Sakura was a little confused.

She really didn't expect that just after the Ninja War ended, while she was still busy with the tasks assigned to her by Tsunade-sama, Naruto would come and kiss her!

Just say kiss, and the baby will begin immediately.

It’s not that she doesn’t understand, it’s just that things are changing so quickly!

However, although Sakura is a love brain, she still asked for key information.

"Naruto, what you came to ask me about this time was Sasuke's instruction to come here?"

Naruto shook his head and said: "No, I came here to find you myself. You also know that Sasuke has such a character and temper. How could he come to me to talk about this!"

Hearing Naruto's words, Sakura was very disappointed. She originally thought it was Sasuke who asked Naruto to come over to talk to her about this matter. If it was Sasuke who called him, then she would have no objection to getting married now and having children in the bridal chamber. of!

However, it wasn't Sasuke who called it, which made her a little sad.

After all, this means that the possibility of Sasuke liking him is still as small as before.

So, Sakura looked at Naruto angrily and asked, "Sasuke didn't call me, why did you come to me to talk about this matter?"

Naruto explained: "This is the case. Sasuke wanted to revitalize the Uchiha clan. To this end, he began to prepare to collect the corpses or blood of the Uchiha clan in the past, and wanted to use the six-path natural reincarnation technique to resurrect the clan members!"

Sakura covered her mouth and said in surprise: "What? Sasuke actually wants to resurrect his tribe!"

Naruto nodded and said: "Yes. You can't blame him for this. During the war, I talked to him on this condition for this purpose, and he accepted it, so after the war, he has been thinking about this matter. "

"I have no objection, but I am more inclined to marry Sasuke and reproduce offspring. After all, how can resurrection be more meaningful than having children!"

"Besides, I'm not sure whether the arrival of the Otsutsuki clan will be earlier due to changes in the situation. Therefore, I think it would be better for Sasuke and you to get married and have children sooner!"

Speaking of this, Naruto took a deep breath and exhaled. In fact, he was also planning to marry Hinata in advance after arranging things in the village.

When Sakura heard what Naruto said, she somewhat understood what he meant by coming to talk to her.

Naruto continued: "Sakura, I think, since you really love Sasuke, and in the future, you and Sasuke will also really love each other, it is understandable to get married and have children earlier, but you also know Sasuke, I think You have to take the initiative in this matter!"

Hearing Naruto giving advice on her relationship, Sakura nodded and had no objection.

After a few seconds of silence, Sakura looked at Naruto and asked, "Naruto, I want to know when did you start not liking me!"

When asked this sentence, Naruto was obviously stunned for a moment.

"Why are you asking me this all of a sudden!"

Sakura shrugged her shoulders, looked at Naruto and said: "Because of curiosity, after all, you in this life are not the previous life, and I don't know why you didn't like me in the previous life, but at least in this life, I understand that after waking up from the forest You are no longer who you are in this life. You know that Hinata will be your wife in the future, so you confess your love to her directly, right?"

Naruto nodded.

Sakura smiled, then looked at Naruto and asked: "Naruto, can you tell me when you didn't like me in your previous life?"

Naruto looked at Sakura, pretended to smile, and said to relieve his embarrassment: "Why do you want to know this!"

Sakura crossed her arms and curled her lips: "A person has always liked you, and suddenly one day he doesn't like you anymore. Aren't you curious?"

Naruto thought for a while and said thoughtfully: "That makes sense, okay, I'll tell you about it!"

With that said, Naruto sat down, and Sakura also sat next to Naruto, listening to what Naruto had to say.

Memories are like a jar of old wine. Once opened, the charming aroma of wine blooms, making people intoxicated and addicted. Naruto scratched his head and said with some surprise: "Oh, where should I start? Okay, let's start with That mission begins!”

So, when Naruto told him about going to explore the moon, and finally when Hinata confessed to him, Sakura listened and watched Naruto tell it!

Naruto would talk anxiously for a while, then smile and describe how Hinata and himself escaped, and even the final scene of him kissing Hinata under the moon.

I don't know why, just listening to Naruto's words, Sakura can imagine Naruto's happiness at that time, and Hinata's smile.

Yes, she also knew that Hinata liked Naruto. Not only did she know, but the Twelve Xiaoqiang also knew, including Teacher Hong.

After all, when Hinata was a child, she would blush whenever she saw Naruto, and it would be even worse if she got closer, and she would faint immediately!

But ever since Naruto confessed his love to Hinata and kissed her forcefully, Hinata no longer has this problem.

After Naruto finished speaking, Sakura smiled enviously.

"so good!"

Sakura took a deep breath, exhaled, and murmured: "Naruto, I really envy Hinata. In the end, she waited for the person she likes. Moreover, I know you Naruto. Once you know Hinata's love for you, you I love Hinata 100% too, right!"

Naruto was stunned for a moment, then nodded seriously.

Sakura smiled, then looked up at the sky, and asked intentionally or unintentionally: "Naruto, future Sasuke, do you love me?"

Naruto thought for a while, then said: "My love, if Sasuke doesn't love you, he won't marry you!"

Hearing Naruto's answer, Sakura took a deep breath, as if she had received the greatest encouragement.

Then, Sakura looked at Naruto and said, "Okay! Now I understand why you don't like me all of a sudden. Hinata is indeed more worthy of being liked than me. After all, she truly loves you!"

Naruto nodded. In fact, he had not yet said that in his previous life, Payne, controlled by Nagato, attacked Konoha. That was Hinata's first confession to him!

Hinata came to save herself alone, but was later injured by Tendo.

Seeing this scene, Naruto completely went berserk for the first time. If it weren't for his father's fourth generation seal, the Kyuubi would have come out directly.

Naruto looked at Sakura and comforted him: "Sakura, you will also have Sasuke's love, but now, you have to take the initiative and pursue Sasuke!"

"Oh! By the way, I have something to discuss with you."

Sakura hummed, "You tell me."

Naruto scratched his head and said: "You also know that Sasuke has been liked by people since he was a child. By the way, at this point, I have always had a question, what is it about this boy that attracts you? You girls have liked him since you were a child!"

To be honest, this doubt has troubled Naruto for a long time.

Sakura covered her mouth and smiled foolishly: "Hahaha, Naruto, you are jealous of Sasuke!"

Naruto crossed his arms and hummed.

Sakura suppressed her smile and replied: "How should I put it? Sasuke, as you know, is very handsome and very cold. He often sits there alone and is silent!"

"And when a woman comes out to say hello, Sasuke always ignores her!"

"You know, we little girls have no resistance to this kind of handsome boy who is determined to die and is silent!"

"Besides, Sasuke had good grades when he was a kid and was a top student. Of course we looked up to him!"

Even now, when Naruto heard Sakura praising Sasuke like this, he still gritted his teeth in anger.


How could I not be as good as Sasuke when I was a child?

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