Naruto: Rebirth of Naruto, save Jiraiya at the beginning

Chapter 287 Itachi's answer, the truth of the year.

"No! No! Don't!!!"

Sasuke yelled, and the whole person fell into a kind of extreme panic. His eyes widened, and his outstretched hand wanted to grab something. As a result, the scene changed, and Sasuke woke up from the illusion. Mom, became Shisui and Itachi.

Itachi looked at Sasuke with concern, he knew how painful it was to be in that state, so he felt sorry for his younger brother.

Shisui looked at Sasuke, and said with a trace of compassion: "Sasuke, did you see, this is the scene your brother faced back then, now you know how painful it is!

Didn't you goug out your brother's right eye?

You know, after Reincarnation, your brother's right eye was transplanted by Naruto. It is the reincarnation eye of the Uchiha clan collected by Danzō. Want to know how your brother's right eye reopened the kaleidoscope Sharingan?

Let me tell you, it was because your brother went to Konoha, the land of the Uchiha tribe again, stood under that scene, recalled the scene at that time again, and then his Sharingan eyes opened again, becoming kaleidoscope! "

Sasuke was half squatting on the ground at the moment, his whole face was still numb, his forehead was dripping with sweat, and he was silently listening to Shisui's narration.

Shisui looked at Sasuke and continued to speak: "You who have experienced eye opening, you should understand what kind of pain can make a person open their eyes again!

Yes, this kind of pain is buried in Itachi's heart forever. As long as he thinks about it, it is a kind of torture. Just like the patriarch Fuyue said, compared with them, their pain is only temporary, and Itachi is real pain! "

"Stop talking, Shisui!"

Itachi stopped Shisui's words with a sound, Shisui nodded and did not speak again.

Itachi stepped forward, came in front of Sasuke, and tried to help Sasuke who was half squatting, Sasuke faced down, saw Itachi's walking feet, and when Itachi was about to bend down to help him up, he said, "Itachi, Let me ask you, are those pictures real?"

In fact, Sasuke already guessed the answer in his heart, but he wanted to hear Itachi say it himself.

Itachi looked at his younger brother, feeling a little moved in his heart. He looked up to the sky and took a breath. Tears were already swirling in his eyes, but he held back and didn't flow out.

"answer me!"

With a roar, Sasuke pulled the sad Itachi back.

Itachi looked at Sasuke again, and said, "What Shisui showed you is the truth of the year, and there is nothing to hide! I always lie to you, please forgive me, and always push you away with these hands Far away, I don't want to involve you, just like what my parents entrusted to me in the end!

But now that I think about it, maybe you once had the power to change your parents and Uchiha. If I had faced you from the beginning and discussed the truth with you, maybe all of this would be possible... "

Speaking of this, Itachi laughed at himself, then looked at Sasuke with gentle eyes, and helped him up, the two brothers looked at each other, Itachi looked at Sasuke, and said with emotion: "I don't even beg you to forgive me, After all, I am a person who exterminates the clan, but no matter what you say, no matter what attitude you have towards me, you will always be my younger brother, and I will always love you, even if you sacrifice your own life!"

As soon as Itachi's words came out, Sasuke's tears flowed from his eyes, and the corners of Sasuke's mouth twitched a little. In fact, in his heart, he was always the one who wanted to be loved. After that, he rarely smiled, and always had a cold face.

The third generation looked at Itachi and Sasuke, and blamed himself: "It's all my fault. If I had been tougher, worked harder, and hadn't tacitly allowed Danzo to carry out this matter, such a tragedy would not have happened!"

Seeing that Sandai blamed himself, Minato also said: "Master Sandai, you don't have to blame yourself. After all, I am also responsible. If I hadn't died early, with me in the village, there might be a lot of room for maneuver, and you wouldn't ..."

Three generations sighed.

Indeed, if the fourth generation Minato is there, he will definitely stand with himself. In that case, the third generation will definitely reject Danzo's method, and then unite the fourth generation to negotiate with the Uchiha tribe. At least the Uchiha will not be Genocide!

However, everything has already happened. As a result, three generations of him can't wash it away, and it's useless to push it to Danzo.

Feijian said: "Monkey, you don't have to blame yourself too much. As Hokage, you must kill decisively. Any factors that threaten the village must be killed in the bud. Let alone the Uchiha clan, it is the Senju clan. Even if you threaten the village, you will be killed!"

Orochimaru sneered a few times, and praised: "My lord, you are really a pure Hokage, but in the final analysis, you also have a certain responsibility for the Uchiha being exterminated!"

There was a cold snort, not wanting to speak.

Madara heard the words of Tobuma, and said very annoyedly: "Tobima! Don't make yourself so tall, take action against your former comrades-in-arms, or use my tribe, it's really despicable!

Hashirama, take a look, this is what you call the will of fire, it's really disgusting!

But well, those clansmen really deserve it. If they had run away to fight with me, the patriarch, how would they be today!

That kid named Fuyue also has no backbone, but he gave up resistance in the end, which really disappointed me! "

In fact, Madara was still a little angry at the destruction of his clan. After all, it was his clan. In the end, it was wiped out by his own clan. He was really disappointed!

Thinking of this, Madara looked at Obito, rolled his eyes and said: "Obito, I heard that you are still involved, joined forces with Itachi?"

Obito didn't blush, and said without heartbeat: "I'm going to collect some useful eyes. After all, it takes a lot of strength to realize the Moon Eye project!"

Madara snorted coldly, and stopped talking, because he also understood that having more eyes is really good. That guy called Danzo, he secretly poached a lot of Uchiha eyes and transplanted them in his arms, but was given by Naruto Cut it off and take it away.

Speaking of eyes, Madara looked at Sasuke over there, lowered his voice and said: "Obito, Sasuke may be persuaded, you should hold back?"

Obito remained silent, observing Sasuke's state.

After listening to Itachi's words, Sasuke untied more than half of his inner knots, but he still didn't agree with his brother's way, he asked: "Itachi, why are you giving so much for the village? The entire Muye Village is too dark, why do you have to work hard for such a village!"

Itachi was silent for a few seconds, and then said: "The development of the village is the result of the joint efforts of all ethnic groups in the village. There will be friction and entanglement of interests, but overall, it is a village, and the village is stable!

In the face of threats from the outside world, there will be stability only if there is a village, and the children in the village will not be killed by the war early, and these children are the future of the village!

This is the consciousness of fire.

And what I do, and what other ninjas do, are to protect the village, to protect this consciousness, to protect this stability!

For this, I have given my life, and I have no regrets. "

After Itachi finished speaking, Hashirama nodded with great emotion, and said in admiration, "What a good ninja, even better than me. This is completely Hokage's consciousness, Itachi, really good!"

Togama also nodded, although he often said the evil Uchiha, but facing such a Uchiha ninja with a big picture, Tomama remembered one of his subordinates, that is Uchiha mirror!

"Itachi, he is indeed a good ninja, very similar to Uchiha Kagami!"

Hearing the words, Zhishui bowed and said, "Thank you, Master Second Generation, for affirming the achievements of the first generation."

Hearing the words and looking at the past, Sandai introduced: "This is Uchiha Shisui, the descendant of Uchiha Kagami."

Hearing Sandai's words, Feijian took a closer look at Zhishui's face, then laughed heartily and said, "So that's what it is, that's how it is, no wonder they look so similar!"

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