Naruto: Rebirth of Naruto, save Jiraiya at the beginning

Chapter 314 The Argument Between Hashirama and Madara

On the battlefield side, Madara flashed to the front of the sacred tree, looked at Hashirama and said with a smile: "Hashirama, soon, we will meet each other in our dreams. When the time comes, we will fulfill it together. We didn't fulfill our wish back then!"

Hashirama frowned and said, "Madara, what is this sacred tree, and what is the world in your eyes!"

Madara sneered: "Hahaha, it seems that Naruto doesn't know everything, why? Didn't he tell you? Well, let me tell you!"

Then, like a prophet, Madara looked at the people present and asked, "You people, do you know how ninjas were born?"

"A long time ago, humans had no concept of Chakra. At that time, the sacred tree was just an object of worship and sacrifice. Until one day, the sacred tree that bears fruit once every thousand years bears fruit!"

"Although the kneeling humans didn't know what it meant, they still left the rule that they were not allowed to pick it. Until one day, a princess, in order to win the war, prayed to the sacred tree for strength, and she picked off the taboo tree. fruit, and eat it!"

"The princess who ate the fruit instantly possessed divine power, and with the power of one person, the war was quelled!"

"That princess's name is Otsutsuki Kaguya!"

Hearing this name, all the people present were taken aback, Hashirama frowned and said, "Datsutsuki?"

Feijian rubbed his chin. He often studied forbidden techniques during his lifetime, so he read a lot of ancient books. The name Datongmu is the surname of an immortal!

Madara smiled slightly and said: "You are right, Otsuki Kaguya is closely related to a person we know, that is Otsuki Hagoromo, the Sage of the Six Paths, the man who founded the Ninja sect and interpreted the principle of Chakra!"

"Otsuki Kaguya is the first person in the world to have Chakra, Otsuki Yuromo, her son, was born with Chakra!"

He was fascinated by listening to the source, he was very interested in these sources, and asked aloud: "But, what does this have to do with Shiwei!"

Madara looked at Tokaima, and smiled lightly: "Although I don't like you, you look at things more carefully than your elder brother! Ten tails is the sacred tree. The sacred tree that lost Chakra became the ten tails that ran away. Want to get Chakra back, but in the end, Kaguya's son, Sage of the Six Paths, sealed it up!"

Hashirama looked at Madara, and said solemnly: "Madara, how do you know these secrets!"

Madara looked at Hashirama with a disdainful smile: "Hashirama! Do you still remember that night, when you came to the Uchiha clan's clan to look for me in the Hokage robe, I said that the future lies on this stele Come on, unfortunately, you can't see it!"

Hashirama frowned, and then remembered the scene at the beginning, yes, Madara had a mysterious face at that time, as if he had obtained something, full of self-confidence, facing his persuasion, he did not disdain at all, and even abandoned it !

Thinking of this, Hashirama understood.

It turned out to be the stone tablet passed down from generation to generation by the Uchiha clan!

Madara looked at Hashirama, looked at this former teammate, and said the most sincere words in his heart: "Hashirama, you couldn't see it before, and I don't blame you. Now, you who know the truth should understand that in order to prevent the war, the The princess who ate the fruit, has she changed anything?"

"No! Nothing! The hatred of human beings has been spreading, and even aggravated over and over again, and ninja wars happened one after another!"

"This kind of world does not have our original dream at all. Do you understand what I mean, Hashirama!"

Hashirama retorted: "But, Madara! Using the sacred tree to cast a large-scale illusion, can you realize your so-called distant dream, a distant place?"

I have opened my mind, but this Hashirama is still contradicting herself, not understanding herself, Madara is really angry, and roared: "Hashirama! You still don't understand! There is no need for this hypocritical world to exist anymore !"

"What happened to the illusion?"

"Everyone will get a satisfactory ending in such a dream and realize their dreams and the meaning of life!"

"Even if it's fake, but it won't wake up, then it's true!"

"Why are you so selfish and insist on waking up a person who wants to pretend to be asleep! Hashirama!"

Hashirama still disagreed, looked at Madara and said, "Although reality is painful, reality also has beauty, but Madara, you have never seen it!

Like you said, you can't force those who don't want to get out of reality, go into a dream! "

Madara grunted a few times, looked at Zhu Jian and said: "Zhu Jian, you still don't understand people's hearts, those people just found some reasons, or because of some weaknesses, they can't go to the dream world!

I forcibly pulled them in, but instead liberated them, allowing them to find their true selves in their dreams. "

"Look, the sacred tree is about to bloom. When the flowers bloom, the moon in the sky will be reflected. At that time, the infinite moon reading will be completed, and the whole world will be saved!"

Thinking of this, Madara looked at Obito.

This guy Obito should be the one who completed this step, not him!

Here, Obito freed his hands again, flew in front of everyone, and said, "Don't struggle anymore, it's time for good night, this world, it's time to sleep!"

Feijian gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, what about Naruto, is it really..."

Shidai's hand clenched unconsciously.

Jilai also had a dignified expression, and he said silently: "Naruto, you are the son of prophecy, don't be like this..."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a buzz!

Naruto appeared beside the crowd.


The fourth generation rushed over and helped Naruto who was about to fall. Naruto panted heavily, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and complained: "This...the sacred tree...absorbed. ... so fast!"

Ji Lai also ran over, looked at Naruto and said, "How are you, Naruto? Where have you been?"

Sasuke stepped forward, looked at Naruto's weak appearance, and complained, "Naruto, you don't look like you!"

Naruto chuckled, and then raised his fist, facing Minato. Minato knew it at a glance, and immediately punched his son, and the Chakra docked instantly!

place of the soul.

Yin Jiuwei was shocked when he saw Yang Jiuwei here.

"Hey, the body of the old man over there, why are you so thin!"

The Kurama inside Naruto's body was lying on the ground as thin as a dog, panting heavily.

"Stop talking, give me some chakra, my yin half!"

Yin Jiuwei nodded and quickly shared the chakra.

Naruto and Kurama are recovering quickly.

Obito narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Naruto, "Naruto! How did you do it!"

Obito can be sure that Naruto has been surrounded, and then Chakra sucked up and died. Why?

Naruto smiled slightly, looked at Obito, gasped and said, "Guess!"

Madara stood here, after thinking for a moment, he thought of a possibility.

"Izanagi! Kid, you used this ninjutsu!"

Naruto laughed.

Hearing this, Sasuke opened Sharingan directly, and looked at Naruto. Sure enough, he found something was wrong. On Naruto's right arm, there were actually eight Sharingan, and now, there was one eye, which slowly began to open. close!

Sasuke was very angry, walked over, pulled Naruto's arm, and roared: "I ask you, Naruto, where did this come from! Where did it come from!"

Seeing this scene, Madara said with a sharp voice: "Sure enough, Naruto, this guy, actually knows so much about the Uchiha clan's art."

In the distance, Itachi who witnessed this scene remained silent.

Shisui looked at Itachi, he knew that Itachi taught Naruto this technique.

Naruto recovered a lot, stood up, broke away from Sasuke's hand, gave him a blank look and said, "Danzo, have you forgotten?"

When Sasuke heard this, he remembered that Naruto lost his temper in an instant about doing Danzo, but he was still a little angry about transplanting the eyes of other people.


Sasuke pretended to be arrogant, put his hands on his chest and stopped talking.

Obito looked at Naruto, and felt very angry inside. This Naruto, why can he reverse every time, every time, he really can't stand it!

So Obito roared: "Naruto, I won't let you do this again, don't you care about these people, I'll kill you all!"

Naruto said calmly: "Obito, you are obviously the same as me, why do you have to pretend!"

Obito frowned: "What do you mean?"

Sensing Chakra's approach, Naruto smiled and said, "It should be here soon!"

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