In terms of chasing Orochimaru, Jilai is also a professional!

Because Jiraiya and Orochimaru can be said to have grown up since they were young, some actions of Orochimaru can't be understood by others, but Jiraiya can also see a little trace!

Therefore, the escaped Orochimaru was caught by Jiraiya!

"Don't run away, Orochimaru! This is not like you, you have always been calm about everything!"

Jiraiya hugged Orochimaru and smiled in his ear.

Dashewan pulled his hand away and said: "Where did you see me running away, I just move around!"

Zilai also smiled and said: "Let's go, go over there, the old man just asked me to come to you!"

Orochimaru shook his head and said, "No!"

Ji Lai also frowned and said, "Why don't you go!"

Orochimaru clasped his arms around his chest and said, "The battle over there was so fierce, what should I do in the past? It's better to stand here and watch the battle, it's a joy to be here!"

Zilai also snorted coldly and said: "The old man told you to go there! I know you feel guilty in your heart, killing the old man, you are afraid of being scolded in the past, I understand!"

Orochimaru laughed and said: "You think I care about this, I just find it troublesome, and, what do you know, I resurrected those four Hokages, why am I embarrassed!"

Jilai also pulled Orochimaru, just pulled and left!

"What nonsense, just leave if you don't feel embarrassed!"

Pulling Orochimaru here, Midai looked at Orochimaru and snorted coldly: "Oshemaru, long time no see!"

Orochimaru smiled and said, "It's been a long time, Sarutobi-sensei!"

Hashirama looked at Madara, Obito, and Sasuke in front of him, and said, "Let's put aside the reminiscing about the old days. Right now, solving these people is the key!"

The third generation nodded and said: "What the first generation of adults said is true!"

Jilai also said: "Oshemaru, you can help too, after all, we haven't fought together for so many years!"

Orochimaru smiled slightly and said: "Okay, let's continue the friendship between teachers and teachers that hasn't happened for a long time!"

Looking at the mad golem, Hashirama asked, "Naruto, what is that thing?"

Hearing Hashirama's question, Madara said: "This is a golem of the heretics, a container for nine tailed beasts, Hashirama, you will see the ten tails soon, as long as the ten tails come out, I can realize my lunar moon. Eye Project, when the time comes, our dreams will be realized!"

Hashirama scolded: "Madara, our previous dream was to build a peaceful village, protect the children in the village, and let them grow up healthily, instead of dragging the whole world into illusion like now, this is fake, You know what!"

Madara snorted coldly, looked at Hashirama and shook his head: "You don't understand, without these eyes, you can't see the real future! I don't blame you!"

Sasuke looked at Madara, and then at Obito. He finally understood. Who did Obito learn from this pretentious look? It’s just a copy of Madara. The same is true for the conversation between Obito and Kakashi before. of!

This false world needs healing.

Sasuke didn't agree with this concept. After all, the Eye of the Moon said that it was an illusion, and people all over the world fell under the illusion. Isn't that a fake? What's the point?

Sasuke thought to himself, these two people must be mentally ill, and it's not serious, forget it, let's take it one step at a time, if it really doesn't work, it's the last self to end the world!

Kill them all, including that nasty Naruto, and then become a Sage of the Six Paths, control all tailed beasts, and suppress the entire ninja world!

The second generation couldn't bear it anymore, and said: "Evil Uchiha, big brother, what are you talking about with him, that heretic golem is the key to resurrecting Ten Tails, right? If you don't do it now, what are you waiting for!"

As he said that, Qianshou went directly to the door!

"Let my mutual detonating talisman end all of this!"

Hashirama hurriedly shouted: "Tobima, don't be impulsive!"

It's a pity that Qianshou Feijian had already thrown a Kunai over, and came over in an instant.

Madara frowned and said, "Obito!"

Obito formed a seal, and shouted: "The beauty of thinking, Uchiha Yanzhen!"

With a bang, a red barrier directly protected the golem of the outsider world, and the thousand-handed door that flew over was very annoyed, abominable, it actually set up a barrier!

Eight tails said: "Naruto, we have to do it!"

Naruto looked at the four people in front of him and said, "Wait a little longer!"

Obito frowned slightly, this Naruto has been saying for a long time, wait, wait, what are you waiting for, he thinks, Naruto must not hold his fart well!

Because this guy, after Yuyin revealed his identity that time, Obito found that no matter what he did, he would be hindered by Naruto, and his plan could not make progress, so now Obito is very afraid of Naruto!

Jilai also roared: "Naruto, what are we waiting for, this heretic golem seems to have started to mutate again!"

Everyone looked at the reputation, and sure enough, the heretic golem roared loudly, its mouth was cracked, and it seemed to be changing into a second form. Sasuke looked back, and explained without looking back: "Don't worry, this It's a normal change."

Uchiha Madara snorted coldly: "Sasuke, right? He is a good Uchiha junior, more promising than the Uchiha clansmen I saw back then! He also knows how to resist!"

Speaking of this, Uchiha Madara looked at the four Hokages in front of him coldly and said: "If they had listened to me, the patriarch, they would not have the consequences of being exterminated at the end. What's even more ridiculous is that we, Uchiha, will be the ones who exterminated the clan." A member of the Bo clan! Haha, hahaha!"

Madara laughed helplessly, this laughter, laughing in Sasuke's heart, was extremely painful!

Because of his brother, Itachi is the one who exterminated the clan, but Sasuke understands his brother, because his brother loves him, and his brother is forced by Danzo and the third generation. If it weren't for this damn village, brother wouldn't In this way, he will not be the only one left in the Uchiha clan!

After Madara finished laughing, he keenly observed Sasuke's emotional changes.

Sure enough, Sasuke's inner pain point is this!

As Madara, who once caused Obito's painful memories single-handedly, he is very good at how to make a person despair!

Madara looked at the Hokages below, and said to Sasuke: "Sasuke, your matter, and your brother's matter, after I was resurrected, I already learned about it through the chakra left behind!

To be honest, although I am very disappointed with the people who abandoned me back then, I used to be the head of the clan, and I am very hurt when my clan is gone. You, me, Obito, after all, we belong to the same clan!

Look at the few Hokages below, they kept saying to protect the village, protect the village, and it turned out, protect and protect, our Uchiha clan is gone, and the brother who loves you is gone too! "

Obito narrowed his eyes slightly, this Madara, who is emotionally provocative, is really in place.

Sasuke's chest rose and fell, and the kaleidoscope in his right eye turned to the maximum in an instant.

"I want them all to die!!!"

In an instant, Sasuke's killing intent rose.

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