Naruto: Rebirth of Naruto, save Jiraiya at the beginning

Chapter 354 The confrontation between Tobirama and Madara.

Tobirama was very angry, he really didn't expect that his eldest brother Hashirama was so partial to Madara and Izuna.

Yes, he did it on purpose at the time, just to tell Madara outside the window, but he was wrong. The Uchiha clan is a clan that attaches great importance to feelings. Once it is lost, it is very likely to go berserk!

I don’t know what my eldest brother thinks about letting Madara become the village chief.

Maybe the village that was finally built will be destroyed by then.

Therefore, Tobirama believed that he was not wrong, nor did he feel that his subsequent policy towards Uchiha was wrong. He believed that everything he did was for the village.

Depressed, Tobirama walked under a tree, then sighed and sat down, looking at the sunset on the horizon with some loneliness.


Why don't you understand my painstaking efforts?

While he was feeling depressed, Madara came over.

Perhaps because Hashirama affected Tobirama's mood, Tobirama didn't notice Madara's arrival, and he didn't notice until Madara approached him.


Madara flashed over, "It's me, Tobirama."

Tobirama didn't stand up, but narrowed his eyes and said, "Madara! What are you doing here?"

Madara smiled slightly, then walked to Tobirama and sat down.

Tobirama looked at Madara like this, as if he wanted to see through this man.

To be honest, this is the first time that two people have been alone together like this since they met each other. Because each other's clans are hostile to each other, everyone is fighting when they meet, and there are many people around them.

Later, when the village was peacefully established, because of Izuna's death, it became even more impossible for Tobirama and Madara to meet alone. Hashirama was usually present.

Tobirama looked at Madara and snorted coldly: "What are you doing here?"

Madara looked at the sunset in the distance and said, "Come here and have a chat with you."

Tobirama seemed to have heard some joke, "You! Madara! Want to talk to me? I heard you right!"

Madara turned to look at Tobirama, nodded seriously and said, "You heard me right, I just came here to talk to you."

Tobirama chuckled, then turned around meaningfully, looked at Madara and asked, "Okay, tell me, why did you come to me to talk?"

Madara looked at Tobirama and said: "Tobirama, I know that you have always been prejudiced against the Uchiha clan, so the reason I came here this time is to talk to you about why you are so hostile to Uchiha!"

Tobirama snorted coldly and said: "Sorry, I have no prejudice against the Uchiha clan. I'm just talking about the matter, Madara! You should understand that you used to be a very cheerful and communicative person. Think about it for yourself, Izumi What became of you after Nai died!"

"The whole person is extremely dark, and the attack on the Thousand Hands clan is even stronger."

Madara took a deep breath and exhaled: "I admit this, but you can't blame me. Izuna is my last brother. I lost my last hope. If it were Hashirama, if I lose you, do you think your elder brother can Calm down!"

Speaking of this, Tobirama said very confidently: "Don't quibble with Madara, if I die, my elder brother will not turn into a black man like you!"

"You Uchiha clan are originally a clan that attaches great importance to emotions. I know this better than any of you Uchiha clan members! That's why I pay special attention to you Uchiha, even out of worry and precaution!"

"Why do you think I let the Uchiha clan serve as the Konoha Security Department? Orochimaru said that I wanted to make the people in the village hostile to you and alienate the people in the village!"

"I admit that this was one of my purposes at the time, but the most important thing was to list the Uchiha clan as the Konoha Security Department, so that your clansmen would rarely participate in external defense wars!!!"

Speaking of this, Tobirama's voice was loud and he looked at Madara and said: "What do you think I am thinking? In order to prevent you Uchiha clan from dying less, because I know that once the Uchiha clan loses the person they love most, , I don’t know what will happen!”

Speaking of this, Tobirama said excitedly: "Why do you think that in the Fugaku era, there were so many Uchiha clan members, so many that even the top leaders of Konoha had to worry and be vigilant!"

"Not most of the combatants are in the Konoha Security Department, only a few elites are in the ANBU and the defense department!"

"There are very few people who die like this, and the number of people in the tribe is increasing steadily."

Tobirama snorted coldly, looked at the sunset in the distance and said, "I also admit that during the Sarutobi era, Konoha's top management did have problems with Uchiha's management!"

"However, that is not Sarutobi's fault. After all, the external environment faced by Konoha at that time was very complicated, and the power in the village was also very complicated. In addition, there is no key figure in your clan who can calm the relationship between the clan and the village! "

Speaking of this, Tobirama said with great regret: "The only Shisui and Itachi were too young at the time and had insufficient qualifications to directly participate in politics and form the top management of Konoha like Uchiha Kagami!"

Tobirama looked at Madara and said: "Don't think that because I am hostile to Uchiha, I don't trust Uchiha. Uchiha Mirror is very good. He is a subordinate who I admire and trust very much. He has a very big picture view. When I was in power, he was stupid. One of the top leaders of Ye!"

Tobirama sighed and said: "It's a pity. I heard Sarutobi say that Kagami died too early. Not long after I died, he also passed away. If he had lived, the Uchiha clan would never have been exterminated!"

After saying that, Tobirama said with emotion: "My eldest brother feels that I have always been in debt to you for killing your brother, so when he was here, you also saw how he took care of the Uchiha clan. As a result, your clan turned against you in the end. ”

"You Uchiha didn't kill my relatives, Wasn't Wama, Itama, all died at the hands of your clan? Did my eldest brother turn dark? My Senju clan counterattacked!"

"It's funny, Tsunade is the only one left in Konoha now, and the Senju clan is almost gone."

After Madara listened to all of Tobirama's statements, some of the questions trapped in his heart were answered at this moment.

Madara smiled. In a way, Tobirama and Hashirama were really alike. They both gave their all for the village in their hearts.

"Tobirama, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you."

Madara's sudden apology made Tobirama instantly feel uneasy, as if he was crawling like an ant.

Tobirama looked at Madara and said, "No, why don't you go back to your former unruly self?"

Madara laughed, then looked at Tobirama and said: "Tobirama, I understand your way of governing, but you must also admit that some of your actions have indeed accelerated the Uchiha clan's darkening!"

Tobirama thought about his subordinates and some of Danzo's tricks, and couldn't help but sigh: "I don't want to, but for the sake of the village, there is no other way."

Madara looked at Tobirama and said, "My brother Izuna has come back. I think we should let go of the hatred between us!"

"Tobirama, look into my eyes and say with conscience, weren't there any selfish intentions in those words you deliberately said when I was outside the window?"

"Are you afraid that I will care about Izumi and target you after becoming Hokage?"

Faced with Madara's question, Tobirama was silent for several seconds.

Yes, Tobirama had selfish motives back then.

Seeing Tobirama's silence, Madara smiled in relief, stood up and said, "Tobirama, after experiencing all this, I have completely opened my eyes. The world now has become a world that Hashirama and I never dared to imagine before. I think the grudges between us should be put aside, after all, your clan and mine are about to disappear from this world now!"

Madara stretched out his hand, looked at Tobirama and said, "Tobirama, go back. You should understand that the person your brother loves most is you."

Tobirama looked at Madara's outstretched hand. After a few seconds of silence, Tobirama stretched out his hand.

Madara pulled Tobirama up, and the two men looked at each other and smiled in relief.

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