Kankuro controls the puppet scorpion, fighting with Grandma Chiyo!

"Grandma Qiandai, it seems that you have no fighting spirit at all. It seems that if the puppet master is manipulated, it will be over!"

Grandma Qiandai snorted coldly: "Young man, don't be too arrogant, don't underestimate this filthy reincarnation technique, once the performer does it for real, it will be over!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Kabuki immediately started ninjutsu.

Grandma Chiyo widened her eyes and shouted, "Be careful, Kankuro, you came right after you finished speaking!"

As he said that, Chiyo stretched out his hands, and chakra lines shot out from the ten fingers.

"Libai's secret technique, a collection of ten tricks and false pine!"

Swish, swish, the ten samurai lying on the ground were all controlled by the chakra lines, and then jumped into the air one after another, raised their samurai swords, and slashed at Kankuro!

Because of fighting against the shadow clone Naruto, the puppets of Grandma Chiyo were basically smashed one by one by Naruto with the spiral pill. There is no way to perform this secret technique, so I can only use local materials and act as puppets!

Kankuro gritted his teeth and was able to cut off Chiyo-mama's chakra line just now. That's because Chiyo-mama hasn't done it yet, and there are plenty of hidden weapons in the scorpion puppet, but they have all been fired now!

Those who attacked were all samurai. Although they were all dead samurai, Kankuro couldn't do anything to the corpse of his companions!

"no solution anymore!"

Kankuro took out the scroll, pulled it out straight away, two bang bangs, two puppets came out!

Is the parent puppet of the scorpion.

Hey, hey, two sounds, the parents of the scorpion directly shot two steel wires, cut off the chakra line of Grandma Chiyo, and then guarded the scorpion puppet.

Chiyo looked at the family of three, his eyes were full of emotion.

Kankuro also knew that Grandma Chiyo was feeling very heavy, and said, "I took back Scorpion and his parents, and repaired them, Grandma Chiyo, although I am young, I still have the sadness hidden in your chakra line. I can feel it!"

Grandma Chiyo frowned and said, "Stop boasting, brat!"

Kankuro said: "Scorpion has entrusted everything to me. I can feel it. Among these three puppets, there is the consciousness of Scorpion and the unique feelings of Scorpion!"

Grandma Chiyo frowned and said, "Even you think that puppets have feelings!"

Kankuro nodded seriously and said: "You have also manipulated the puppet of Xie's parents, you should understand that the emotion that Xie injected into it, I think, this is still a real work of art, and as a puppet master, it is even more important to make this puppet Handed down!"

Grandma Qiandai seemed to have a ray of light in her eyes.

Yes, a puppet created by the puppeteer is not only a puppet, but also has emotions in it. In the past, I cared too much about the task and the entrustment of the buyer!

It is my persistence that created the tragedy of Scorpio.

Mother-in-law Chiyo smiled slightly and said, "Since that's the case, then I'll entrust you with some things too. Be on the lookout, Kankuro, study hard, this is your chance!"

Kankuro manipulated the three puppets, and said in a serious manner: "Okay, let me understand it!"

Here, Naruto is facing Junmaro, and from Naruto's point of view, Junmaro's bone spurs are not a problem at all, so it is more than enough to beat Junmaro!

Mifune still wanted to help, but was persuaded by Naruto: "Master Mifune, don't help, I'll just deal with him!"

Jun Malu said angrily: "Don't underestimate me, I am Master Orochimaru, the most important subordinate!"

Naruto smiled slightly, this guy, probably like Dou, is a senior admirer of Uncle Snake!

"Kimaro, Orochimaru is now cooperating with me, do you know?"

Jun Ma Lu sneered and said: "Stop lying, you nine-tailed demon fox, what role is Oshemaru-sama, you are also worthy to cooperate with Oshemaru-sama, stop daydreaming!"

Naruto shook his head, this kind of fanatical worship cannot be resolved with a single sentence, that's all, let's send you on your way!

As he spoke, Naruto stretched out his palm directly: "Wanxiang Tianyin!"

With a whooping sound, Jun Malu was directly sucked in. He was very shocked, and hurriedly raised his hand, a bone spur was exposed, and it was inserted directly into the ground, trying to stop it, but in the end, he moved forward more and more!

"Damn, this guy!"

Naruto frowned, and with a slight grasp of his hand, Jun Malu suddenly felt a strong suction force!

There was no other way, Jun Malu was instantly covered with bone spurs, and then shot out suddenly, swish swish swish, like a hedgehog throwing a bomb, rushed out!

Naruto didn't panic at all, and was about to react, Mifune directly blocked Naruto with a single blow!

clang clang clang.

The bone spurs fell one after another, and they were all blocked by Mifune!

Jun Ma Lu was stunned, Mifune snorted coldly, smiled slightly, then backed away and dodged aside.

Naruto smiled slightly, the spiral pill in the other hand had already been rubbed, and Jun Malu came to him, and directly printed the spiral pill on it.

The spiral pill rotates and is printed directly on Jun Ma Lu's stomach. Jun Ma Lu is unwilling to accept it. It seems that this is the only way to go!

Naruto let out a cry, and the spiral pill was pushed out, and Junmaro's stomach was pierced directly, revealing a big hole, and scattered a large piece of debris.

Jun Ma Lu was completely abolished.

"Where is the sealed ninja!"

Naruto roared, and the sealed ninja behind him rushed towards him, and with a bang, the cloth bondage technique attacked, and Junmaro was sealed.

After sealing Junmaro, Naruto shouted to Kankuro over there: "Kankuro, are you okay over there!"

Kankuro controls Xie and his parents' puppets, and is fighting with Xie!


Grandma Chiyo sneered and said, "I won't hold back, Kankuro, you have to be careful!"

Kankuro wiped the blood from his cheeks and said, "Of course I know, it's my honor to be able to learn the puppet art of Grandma Chiyo! I'm here, Grandma!"

Kankuro used the black secret technique, the chakra line twitched, and a bound puppet jumped out from the ground, biting Granny Chiyo's ankle!

Grandma Chiyo was a little surprised and said, "You keep running away just to lure me here?"

Kankuro nodded and said: "Ah, Grandma Chiyo's puppetry is very powerful. If she can still move, it will be too troublesome. Therefore, I have no choice but to find a way to trap you first!"

Saying that, Kankuro didn't give Grandma Chiyo a chance, mobilized Scorpion and his parents' puppets, and charged straight up!

The sound of the puppets running rattled resounded through the forest!

Grandma Chiyo continued to use the ten secret skills and attacked Kankuro. Kankuro controlled the parents of the scorpion and shot the steel wire again to cut off the chakra line. The scorpion puppet rushed directly to Grandma Chiyo. Chakra lines, want to compete with Kankuro for a puppet, how could Kankuro let him do it!

"Rest in peace, Grandma Chiyo!"

Kankuro pulled hard, and the scorpion puppet attacked Grandma Chiyo like a ghost!

With a bang, Scorpion's hand pierced through the chest of Grandma Chiyo!

Kankuro and Dou showed surprise at the same time, even Naruto squinted his eyes, and Mifune sighed, because they could all see that at the last moment, Chiyo mother-in-law gave up resistance and did not respond, but Open your chest!

Grandma Chiyo looked at the puppet of Scorpion in front of her, slowly raised her arm, touched Scorpion's face, and said with a smile: "Scorpion, maybe, as a grandma, I am not qualified, you could have become a great puppet Master, it turned out, because I..."

Grandma Chiyo smiled wryly, and finally turned her head to look at Naruto over there, and said with a smile: "Naruto, mother-in-law, I, in this life, the most correct time I did was to save Gaara and believe in you and Gaara. Ro's friendship!

Hahaha, the technique of reincarnation invented by the Second Hokage is really touching, at least it made my dream come true. "

After finishing speaking, Grandma Chiyo automatically dismissed.

Mifune shouted: "Seal the ninja!"

The technique of cloth restraint unfolded, and layers of cloth strips struck, wrapping Grandma Qiandai, sealing her completely.

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