Sasuke and Obito successfully encountered Naruto and Kirabi, which is a good thing for Kou.

No way, who can bear it.

For so many years, I have been digging graves every day, and then reincarnated in the dirt, collecting powerful ninjas!

As soon as they played, Jiaodu, Scorpion, Gen, and Bingjie were three, and Didala was caught. If it wasn't for the quick control of the bag, and the withdrawal of Wuyin Zhongji, this team would have disappeared!

The most distressing thing is that there are no more cuts, Bai, Bodunshou, Pakula, a ghost, and three blood successors!

As soon as he came up, he was directly picked by Naruto, who could bear it!

After all the hard work, the card that was drawn out after so much painstaking efforts was just abolished, and no one can stand it!

So, hurry up and let Obito and Sasuke attack, otherwise how would he fight?

Well now, you can let go.

Thus, Kabuki manipulated Nakayoshi, quietly appearing around the marching Kakashi troops.

After failing to fight against the surprise attack force Kankuro, Kato let Nakayoshi escape, just in time to monitor Kakashi's army.

Dou narrowed his eyes slightly, and dropped six chess pieces.

Here, Zhongji made a seal with both hands: "Spiritualism!"

Bang bang bang!

Six coffins appear.

Da da da sound.

Six coffin boards fell, and six people walked out of them!

Hayashi Uyuri, owner of the thunder sword "Ya"

Tongcao wild bait man, master of "Dougua" with blunt knife

Chestnut Kushiwan, the owner of the long knife "Sewing Needles"

Murashi Jinhachi, the owner of the explosive knife "Flying Foam"

Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost, owner of the big sword "Shark Muscle"

The full moon of the ghost lamp can skillfully use the seven ninja knives

Dou is controlling Zhongji at this moment, and he can see the current situation through Zhongji's field of vision. Looking at the six people in front of him, there is a slight smile on the corner of Dou's mouth. They are really good chess pieces. How much dirty work did he do? When he saw the last person, who was the sixth, his face instantly collapsed!

Naruto, who is riding a horse, is a real bastard!

The ninja seven-sword group that I managed to make up with is now a six-sword group, and I will be banned if I don't cut it!

Endure the calm for a while, and take a step back, the more you think about it, the more angry you become.

Nakayoshi turned his head and looked at Kakashi's troops not far away, narrowing his eyes slightly, since it was sealed, then grab it again and unseal it!

As he said that, Zhongji made a gesture, and Guideng Shuiyue came out, and then made a seal, and with a bang, a scroll appeared in Guideng Shuiyue's hand, and then pulled it away, on which was written: "Broken, big, long, blunt, burst, thunder ,pair,"

Bang bang bang bang!

In addition to "broken, big, double,"

"Long, blunt, explosive, thunder" the four famous knives were unsealed directly.


Kakashi's troops.

The chakra fluctuated just now, and in an instant, it was sensed by the Kirigakure perception ninja of Kakashi's army!

"There is an anomaly in the direction ahead!"

With a click, Kakashi braked immediately!

Kai, Sakura, Li, and Sai are all by my side.

Kirigakure sensed the ninja instantly stepped forward, and then felt it with all his strength, but frowned and said: "There are seven people, and the enemy is very strong, and, this chakra, how could it be?"

Kakashi looked over, "What's wrong?"

Kirigakure sensed the ninja to signal behind him, and then, two Kirigakure ninjas also came to the front.

Sensing ninjas are distributed in the front, back, left, and right of the team to prevent the enemy from attacking from a certain direction. The team does not perceive it and is attacked!

The two Kirigakure ninjas also felt puzzled and said, "Captain Kakashi, the one in front seems to be a Kirigakure ninja, and the chakra is very strong, and there is one, we are more familiar with?"

Kai heard the words and said, "It's not reincarnated again, is it?"

The three Kirigakure perception ninjas looked at each other, nodded and said, "Maybe it is true, because this person is already dead."

"Who is it?" Kakashi asked.

The Kisame Sensing Ninja in the middle said: "Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, the owner of the great sword "Same Muscle", died at the hands of Kisame Kisame. Logically speaking, his chakra cannot appear here!"

Kakashi stared at Masaki behind him.

Makoto said: "Captain Kakashi, don't worry, the four sealed bags are not loose at present."

For the four people who were sealed, Kakashi kept them with the army to prevent them from being stolen. Just now, the Kirigakure ninja said that there were seven people, and they were all Kirigakure. In an instant, the number seven made Kakashi I thought of a combination, Ninja Seven Swordsmen!

But, if you don't cut it here, where did the Seven Swordsmen come from?

Just wondering, the fog slowly hit.

Kakashi's eyes narrowed, and he shouted: "Everyone, form a swastika according to the previous battle lineup, and stay vigilant!"

Kirigakure ninja saw it at a glance, and shouted: "This is the technique of Kirigakure, someone is sneaking in!"

Kai frowned and said, "Tch, it's this trick again, Kakashi, I really hate this kind of hiding trick, if you have the ability to face each other directly, let your youth shine!"

Li nodded in agreement.

Sakura frowned and said, "I always feel a little uneasy."

Li smiled and said, "Don't worry Sakura, I will protect you."

Saii frowned, and started to draw directly, and with a few swooshes, four big birds appeared, flying over the troops!

The big bird flapped its wings, keeping the fog from getting in among the troops.

Sai jumped up by himself and stood in the air on guard.

Kakashi praised: "Good job, Sai, stay alert in the air."

When Kai saw this, he jumped over and said, "Hahaha, I'm coming too. When I find the target, I will attack as soon as possible!"

Seeing Kai go up, Kakashi didn't stop him, he knew Kai's strength, just in time, Sai needs someone to protect him in the air!

Sai looked around, and then painted again, drawing more than a dozen fake lions of super beasts, surrounding the troops.

The ninjas from other villages thought they were enemies and wanted to attack, but were held back by Konoha's ninjas.

"It's okay, this is Konoha's Sai, the lion of Chaoshou fake painting, one of our own!"

"Oh oh oh, I thought the enemy psychic beasts were attacking!"

Passing through Zhongji, sensing the situation of the unit in front of him, he found the four sealed bags and smiled slightly.

A few birds can disperse the fog, how naive.

With that said, the six ninjas all used the fog concealment technique!

In Kakashi's army, the ninja Kirigakure noticed something was wrong instantly, and shouted: "This is not right, this level of fog, unless it is our Mizukage-sama, otherwise, the visibility of this kind of fog is getting lower and lower!"

Another Kirigakure ninja was also very frightened: "Unless Kirigakure's very powerful ninjas use the Kirigakure technique together, otherwise, this level cannot be achieved by one person!"

The ninjas in other villages complained, "Damn it, the visibility is getting lower and lower. I can hardly see the ninja in front of me!"

"me too!"

The uneasiness in Kakashi's heart is also increasing.

Having fought against Zabuzhan before, under this kind of mist, he fully understands the danger!

Just about to explode chakra, wash away some fog, stabilize the morale of the army, and shout out!

"What's wrong!"

Sai fell from mid-air and shouted, "At three o'clock, be careful!"

It turned out that his big bird in mid-air was shot and turned into a pool of ink.

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