerly: "Naruto! Hold on."

As a result, one of Naruto's eyes was completely evil and completely red.

"Disappear, let me all disappear!"

Because he completely let go of his mind, Naruto was completely affected and roared loudly.

At this time, a gentle voice sounded.

"No, just stay here."

Naruto's frowning brows relaxed, his uneasiness disappeared, and his eyes opened.

As soon as I saw it, I saw a gentle woman with red hair, a hairpin pinned, and a green suspenders standing in front of me.

Call out your name kindly.


Naruto saw the person in front of him clearly, and his eyes couldn't stop crying.

Hahaha, I finally met my mother.

Kushina looked at Naruto and said happily, "Naruto, come and guess, I'm yours..."


Naruto jumped into Kushina at once, and then cried loudly.

Kushina was a little taken aback, Naruto actually recognized him at a glance.

Afterwards, Kushina hugged Naruto tenderly, stroked Naruto's back slowly, and said softly: "Oh, don't cry, don't cry, have you suffered a lot of grievances, don't cry, don't cry... ..."

As soon as this comforting word was said, Naruto's tears were like a flood that opened the gate, and it couldn't be stopped at all!

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