Naruto: Rebirth of Naruto, save Jiraiya at the beginning

Chapter 248 Fierce battles between each other!

After Duan and Asma landed, Tsunade rushed over directly!

Seeing this, Ding Zuo hurried over, stopped in front of Tsunade and said: "Master Hokage, you are in command, I am here to deal with them!"

Hearing the words, he was surprised and said: "Master Hokage? Just now they said that Hokage is coming, did they mean Tsunade you?"

Tsunade nodded and said, "Ah, yes, off."

Sarutobi Asma said with emotion: "Princess Tsunade has become Hokage, that's great, Dingza, long time no see!"

Ding Zuo held the stick and said, "Yes, Asma."

Juan heard the words, stared at Ding Zuo carefully, and suddenly realized: "I see, you have grown up, Ding Zuo!"

Ding Zuo gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Duan, facing you, I have to become bigger!"

Tsunade said: "Ding Zuo, you go and deal with Asma, and leave it to me!"

Ding Zuo heard the words, looked back at Tsunade, and then nodded. He also knew that Duan was stronger than himself, and it would not do him any good to stop him forcibly. What's more, he also understood that Master Hokage followed Duan There is a slight relationship between them, let them confront each other, it would be better!

As he spoke, Ding Zuo waved his stick and said, "Asma, I'm coming!"

Asma's body automatically attacked, and shouted: "Okay! Ding Zuo, how is Shikamaru?"

The two chatted while chatting, Ding Zuo said: "After you died, Shikamaru was depressed for a long time, and then with the encouragement of Shikajiu, he cheered up, inherited your will, and now he has become a An excellent ninja!

In this Ninja World War, as the acting captain of the fourth unit, he is currently leading half of the units to support him!By the way, Choji and Ino will come too! "

Asma heard this, with tears in her eyes, very relieved, Shikamaru has grown up, and can stand alone, it's great, it's great!

I heard from Ding Zuo that he was rushing over here, so he still has a chance to see them?

For a while, Asma didn't hate this technique any more. He was very happy to see his children and daughters again!

"Ding Zuo, I am out of control now, you have to be careful and stop me!"

Ding Zuo let out an angry roar, and turned straight to Dao: "I know! I'm coming, Asma!"

On the other side, more than [-] ninjas are besieging a reincarnated man from the dirty soil. This person is the head of the branch family of the previous Hyuga clan, Hyuga Nichiza!

"Everyone, charge with all your strength and throw the weapons in your hands!"

With that said, everyone shot out their weapons in all directions without any dead ends!

Seeing this situation, Hinata and Risai directly sealed: "Go back to heaven!"

It spun at a high speed, forming a protective layer that blocked all weapons and sent them flying.

After Hyuga Hyuzashi blocked all the attacks, a person suddenly appeared in front of him, it was Hyuga Hyuzu, the current Patriarch of the Hyuga Clan!

Although he was reincarnated from the dirty soil, there was still the imprint of a caged bird on Hyuga Hyuzai's forehead, he looked at Hyuga Hyuzu, and said with apology: "Brother! I'm sorry, I'm supposed to be in charge of protecting the main family. I became an enemy of the Zong Family! This is my punishment for hating the Zong Family!

I can't control my body. In the end, my willingness to choose death for the sake of the village has also been denied, so please tell Neji that I didn't die to protect the clan, but to protect Neji and his brothers. , family, and the village, so I actively choose to die!

Perhaps, this is the fate that I cannot escape as a separated family! "

After hearing what his younger brother said, Hinata Hizuru raised his hand and shouted with a cold face: "That kind of fate does not exist! Your son has been fighting to prove this point, and so is my daughter!"

Hyuga Hizashi said in surprise: "Ningji? Hinata-sama? They actually..."

Hyuga Hyuzu said: "Now they are fighting side by side to fight against this fate together, and they are following the troops to support here, I believe they will arrive soon!"

Hearing that Ning Ci would arrive soon, Hyuga and Hyuga were in a daze.

Actually... can see his son again!


Duan and Tsunade looked at each other.

For a moment, the two people's inner thoughts were filled with each other, as if they had returned to the original time.

Looking at Tsunade with a broken smile, he said, "Tunate, you have fulfilled my dream!"

Hearing this sentence, Tsunade's eyes shed tears, yes, Duan, the person he had a crush on and tried to confess his love to, his dream is to be Hokage, protect the village, protect everyone, but unfortunately, in the end, he Died on the ideal road!

Tsunade wiped the tears from his eyes, looked at Duan and said: "Duan, in fact, I have always wanted to say something to you, but unfortunately I never said it. Since you have been resurrected, then I don't want to leave this regret, actually , I have always liked you!"

With a broken smile, he nodded and said, "I know, I always knew, it's just that I ignored you on the way of chasing my dream, sorry, Tsunade!"

Tsunade took a deep breath, and smiled calmly: "It's okay. You will always stand in my youthful memory, at that intersection!

Oh yes, good news for you, I found someone who really loves me! "

Duan was taken aback for a moment, then he said, "Is it Zilaiye?"

Tsunade was taken aback and said, "How do you know?"

With a broken smile, he said, "That guy has been paying attention to you since he was a child, followed you, and kept confessing his love to you. You can tell that he is a fool! That's great, I feel relieved if it's him!"

Duan is very relieved that he is already a dead person. He knew about Tsunade's feelings when he was young, but there were many wars at that time, and he might die, so he did not accept Tsunade's love, because He can't protect this love!

Now, knowing that Tsunade has found someone who loves her, it's Ziraiya, he is very relieved!

He understands what kind of person Jiraiya is, and he is absolutely sincere towards Tsunade, so Tsunade will definitely be very happy to have him!

Tsunade also smiled happily. Since Jiraiya was rescued by Naruto from Yuyin, Tsunade found that in his current life, the person he cherishes the most is him. If he does not associate with him again, Maybe in the future, I really want to regret it for the rest of my life!

This fool, when he went to Yuyin, made a bet with himself that if he came back alive, he would accept his love!

Tsunade understood that if there was no Naruto, Jiraiya would have confessed to Yuyin!

Her gambling luck has always been bad, but this time, she lost very happily and was convinced of the loss!

So, on a certain night, Tsunade gave himself to Jiraiya, and asked him to pick the scenery he had been yearning for!

Thinking of Jiraiya's appearance, Tsunade wanted to laugh, and even claimed to be a lecherous fairy. Seeing his usual arrogant appearance, in the end, he was still an old novice!

I really didn't expect that for so many years, he went to wash his feet every day with such an unscrupulous appearance. In the end, he had never been on the battlefield, and he was actually a recruit just like himself!

Looking at Tsunade's happy smile, I felt very relieved inside, which is great.

Suddenly, the order came, and he shouted: "No, I can't control my body, be careful, Tsunade!"

Tsunade also said seriously: "I know, stop, I will stop you myself!"

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