Naruto: Rebirth of Naruto, save Jiraiya at the beginning

Chapter 275 Tell the Tailed Beasts the Truth

"Damn fox! You're going too far! Why are you telling Jinjuriki everything!"

Shouhe took the lead in scolding!

From its point of view, the prophecy of the old man of Six Paths when he was about to die is a secret among the nine tailed beasts. Some of the tailed beasts present played well with Renzhuli, but none of them made this prophecy. Today , was stabbed out on the spot by a man Zhuli.

Nine tails stared at Shuhe and scolded, "I've said it all, I don't have that much free time, and, dead civet cat, are you looking for a beating? You don't have enough practice, do you?"

After finishing speaking, the chakra grip outside the Kyuubi body instantly lifted the Shukaku body outside, and then fell heavily to the ground!

Shou He yelled angrily: "You dead fox, seek a beating!"

Next to them, Erwei and Liuwei hurriedly stopped and persuaded them to fight.

"Forget it, forget it, everyone is a tail beast, it's hard to get together once!"

"All calm down, calm down!"

Shouhe: "Don't stop me, I want to fight this dead fox one-on-one, how dare you train me outside!"

Kyuubi snorted coldly, then looked at Naruto and said: "Don't explain to them, it's very messy, just fight!"

Naruto nodded, and he said the same thing. Now it is the battlefield outside. Although there is a time difference between inside and outside, it seems that everyone talked a lot and spent a lot of time, but outside, it is only a few seconds.

"Come on, everyone, put your hands together, I want to fight with you!"

Saying that, Naruto raised his fist, and the tailed beasts saw this, you look at me, I look at you, the four-tailed Monkey King came first, then the seven-tailed, six-tailed, five-tailed... and then With a cold snort.

Seeing that Bawei didn't come, Siwei said, "Niu Gui, aren't you coming?"

Eight tails laughed and said, "Bi and I have already seen it!"

When the tailed beasts heard this, they suddenly realized, no wonder the Eight-Tails and Nine-Tails are on the same front!

When everyone's fists came together, Naruto closed his eyes!

With a chirp, Naruto led everyone to follow the trajectory of time and space, and began to stream the past images. The memories of Naruto's previous life were played one by one. The seven tailed beasts, including their Jinchuriki, also saw it!

Especially when the Immortal of the Six Paths appeared, the tailed beasts shook their bodies one by one, and some of them were excited and shouted: "Old man!"

Although time and space are separated, the Sage of the Six Paths in the picture seems to have sensed it, and smiled slightly at the tailed beasts here!

Siwei said in shock: "That's right, it's the breath of the old man, it's the old man, the old man!"

As soon as the voice fell, the screen turned again, and the tail beasts saw that Naruto and Sasuke were fighting together!

Then, the tailed beasts were sealed into the alien golem, and then, the one called Obito became ten tails, and then Naruto and Sasuke fought together and rescued them again, and then, Madara absorbed them again , became the Sage of the Six Paths mode, and finally, Madara was picked out by a black hand!

Then, Kaguya Hime appeared!

The Sage of the Six Paths Appears!

Naruto and Sasuke teamed up and successfully sealed it!

Then, the bastard Sasuke took control of the tailed beasts again, and Naruto fought him again. In the end, the two of them each broke an arm and reconciled.

A new era of ninjas has begun.

Then the picture quickly flowed, and came to Otsutsuki’s invasion, and the tailed beasts fought with Naruto again. As a result, after several years of fighting, the people in the ninja world who fought were almost dead, and finally Kyuubi also died in battle, and Naruto also They were killed in battle, and their tail beasts became chakra fruits and were eaten!

That's horrible!

Seeing this, it was the tailed beasts, and my heart sank.

Finally, Sage of the Six Paths appeared behind him, and with the help of his son Boruto, Naruto was resurrected and reborn!

At this point, the screen ends.

Naruto withdrew his fist, opened his eyes, and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Every memory is a kind of pain for him, because his heart still hurts so much when he witnesses the scene of his relatives dying in battle again!

It really hurts.

Four-Tails Monkey King said with emotion: "I never thought, Naruto, you came back from rebirth!"

The wooden man said in surprise: "In this world, there is such a thing as time travel!"

Shou He said arrogantly: "That old man of Liu Dao is a fairy, without him we can't do it!"

Yu Gao looked at Naruto, and said sympathetically, "Naruto, you... are too miserable!"

The Fourth Mizukage Yakura nodded in agreement and said: "As the Seventh Hokage, as the highest combat power in the ninja world, you in your previous life really did your best. I never thought there would be such a powerful enemy outside the sky!"

Renzhuli of Wuwei Muwang and Han of Yanyin Village said: "It's not that Sasuke and Naruto are together, so what is Sasuke doing outside now?"

Jinzhu Riki from Nanao Shigeaki and Fu from Takihime Village said: "I guess, it's probably the butterfly effect caused by Naruto's rebirth and return. You think so, Shigeaki!"

Chongming nodded, feeling that what Fu said made sense.

Naruto said: "Because the purpose of my return this time is to prepare to unite the Ninja World and deal with the invasion of the Otsutsuki Clan. Therefore, there are some deviations from the progress of my previous life because of my rebirth and plan, but you don't have to worry. So far, everything is still planned!

The meeting with you this time is just to let you know, after all, you will be resurrected, or even reincarnated from the dirt, so as to deal with the big tree in the sky! "

Hearing Naruto say this, all the Jinjuriki present nodded. This is no problem. For the sake of the ninja world, everyone will fight together, even if they are reincarnated from the dirt, they will not hesitate!

Monkey King with Four Tails looked at Naruto carefully, and then chuckled.

Naruto looked over, "Sun, what are you laughing at?"

Sun Wukong explained: "Unexpectedly, in my previous life, I was the first to think that you were the son of prophecy, and I called on everyone to believe in you together, hahaha, my grandson's eyes are so good!"

Naruto smiled slightly. When Sun Wukong said this, he also remembered the past in his previous life. According to the progress of time, at this time, he pulled out the first black nail of Monkey King, but in this life, he did not.

Four-tailed Jinchuriki Laozi said: "Oh, life is so impermanent. That Sasuke outside and that Obito are fighting fiercely now. I really don't know what they will be like after they know the truth!"

Naruto said with a smile: "When it's time to let them know, they will naturally know! Well, everyone, let's stop the gossip here, everyone stretch out your hands again, and give me your things as in the previous life, otherwise, I may encounter corresponding situations in the future, and I cannot respond!"

The tailed beasts nodded, and then put their palms together again. Naruto raised his fist above his head, pushed it up, and accepted what the tailed beasts gave him!

Seeing this scene, Nine-Tails' memories surged. It remembered when it was a child. At that time, the Nine-Tailed Beasts were not very big. When the Sage of the Six Paths was dying, he stood in the middle of everyone and called everyone's name for the last time, warning Said: "Even if you are far apart, you will always be together! One day you will be one, with your own names, in a completely different way from before, different from when you were in my body, and you will be guided correctly! What is true power, until then..."

In Kyuubi's memory, the figure of Sage of the Six Paths gradually blurred, and then gradually became real, and the last thing I saw was the back of Naruto in front of me!

Nine tails smiled slightly, and said with emotion in his heart: "Old man, I really belong to you!"

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