Naruto: Rebirth of Naruto, save Jiraiya at the beginning

Chapter 423 Preparations Before Departure

Datong Musheren.

Living on the moon, I want to find the Byakugan princess, Hinata, get married, get the Byakugan, and transform into the reincarnated eye!

Because he misinterpreted Hagoromo's destiny, he believed that only by destroying the earth and completely annihilating it could peace be truly achieved!

In his previous life, he had just confessed his love to Hinata. In order to go back with Toneri and destroy the Tsangseigan, Hinata left Naruto behind without saying a word!

This made Naruto very hurt, but fortunately Sakura's enlightenment brought him back to his senses.

Yes, Hinata likes her so much, how could she be willing to leave with Toneri? There must be a reason!

That's why Naruto hit the moon.

Because of this, Hinata and Toneri had a period of time alone together on the moon that Naruto didn't know about!

And coincidentally, his son Boruto later awakened the Pure Eye! ! !


This is very thought-provoking.

However, when she had sex with Hinata in her previous life, Hinata was indeed a little girl, and according to Naruto's understanding of Hinata.

Even if Hinata dies, she won't give in.

But it’s unclear what Shiren is doing!

Of course, Sheren is not that kind of person either.

However, in order to avoid such rumors, Naruto was determined not to let Toneri come into contact with Hinata this time! ! !

Completely cut off this possibility.

Even if Boruto really awakens his eyes in the future, it will be a natural awakening.

After all, he also has the bloodline power of the Sage of Six Paths, and Hinata is also from the Hyuga clan, so it is normal to awaken the Pure Eye!

Therefore, if Toneri cannot talk about this trip to the moon, Naruto will just start a fight!

The power Naruto controls now is much easier than defeating Toneri in his previous life!

Just do it!

Toneri, for some unknown reason, spied on Konoha in advance. He must be looking for Byakugan. As he spoke, Naruto looked at Hanabi.

In the last life, Hanabi's Byakugan was taken away by Toneri!

Thinking of this, Naruto gave Hanabi a Flying Thunder God mark!

"Hanabi, if you are in danger, inject your chakra into this mark on your arm. I will sense it immediately and come to you, you know!"

Hanabi looked at the mark on her arm and knew it was the Flying Thunder God. Thinking that Brother Naruto valued her so much, she nodded happily.

Hanabi is still a teenager at this moment, and she still admires Naruto, the big brother who ended the great ninja war.

After doing all this, Naruto left the Hyuga clan with Hinata and Hanabi.

Taking them with you is a better choice now.

Naruto Office.

Naruto stood in front of Tsunade and said: "Grandma Tsunade, please protect Hinata and Hanabi when I leave. I am going to the moon!"

As soon as Naruto said this, Shizune, Jiraiya, Shikaku, and Kakashi all looked surprised.

Because of Naruto's request, Tsunade convened a high-level meeting of Hokage.

Jiraiya frowned and said, "Naruto, is there something above the moon? I need you to go there."

Naruto nodded and said: "Yes, there is a member of the Otsutsuki clan on the moon, called Toneri. This guy will use the reincarnation eye on the moon to destroy the earth. I think everyone will be able to observe the moon in the near future. It’s constantly getting closer to the Earth!”

Lu Jiu frowned, then looked at everyone and said, "Excuse me."

Naruto didn't stop him, he knew that Uncle Shikaku should have gone to investigate.

Kakashi came here specially because he had a meeting.

Shisui and Itachi have almost handed over the matter of the coalition forces. It just so happens that they come here to report together this time.

"Naruto, just tell me, do what you want!"

Regarding Naruto, Kakashi basically didn't have any opinions. He witnessed that Naruto was a prophet, so they just had to do what Naruto told them!

Naruto nodded and said: "Please Kakashi-sensei, please also inform Shisui and Itachi to come back and guard Hinata and Hanabi! Oh, by the way, the Hyuga clan will pay special attention to them!"

"Toneri above the moon has no eyes, so he needs a new pair of Byakugan!"

Kakashi frowned, "This sounds a bit like the Uchiha clan!"

Naruto smiled. He understood what Mr. Kakashi meant. After all, in the ninja world, there are too many scenes where the Uchiha clan buttons eyes and presses them directly. Due to the strict bloodline protection mechanism of the Hyuga clan, this situation is rare!

The only exception is Uncle Qing of Kirigakure, who has a Byakugan.

"Anyway, while I'm away, the village's vigilance has been increased to protect those with Byakugan in the village, especially Hinata and Hanabi!"

Jiraiya stood up and said: "Naruto, don't worry, your master and I will bet on the name of the Sannin that I will lead the Hokage ANBU to protect Hinata and Hanabi, so don't worry!"

Kakashi also spoke up: "The handover of the coalition's training mission is almost over. Shisui and Itachi are also familiar with each other. It's okay to leave for a while. I will notify them to come back and guard Hinata and Hanabi!" "

Tsunade put her hands on the Hokage's desk and smiled: "Naruto, I will also follow your instructions and raise the village's defense level as a wartime state!"

Shizune hugged the little pig and smiled and said: "Of course, other villages will definitely send inquiries! If they find out that it is Naruto who wants to do this, they will definitely send people over to protect Konoha!"

Everyone laughed when they heard Shizune say this.

Indeed, if Naruto says he wants to protect someone, other villages will definitely send high-end combat forces to protect him, especially Gaara, who will definitely bear the brunt!

With a creak, the door was pushed open, and Shikaku walked in, looked at everyone, and said with a serious face: "Lord Hokage, Lord Jiraiya, what Naruto said is right, I just checked, the moon is indeed the closest , keep getting closer to the earth!"

As soon as these words came out, it was considered to verify what Naruto just said.

Naruto said in a deep voice: "Come on, Toneri has taken action!"

Hearing this, Jiraiya looked at Kakashi and said, "Kakashi, go over immediately and call Shisui and Itachi over."

Kakashi nodded: "I understand!"

With that said, Kakashi patted Naruto on the shoulder and went out directly.

Tsunade also stood up, "Shizune!"

Mute: "Master Tsunade!"

"Please inform me that from now on, the defense level of Hokage Village will be raised to the highest level!"

Mute: "Yes!"

Saying that, Shizune also went out!

Hinata and Hanabi were standing behind Naruto. They were both very moved when they saw Naruto making such a big move for them!

For a moment, it felt like everyone was protecting them.

Jiraiya looked at Naruto and said, "Naruto, do you plan to go alone this time?"

Naruto smiled and said: "No, I will take Sasuke with me. Together with him, there is basically no enemy that cannot be defeated. Toneri is not strong enough to fight against Sasuke and me!"

Once he heard that Sasuke was going too, Jiraiya knew there was no need to worry.

Naruto and Sasuke have the highest fighting power in the world. If they act together, there is no point in adding others.

After making sure, Naruto comforted Hinata and then went to find Sasuke!

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