When Obito put on the mask and accepted everything that Madara gave him before he died, he planned to completely cut off the name called Obito!

Therefore, Obito crazily denied this world, slandered this world, and even said that this world is hopeless, and there is nothing to miss!

Over time, Obito himself believed what he said.

However, as the reborn Naruto, he knew that Obito was deceiving himself.

His heart is blocked. In fact, Obito's heart has never changed. It is that Irene, thinking of Hokage, wanting to be recognized by teacher Minato and other people in the village, and defeating Kakashi, making Kakashi envious Obito!

Does Obito know his own heart?

He knew, but he didn't want to admit it.

That's why, Obito kept Lin's body all the time, but he was unwilling to resurrect Lin, even if he was reincarnated from the dirty soil.

Because he is afraid.

If the real Obito is hidden behind the heart, then Lin is the key to the heart. Obito cannot suppress the inner self from pouring out.

So, when Lin touched Obito's face and said that sentence: "You... are very tired."

Obito really couldn't hold himself back.

Everyone is scolding, talking about themselves, and slandering themselves, but no one has ever asked themselves, are you tired?

Therefore, facing Lin in front of him, even though Obito really wanted to do something to erase her, but Obito couldn't do it, he really couldn't do it!

Instead, he involuntarily squatted down and hugged Lin, just like hugging his young self.

"Lin, I..."

Lin raised her hand again, wiped Obito's tears, shook her head and said, "No need to explain, I've seen it all, it's just Obito, people can go the wrong way, but you can't go wrong enough not to turn back!"

"You who launched the Ninja War, you are not the Obito I know, my Obito, but you are clamoring to become Hokage and realize your dream. You forgot, you made an agreement with me!"

"You forgot, I said, I will keep watching you until you become Hokage!"

Lin's soul questioned, and every sentence went straight to Obito's heart.

Madara noticed Obito's situation, rushed over directly, struck with a big hand, and shouted: "Obito, you forgot how this woman died, it's all because of this weak world, and she is false now, let me Come to help you deal with him, lest you be affected!"

Ban turned to Lin and made a deadly move, ready to destroy the seal!

As a result, Obito directly raised his hand, and the black ball directly attacked Madara with a hissing sound!

With a bang, Madara was directly knocked into the air.

"Cough cough cough... Obito! How dare you do something to me!"

Madara was very angry, this guy, for a woman, dared to hit me, even the promised moon eye plan might have an accident!

Madara looked at the sacred tree, and it was 15 minutes before the flowering time.

According to this situation, I have to do something, this Obito is almost out of my control.

Obito looked coldly at Madara and said, "In front of me, I don't allow anyone to touch her, whoever touches her will die! You are no exception! Madara!"

Facing the angry Obito, Madara let out a cry.

Naruto stepped forward, looked at Obito's mouth and said: "Obito, you have been denying this world and my so-called companion all the time, so what are you doing now?"

"Even though Lin is dead, facing her who was reincarnated from the dirt, it is still difficult for you to bury the former self, you who cared and loved Lin so much!"

Obito frowned and said, "Shut up, Naruto!"

With a cry, Lin looked at Obito and smiled, "Obito, do you... like me?"

Faced with Lin's question, Obito was suddenly a little bit taken aback, and Kakashi stepped forward and said, "Lin! You should understand Obito's intentions. When he was dying, he entrusted you to me. Unfortunately, I didn't Take care of you!"

Lin shook her head, then looked at Obito and said, "Obito, in fact, my death has nothing to do with Kakashi, it's all because I bumped into Kakashi's Rachel on my own initiative!"

Obito nodded and said, "I know!"

Minato also stepped forward and said guiltily: "At that time, I happened to have something to do, so I'm really sorry for not saving Kakashi and Lin in time!"

Kakashi comforted Minato and said, "Sensei, it's not your fault!"

Lin also said, "Teacher Minato, you've done a good job, it's none of the teacher's business!"

With that said, Lin turned her head to look at Obito, and asked that sentence again, Obito, do you really like me?

Obito was slightly taken aback, looking at Lin in his memory, even though he had grown up, he was still upset, and after a few seconds, he nodded dully.

Lynn chuckled, seeming very happy.

Obito looked over, his eyes dodged and he said, "Didn't you always... like Kakashi!"

Hearing this, Lin looked at Kakashi, and Kakashi also looked at Lin. He also knew that Lin liked to pay attention to himself when he was in the ninja school and even formed a team later.

Facing Obito's question, Lin shook her head and said: "No! I follow Kakashi only because Kakashi is very good. I just admire him, but the person I really like is you , Take soil!"

Obito's eyes widened in disbelief.

Lin blushed, looked at him and said: "I said, I will always pay attention to you, idiot, I still don't understand this sentence!"

Obito suddenly remembered, yes, Lin often said to pay attention to me, especially after she was injured, frustrated, or even hit, she encouraged herself like this.

So that’s it, it turns out that I’m not a licker.

Naruto said in time: "Obito, look, there are actually some things that are not what you imagined! Besides, let me ask you, haven't you always wanted to abandon this false world, so what is the Lin in front of you? You What is the past with Lin?"

Looking at Obito in a daze, Naruto continued to evade, "Have you ever thought about what your life would be like after you were successfully rescued after the Battle of the Godless Bridge without meeting Madara?"

"You are called a hero by the village, and Lin was not captured by Wuyin Village, let alone died. You, Kakashi, and Lin are still a small team, and they are growing rapidly under the leadership of my father!"

"In the end, you became Hokage and fulfilled the agreement with Rin. Kakashi-sensei will assist you, and Rin will become your wife!"

"I, Sasuke, are all in the village, becoming your apprentice, admiring you, looking at your Hokage Rock!"

"Obito, have you ever imagined such a scene!"

Naruto directly modified the picture he saw in Obito's mind in his previous life, making it more perfect, and showing it in front of Obito.

After Obito listened to it, his whole heart was restless.

It's hard to calm down, it's hard to calm down.

He brought soil, why didn't he think of such a picture!

In fact, the picture Naruto described was even more dreamy than the Eye of the Moon that Madara told him, almost like a glass of fine wine, intoxicating.

Naruto continued to talk and said with a smile: "Obito, that's enough! You've tortured yourself for too long, don't torture yourself any more!"

"It is true that such a beautiful picture cannot be reproduced again, but Lin is still here!"

"Look at Itachi, look at Shisui, didn't he also be resurrected by me!"

"Why can't Lin!"

"After bringing Lin back to life, you will fly away together, away from the village, away from everyone, and find a paradise together. The two of you will be a couple of gods and immortals. How happy it is!"

"Have a pair of sons and daughters, the man farms and the woman weaves, and is free and easy!"

"I will change the world so that there is no war in this world, only peace."

"You miss the village, with your space-time ninjutsu, you can come here in an instant, how wonderful!"

Having said that, Naruto took a step forward, stretched out his right hand, and said with a smile on his face: "Come on, Obito! Stop suffering, follow me and change the world!"

"Lin is right in front of you. Why don't you cherish the happiness that is right in front of you? Don't tell me, you want to regret the rest of your life, living with Lin in the illusion!"

Obito's face was full of astonishment, looking at the smiling Lin in front of him and at Naruto's extended hand!



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