Naruto: Rebirth of Naruto, save Jiraiya at the beginning

Chapter 272 Nine-Tail Beast Transformation Appears

on the battlefield.

All the tailed beasts have turned into tailed beasts, and under Sasuke's command, they each display their abilities!

The first one was Liuwei, spouting a large amount of corrosive acid gas, attacking these people overwhelmingly, Wentai was the first to feel that something was wrong, and shouted: "Hey, Hama Jian, Hama Guang, you two, don't Lean so far, stand back for me!"

Hama Jian, Hama Guang jumped back, and Jilai also stood on Hama Wentai's head, seeing the acid mist hit the trees on the ground, they shrank instantly, and he shouted: "This is acid gas, everyone be careful! Wentai!"

Wen Tai heard Zilai also roared, and knew what he meant.

Therefore, Bunta and Jiraiya also use combination ninjutsu!

"Fire Escape·Toad Oil Flame Bomb!"

Combining Bunta's oil with Jiraiya's Fire Dungeon, a huge oil fire bomb is produced to attack the opponent. Because of its wide range and difficult escape, the damage is extremely high.

The overwhelming fire came, and Zilai also hoped to disperse the poisonous mist, or ignite the poisonous mist, but unfortunately, he could only dissipate some of it, because the six tails were still spraying out continuously!

Mrs. Wen complained: "Damn it, why don't I just jump over in one go!"

Jilai also looked at the tailed beasts on the opposite side, shook his head and said, "It's too risky, it's not worth it."

Gama Ken and Gama Hiroshi jumped to the side of Yao, the three big men stood together, Naruto stepped forward and said: "I'll do it!"

As he said that, he used the shadow avatars directly to seal, plus the main body, six shadow avatars, and began to rub them together, and then directly rubbed out three wind escape spiral shurikens!

With three beeps, it was launched directly!

Three spiral shurikens shot out and exploded directly. The huge acid mist was directly forced back, and they all attacked the tailed beasts, that is, Sasuke!

Sasuke snorted coldly, all the repulsive force of Tiandao was pushed away.

Behind him, Xianglin, Shuiyue, and Chongwu didn't have this kind of treatment. Shuiyue shouted: "Follow me quickly, don't be glued to this poisonous mist!"

Although Xianglin was unwilling to leave Sasuke, there was nothing he could do, so Suigetsu took Xianglin and Shigego and hurried away, and even went around in the opposite direction in order to avoid the acid mist.

As soon as the acid mist passed, the ground suddenly burst open, and countless Chakra hands broke out from the ground, attacking them. It turned out that Sasuke had been prepared for a long time, and the acid mist was only used to cover up. The real opponent It's the Hand of Chakra below!

Quickly grab the chakra gripper!

Toad Wentai, Toad Jian, and Toad Guang quickly counterattacked, but they caught too many hands and entangled them directly!

"Damn it, you bastards!"

Wen Tai wanted to take off and struggle, but was caught by the hand of Chakra, Ji Laiya folded his hands together, jumped up, and jumped behind him, shouting: "Wen Tai, Jian, Guang, it's okay, you all disappear! "

Wentai sighed and said, "Sorry!"

boom! boom! boom!

The psychic spell was lifted, Wen Tai disappeared, Ha Toma Guang, and Ha Toma Jian also disappeared.

Eight tails was very angry, and opened its mouth wide to see the trick: "Start releasing the tail beast jade immediately!"

Seeing this, the other side also started to release the tailed beast jade, and there were even more!

Boom boom boom!

The two sides are literally bombarding, the movement is so loud that the whole earth is trembling!

Orochimaru frowned, and hurriedly dodged to the side, because if one was not careful, it would be bad if he blasted himself into scum. Although he couldn't die, resurrection was a bit troublesome after all. Besides, such a beautiful battle scene, because It would be a pity to die and not be able to see it!

The huge shock wave made Zilai also regret it, and cursed: "I will improve the immortal cultivation mode when I go back, it takes too long to enter!"

Just as he was talking, Minato rushed over and shouted, "Teacher Ziraiya, be careful!"

It turned out that there were too many Tailed Beasts bombarding from the opposite side, and the eight tails did not block them. They flew over, and Jiraiya's eyes widened. As a result, Naruto directly raised his hand: "Shinra Tenzheng!"

The repulsive ball opened, and the tailed beast jade was directly bounced away!

Sasuke was very arrogant, and jumped directly onto Nanao Shigeaki's body, because Nanao has wings and can fly. Apart from the snake that Orochimaru gave him, Sasuke likes to sign flying animals as psychic beasts!

Sasuke stood on Shigeaki's body, looked down at Naruto and said, "Naruto, that's all you have, how about it, it's not good to be bombed!"

Naruto snorted coldly, with a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth.

Sasuke frowned, this guy didn't show any fear at all, this made Sasuke very upset, very upset, quite upset!

He roared: "Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!"

Saying that, Sasuke jumped down directly, and then his consciousness began to call, and the seven tailed beasts stood in a row, all of them began to congeal the tailed beast jade!

Eight-tailed Kirabi roared: "Hey, Naruto, it's not good!"

Kirabi said: "Don't be afraid, Naruto has a way to get rid of it!"

Eight tails shook his head and said: "The tailed beast jade of these seven tailed beasts, even if it is the way of heaven, they may be killed by bombardment!"

Zilai also gritted his teeth and said, "Wait a minute, I'll be fine soon, I'll be fine soon!"

Minato believed in Naruto, because at this scene, he knew the details of his son and his methods.

Naruto didn't panic at all, he patted his stomach and said, "Hey, Kurama, don't sleep, get up and work!"

Nine Tails snorted coldly, stood up and said, "I still have to stand up and make things right, really, a bunch of miscellaneous hairs."

Naruto smiled slightly, walked in front of him, Jiraiya frowned, called Naruto, Minato stood beside Jiraiya teacher, and said, "It's okay, I have confidence in Naruto."

"Little Ba, Uncle Bi, back off!"

Eight tails looked down and saw Naruto striding forward, it knew that this was Naruto and Nine tails were about to go.


Eight tails stepped back, and Kirabi excitedly said, "Oye, finally we are going to fight with Naruto and Nine tails!"

Sasuke looked at Naruto standing in the front, snorted coldly, and shouted, "Die!"

Choo Choo Choo......

The tailed beasts released the tailed beast jade one after another, and directly attacked Naruto!

Naruto shouted loudly: "Let's go! Nine Lamas!"

With a chirp, Naruto stood in front of Kyuubi in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and Kyuubi hummed, directly chakra surged!

With a bang, a thick tail of chakra soared into the sky, and directly bounced off the seven tailed beast jades, scattered them in the distance and exploded!

The Nine-Tails Chakra coat forms a big coat and is put on Naruto!

Boom boom boom!

The explosion sounded soaring into the sky, and Zilai was also shocked: "This is the power of the tailed beast. It's really shocking. Even the mountains have been leveled!"

Aside from being shocked, Zirai never forgot to look in one direction, because there was a familiar Chakra in that direction.

Orochimaru looked at Jiraiya, and hid behind a tree.

Sasuke gritted his teeth.

Obito said with emotion: "They all bounced off!"

Sasuke waved his hand and said, "So what if it bounces away! I can still beat him!"

Saying that, Sasuke took the lead directly, leading the seven tailed beasts to rush over!

Here, Naruto snorted and shouted: "Go, Kurama!"

The chakra coat on Naruto's body swelled rapidly, and the nine-tailed beast turned into a beast, and a huge nine-tailed beast appeared, rushing towards the seven-tailed beasts!

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