Naruto: Rebirth of Naruto, save Jiraiya at the beginning

Chapter 395 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

There were so many Uchiha clan members present, which really made Naruto feel confused.

Sasuke sighed and said: "After you left, some Uchiha clan members came to visit the grave and found that I dug this place, so they were very angry!"

Naruto was surprised: "You didn't tell them that we were here to resurrect these people!"

Sasuke snorted coldly: "I told you, but these people didn't believe it, and they even took the initiative to go back to the clan to call people, and kept making noise here!"

Just as he was talking, Uchiha Fugaku and Mikoto also came, and Itachi and Shisui also appeared here.

"Mom, Dad, Brother, Brother Shisui, you are here."

Seeing his family coming over, Sasuke changed his cold tone.

Fugaku nodded, and then looked at the graves at the scene. There were bones everywhere. Fugaku looked at the tribesmen who came to condemn and said: "Everyone, be quiet. I heard about it on the way here. Sasuke also wanted to fulfill his previous promise. Promise, that's why we dug up the graves of our relatives, look at Naruto is also around, so please don't be impatient and trust Sasuke!"

Naruto also stood up, looked at everyone and said: "Yes, everyone, Sasuke told me about this matter many times in order to resurrect your relatives. Moreover, this time I took Kabuto and went to capture Bai Zetsu myself. , the next step is to resurrect your relatives!"

The Uchiha people present heard this and became quiet.

Naruto and Kabuto had not seen each other before, so they were very angry about Sasuke's behavior. After all, there was no discussion on who dug the graves of their relatives.

But when they saw Naruto's appearance, accompanied by a small mountain of White Zetsu next to him, they believed it.

Sasuke was really here to fulfill his promise, to resurrect their loved ones.

As a result, the Uchiha people present changed their words.

"Haha, Sasuke, I'm sorry, I blamed you wrongly!"

"Yes, young master, clan leader, I'm so sorry!"

"Forgive me, Sasuke, we are excited too."

Of course, some were still angry and said: "Humph! His brother Itachi killed all members of our clan. Now his brother has resurrected us. Isn't it right? Why should we apologize?"

"That's right, he deserves to be scolded a few times. Why should we apologize?"

"That's right!"

Seeing this scene, Sasuke glared, looked at the person in front of him coldly and said, "If there are still people who have objections to my brother, then just stand up. How about I not resurrect his family? This choice is fair!"

"Moreover, now that I am a living Uchiha clan member, I will expel you in the name of the Uchiha clan!"

As soon as these words came out, the opposing Uchiha clan members showed surprise.

Someone resisted: "Why! Who are you? You dare to expel our clan's clan membership!"

"That's right, Clan Chief Fugaku is still here, why do you do that!"

"That's right, I really didn't expect that you would be so vicious. You would deal with those who oppose you like this. You are indeed as cruel as your brother!"

When Sasuke heard this, his kaleidoscope turned.

Itachi sensed something was wrong immediately and hurriedly shouted: "Sasuke, no!"

Unfortunately, it's too late.


Locking on the target directly, Amaterasu burned it directly.

"Ah ah ah..."

The tribesman who screamed the loudest was instantly filled with screams.

Since he was reincarnated from the dirty soil, he couldn't feel pain, but the black flames projected by Amaterasu were eternal flames that could burn even his soul!

At this moment, this man was screaming because his soul was burned.

"Ah ah ah, help, help me!"

The young man covered in black flames roared everywhere, reaching out with claws and teeth, trying to seek help from the people around him, hoping to save him.

It's a pity that these people are not stupid and they all give way.

"This is!!!"

"It's black flame, Amaterasu's art!"

"A ninjutsu of the Uchiha clan that can only be activated by the Mangekyou Sharingan!"

"It's so scary. Legend has it that the black flame can burn through everything and will never go out. It won't go out until the burning material is gone!"

"Doesn't that mean that we immortals will also be burned to death!"

"More than that, my soul may be burned away and I will never be reincarnated!"

The Uchiha clan members were talking a lot, and the fear in their eyes was undeniable.

Although these people have opened the Sharingan, there are only a few people in the clan who have opened the Mangekyo Sharingan!

Sasuke stared at the person in front of him, the cruelty in his eyes was not fake.

Naruto watched from the side. At this moment, Naruto felt that Sasuke's eyes were the same as when he was fighting against him in his previous life!

Itachi came to Sasuke and looked at the howling man on the ground. Itachi advised: "Sasuke, stop!"

Sasuke said coldly: "I don't like to hear different voices. At least at this moment, I have given them many opportunities. I can resurrect them or kill them completely!"

Sasuke's speech at this moment completely silenced those opposing voices.

Someone cautiously tested and said: "After all, we are members of the same clan. Such methods may be too arbitrary..."

"Yes, you are not a clan member yet, so this is appropriate!"

Sasuke snorted coldly, put his hand on Naruto next to him, and said seriously: "This is Naruto. You must have gotten to know him more or less these days. In the future, he will be the Hokage. Based on my relationship with him, It is not difficult at all for him to appoint me as the leader of the Uchiha clan, so I can completely eliminate your clan identity!"

"Secondly, Naruto and I both inherited power from the Sage of Six Paths. In other words, in this world, only Naruto and I are the most powerful. The reason why I give you a chance is entirely to give Naruto face! "

"If I don't give you face, I won't talk like this. I will just cut off all ties and execute my will!"

"I've finished speaking. Who agrees and who opposes!"

Sasuke's kaleidoscope eye, samsara eye, and terrifying eye power made the Uchiha clan members present dare not look at him at all.

Just kidding, in the previous life, all the tailed beasts were immobilized with just one glance. With such eye power, who would dare to surrender!

So no one dared to speak.

Itachi looked at the clan members who were still burning on the ground, looked at Sasuke and said: "Sasuke, give me another chance, after all..."

Itachi hesitated to speak. Sasuke looked at his brother Itachi and laughed at himself: "Brother, you are really cruel when you are cruel, and you are really merciful when you show mercy. In fact, you are a very gentle person, but for this damn thing The village, this terrible clan, has become like this!"

Itachi was silent.

Sasuke looked in front of his brother and once again used the kaleidoscope to aim at the burning man and extinguish the black flames!

The people present were astonished. It turned out that the kaleidoscope could not only release Amaterasu, but also extinguish the black flames. It was really shocking.

The man had been burned black. Since he was not completely burned to death, the body of the reincarnated body of the dirty land began to recover again, but it seemed that the soul might have been burned a lot, and even if it recovered, it might not be normal.

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