Naruto: Rebirth of Naruto, save Jiraiya at the beginning

Chapter 285 Ask Your Brother to Tell You

The huge Nine-Tails Transformation Claws opened, crushing Sasuke to death in his hands!

Sasuke gritted his teeth, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, because of anger, he roared, and his eyes suddenly opened wide!

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Sasuke exploded with the power of heaven again, and as a result, Naruto was not a vegetarian, and directly exploded his own reincarnation eyes, suppressing Sasuke with the same power of heaven!

As a result, Sasuke didn't rush out, and was crushed to death by Naruto.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Sasuke was furious, this Naruto was actually so much stronger than himself, he could suppress himself to the point where he couldn't move at all, he couldn't accept it, why?Even though he has the eyes of reincarnation, he still can't beat this kid!

Naruto looked at Sasuke and said, "Calm down, Sasuke, I will make up for your regrets, and then, you and I are destined to join forces, don't be fooled by Obito and that Madara!"

Sasuke is like listening to a joke, joining forces with you, are you dreaming? !

Naruto said sharply: "I know you don't believe me, so whatever, I'll ask your brother to talk to you!"

Said, Naruto let go of Sasuke's hand, Chakra faded away, Sasuke fell from Naruto's Chakra's hand in mid-air, squatted on the ground, subconsciously covered himself with one hand, because Naruto's gigantic The hands of Nine-Tails Chakra pinched him, causing several of his ribs to be broken, and his whole body ached.

Sasuke's kaleidoscope's right eye has a trace of blood still hanging on his cheek, but his eyes are fixed on Naruto in front of him, because Naruto said something just now, asking your brother to talk to you.

"Naruto, what did you mean by that sentence?"

Naruto sealed and said: "You will know soon!"

With that said, Naruto received the reply from the chakra seal over there, and directly summoned it.

With a buzzing sound, Shisui, Itachi, Dried Persimmon, Kisame, and Dou were instantly brought over by Fei Lei Shen's reverse summoning technique.

Sasuke was shocked when he saw the person coming, his pupils trembled, and he said in disbelief, "Itachi?!"

Itachi looked over and found Sasuke who was squatting on the ground, and looked at his state again, it was obvious that he had just experienced a battle, and then looked at Naruto, Naruto said very calmly: "I fought, no Beat him up and he won't listen to me at all."

Zhishui sniggered aside, if someone else said this to Itachi, Itachi would insist on fighting him, dare to hit his beloved younger brother! ! !

Itachi looked at Sasuke again and said, "He really has this character."

Shisui looked at Naruto and said, "Du has been successfully brought back, using my technique, because with that forbidden technique, Itachi will lose the light of one eye, and it is difficult to open the kaleidoscope Sharingan again, Naruto you I also know it."

Naruto nodded and said: "I understand your consideration, it's fine, as long as you bring it back successfully, you can join us. I also said, you can adapt to the situation."

Zhishui smiled in relief.

Originally, Shisui was worried that Naruto would be unhappy, but now it seems that Naruto sincerely regards them as partners, his own decision, full approval, is not the kind of arbitrary leader at all.

From this point of view, Naruto will become Hokage in the future, which will bring a different pattern to the village and even the entire ninja world.

Naruto looked at Dou and smiled, "Brother Dou, we met again after the ninja exam was over."

Dou pushed the eyes on the bridge of the nose and said: "Yes, I never thought that I would make such a mistake. Now I know my mistake. It was Zhishui who woke me up. Now, what should I do?" Do? Naruto!"

Listening to Dou's words, Naruto understood that it was Shisui's other gods who changed Dou's cognition in the real world.

On the high platform, Obito narrowed his eyes slightly. Itachi and Dou have all gone to Naruto's side. It's really disgusting. This means that the army of undead has been completely controlled by Naruto. The art of reincarnation is going to disappear.

Madara still clasped his arms around his chest, looked over there and said: "It seems that there are two more members of the Uchiha clan, isn't it exterminated, and there are still descendants alive!

oh!It seems that they are all descendants with good pupil power. It's a pity that they can't be used by me, but they have come to the opposite of me!Tut tut. "

Madara was a little emotional, very sorry.

Obito keenly grasped the words in Madara's language, looked at Madara and said: "Those two people, logically speaking, are already dead, and they can appear in front of us, they should be resurrected by Naruto with the reincarnation of dirt !"

"Reincarnated from the dirt?"

Madara frowned slightly, although he looked at Obito, his eyes narrowed and said: "You'd better look with your eyes again!"

Obito heard Madara's implication, and drove his eyes to look at Itachi and Shisui carefully, and sure enough, he found the blind spot.

"It's actually a body of flesh and blood!"

Obito was very surprised, Naruto actually resurrected Itachi and Shisui completely, they were flesh and blood, Madara's mouth curled up a bit, looked at Naruto and said: "I'm getting more and more interested in this guy, he seems like He is a different reincarnation from Hashirama!"

Dried Persimmon Kisame looked not far away, found Obito, grinned and said, "Ah Fei, ah! It should be called Obito. I didn't expect that it would be like this when we meet again."

Obito snorted coldly and said, "Kisame, aren't you already tired of such a hypocritical world? Why are you still standing there and not coming over?"

Kisame Kisame looked at Itachi, and then said, "I'm sorry, Obito, no, I'm still used to calling you A Fei. I used to be unable to find myself, I couldn't recognize myself, and I always lived in self-cognition Among them, Mr. Itachi told me that in the concept of self-cognition, we call it reality!

However, now I see something different and discover something that I would like to believe in!

Yes, this world is very hypocritical, just like the Wuyin Village before me, there is always deception, concealment, and assassination, but, despite this, there are still people who are willing to believe in truth and peace! "

Speaking of this, Ganshi Guixia laughed himself.

Shark muscles slid out from his waist, and Hululu rubbed against his body, Guisha smiled helplessly: "Okay, okay, go ahead."

Shark muscle was overjoyed, and quickly ran towards Hachio.

At this moment, Kirabi was transformed into a beast with eight tails. When he saw the shark muscle coming, he stretched out the hand of eight tails, grabbed it in his hand, and scratched it with the other hand.

"Hahaha, shark muscle, you are back, do you miss me, where did that stinky shark take you, oh! That's how it is!"

Shark muscle rolled in the palm of Eight Weiss, snorting and coquettish.

Kisame Kisame chuckled lightly and said, "Look, even the previously indifferent shark muscle has now found his love, and his personality has become so gentle.

Therefore, things will change, and you can't judge the whole world arbitrarily because of the situation around you!

This world is dilapidated, but there are always people who are willing to sew and mend. Mr. Itachi is like this, I think, I am willing to do the same! "

Itachi was a little moved, walked over, and patted Kisame on the shoulder.

Obito narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Kisame, and then turned his gaze to Naruto, he knew that it must be this guy who changed Kisame's mind.

Just as Obito was about to speak, a roar came out from over there.

"Itachi! Let me ask you, what's going on with you!"

Sasuke stood up clutching his shoulders, his eyes were full of disbelief, because he also discovered that his brother, Itachi, was actually made of flesh and blood!

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