Tsunade's head is huge now!

Looking at Danzo in front of him, countless anger shot out from the only left eye, and the right eye that was deducted was a bloody hole!

Tsunade wasn't thinking about how to explain to him.

She just doesn't understand now, what the hell is Naruto doing?

Didn't you say that you want to explain the secret of the fourth generation? What are you doing with Danzo's right eyeball? ? ?

Also, Naruto, how dare you?

In Hokage's office, in front of me, in front of Hokage's high-level executives, just like that, Danzo's right eyeball was snapped off!

How is this different from betraying Konoha?

Tsunade can't figure it out, this is the guy who has been targeting Hokage, can he do it?

But now it's happening right in front of your eyes.

Tsunade didn't understand.

Jiraiya and Kakashi didn't understand either.

Danzo didn't understand even more! ! !

Nima, before you came, who dared to tell Danzo that Naruto was going to be in Hokage's office to catch your eyeballs, Danzo would definitely think that person was crazy.

Because, even if he thinks differently, he feels that he can't do this.

Back then, when he had closed the eyeballs, he had taken a group of younger brothers, found a very secluded place, and even made a move to close the eyeballs and kill people to silence them, and then he acted.

After all, Danzo also wants to continue mixing in Konoha.

Where is it like Naruto, who directly flipped the table.

Precisely because of this, Naruto took advantage of this, let Danzo put down all his guard, and made a surprise attack by himself!That's how it works.

Naruto looked at Danzo and said with a cold snort, "Master Danzo, how do you feel? When Uchiha Shisui closed his eyes back then, did you ever think of today!"

As soon as Naruto said this, those present who were about to attack Naruto stopped what they were doing and looked at Danzo!

Especially Kakashi, he looked at Naruto and said: "Naruto! You mean, that right eye is Uchiha Shisui's eye!"

Naruto nodded and said, "That's still fake, otherwise why would I put so much effort to buckle it up?"

As he spoke, Naruto took out a small bottle of liquid culture and put the snapped eyeballs in it.

Jing Yin looked at the bottle in Naruto's hand, narrowing his eyes slightly, this is it!

Not long ago, Naruto asked for what he wanted, and even the liquid inside was prepared for him by himself.

At that time, Naruto also said that it was to cultivate psychic beasts, frogs and tadpoles.

Therefore, let Jing Yin get him the life culture fluid.

It turned out that at that time, Naruto was ready to do so.

Danzo looked at his precious eyeballs, which were just taken away by Naruto, and said angrily: "It was given to the old man by Shisui, don't you want to spit it out!"

Then, he looked at Tsunade and said, "Tsunate, if you don't solve Naruto today, I will use my roots to solve him."

Naruto put the culture bottle away and said with a sneer, "Don't worry, Danzo-sama."


Naruto disappeared directly from the spot and appeared behind Danzo!

"Your right hand, I also accept it!"

Danzo looked back in horror, but unfortunately, the moment he tilted his head, he saw only a flash of cold light.

Then, there was another hum, and Naruto reappeared at the position just now.

It turned out that Naruto took the opportunity to mark Flying Thunder God on Danzo when he buttoned his eyeballs, because Naruto was worried that there would be other people stopping him, and he would not be able to complete the second harvesting action!

Therefore, by drawing these people outside, everyone’s attention will be on themselves.

Danzo finally turned out and fell to the end, it is best to act.

Kakashi stared at Naruto's actions, unable to speak in shock.

The classic Flying Thunder God II!

This is the most classic and best-operated fighting method of my master, the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato.

Everyone looked at Danzo in shock. The Danzo at this moment was horrible. His only left hand was covering the cut of his right arm, bleeding profusely. The bloody hole in his right eye, the only left eye, was not anger at this moment, but fear!

Seeing this, Kakashi immediately came to guard Danzo.

Jing Yin came directly and treated Danzo directly.

Hokage's Anbu Guard also came to Tsunade to protect Tsunade.

Mito Suiyan and Zhuanju Koharu were watching in Hokage's office, almost frightened to death, so they stepped back quickly for fear that Naruto would come over.

Jilai also looked at Naruto, and shouted angrily: "Naruto, do you know what you are doing!"

As if he didn't hear it, Naruto tore off the bandage on Danzo's right arm, and a Hashirama cell arm with a metal seal appeared in front of everyone.

Tsunade narrowed his eyes and said, "The skin color of that arm is the color of the intercolumnar cells transplanted from my grandfather."

Jiraiya also looked at Danzo's right arm in Naruto's hand, and the metal on the arm looked like a seal!

What's on Danzo's right arm? It needs to be sealed and suppressed like this.

Naruto looked at Danzo and thought: "Danzo-sama, so many sharingan eyes have been transplanted on his right arm, it's very difficult to suppress it. Look how good I am. I relieved your troubles today."

Danzo raised his head with difficulty, he looked at Naruto, trembling from blood loss all over his body, and said, "Who the hell are you!!!"

When this happened, Danzo began to doubt Naruto's identity.

Jiraiya looked at Naruto and said seriously, "Naruto, do you know what your actions today mean?"

Naruto took a deep breath and exhaled: "I know, but I have to do this."

Zilai also frowned.

He is afraid!

Nagato's path has gone astray, and he is just such an apprentice, a proper son of prophecy, why does it seem that the path is going astray now.

Tsunade said: "Naruto, return Danzo-sama's hand and right eye to him. There is still room for discussion on this matter."

Danzo said viciously: "No! I want him to die!"

Naruto waved his hands helplessly and said, "Grandma Tsunade, look, I am also very helpless."

Afterwards, Naruto looked at Danzo and said, "Master Danzo, don't die, I won't take your life, I will leave it to Sasuke to come and get it! Your hands are covered with the blood of the Uchiha clan, Die in Assistant Assistant, can untie his knot."

After finishing speaking, Naruto turned around and was about to escape with Flying Thunder God.

Jilai also yelled in time: "Wait Naruto! Tell the teacher, are you doing this to avenge Sasuke's Uchiha clan? Also, where are you going next?"

Naruto looked at Jiraiya and said: "Teacher, I don't mean any hatred when I do this. It's just that Danzo has what I need, Shisui's eyes, and the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, that's all. ;As for where to go, the teacher doesn’t have to worry, next, I have my plan, presumably soon, the teacher will hear my name.”

Jiraiya narrowed his eyes slightly, gritted his teeth and said, "So, you are planning to defect from Konoha."

Naruto said blankly: "No matter what Konoha treats me, I'm still that Uzumaki Naruto!"

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