"Feel sorry!"

If you don't bow your head again, it's like a man apologizing to a girl who has let him down for a long time.

Bai shook his head and wiped away his tears.

"No, Mr. Zabuzhan doesn't need to apologize, all of this is voluntary."

Hearing these words, Zai Bu Zhan said with tenderness in his eyes: "Bai, you are so kind."

Naruto was on the side, and his aunt looked at the two of them with a smile. Bai's character was really like Hinata, and Hinata was also like this. She had been silently watching and loving herself behind her.

Thinking of Hinata, Naruto subconsciously sensed the Flying Thunder God who stayed on Hinata's body, um, no problem, arrived at the same predetermined battlefield position as in the previous life, subconsciously, Naruto's mind moved slightly, and adjusted a clone towards Hinata Tian's location flew over.

Akatsuki's base, playing around with the taste: "This is not cut and white, it's quite stubborn, personal emotions are so strong, and they can't be completely controlled, anyway, if that's the case, I'll let you two become emotionless killing machine!"

As he said that, Dou directly strengthened the restraint, and if he didn't cut Hebai's pupils, they instantly turned white, and the god inside was completely gone, which proved that they were completely controlled by Dou!

Kakashi observed this and snapped: "Attention everyone!"

Naruto looked at Mr. Kakashi and said, "Mr. Kakashi, do you need help?"

As soon as Naruto opened his mouth, Kakashi instantly felt that the pressure was not so great, because his teacher, the Fourth Hokage, is now standing with Naruto, they are a gang!

Moreover, Naruto's current strength, he knows, dealing with these four is definitely not a problem.

Now, I no longer have Sharingan, but I have become one-eyed Kakashi. I became the captain because of the prestige in the past.

Therefore, facing these four ninjas, Kakashi is still very stressed, but when Naruto opened his mouth, coupled with the shot of teacher Minato just now, and the conversation between Orochimaru and Dou, Kakashi can be sure that Naruto is On the side of the coalition!

Therefore, Kakashi smiled and said, "Of course, Naruto, if you can make a move, that's the best!"

Li Xing said: "Haha, Naruto needs help!"

Sai was also very happy, which proved that Naruto still cared about the village and was with the village.

Sakura looked at Naruto with a complicated expression. Now Naruto didn't know why, but felt so alienated from herself. Compared with Sasuke's indifference, Sakura was used to it, but Naruto was not like this before.

The former Naruto loved to lick herself since she was a child, coaxing her with everything. Ever since the woods fainted and then woke up, it was like a different person. Not only did she kiss Hinata on the spot, but her attitude towards herself became weaker. A lot, there is no such ambiguity before.

Naruto looked at Kakashi and the troops behind him and said, "Except for the seal ninja, everyone else, retreat, don't block my performance!"

Minato stepped forward and said, "Naruto, do you need my help?"

Naruto shook his head and said, "Senior brother just returned the Samsara Eye to me, just in time, let me warm up!"

Minato heard the words, understood, and backed away with Orochimaru.

Kakashi understood Naruto's meaning, and shouted back: "Sealing class, get ready, everyone else, all back!"

Sakura frowned and said, "Mr. Kakashi, let Naruto do it alone, is it really okay?"

Kakashi looked at Naruto and said: "The current Naruto is no longer the strength we can measure, back off, don't trouble him!"

Li clenched his fists and looked at Naruto, feeling very entangled in his heart.

When he was young, Naruto and he were both at the tail end of the crane. At that time, Neji kept talking about being a genius. In the end, Naruto defeated Neji and changed his genius mind. At that time, Li liked Naruto very much!

Because Li is also a crane tail, he can't use ninjutsu, he can only use taijutsu, but seeing Naruto who is also a crane tail rise up like this, he is very relieved, and even wants to cry!

Yes, the tail of the crane can also defeat genius.

But now, Naruto seems to have become that genius, and the gap between himself and Naruto has become very large!

Thinking of this, Li felt quite depressed.

I am afraid that my brother will starve, and I am afraid that my brother will drive the road.

This is how Li feels now.

Beside Kakashi, a Konoha staff officer shouted worriedly: "Naruto, the man next to him is the ninja from Kekeiji Boundary. He is the same as Deidara. Girl, it's Sand Yin's Blood Successor Limit, Burning Escape Ninja Pakula, please be careful!"

Naruto nodded, "I understand."

No longer chopping knot seal: "Ninja method, fog concealment technique!"

The thick fog suddenly rose, and Kakashi shouted behind him: "Everyone is there, and then retreat quickly, with the Sensing Ninja as the center, form a guard team, and the others pay attention to defending the direction of 12369 points! Form a swastika formation ,be quick!"

Everyone: "Understood!"

Everyone was waiting.

"Damn it, the fog is getting thicker and thicker!"

Kakashi could no longer see Naruto, and his teacher Minato, next to Orochimaru.

Kakashi shouted: "Everyone, be careful."

Suddenly, Naruto snorted coldly and said: "No more chopping, no, it should be called a pocket, you should understand that this move is really redundant for me!"

Saying that, Naruto transformed into Nine-Tails, and the Nine-Tails mode was turned on.

Naruto said lightly: "Although the fog can cover your tracks, it is a help to me now, because this kind of fog can not cover your tracks for me, but can help I cover!"

As he said that, four tails suddenly appeared behind Naruto, and then he volleyed them in four directions!


Four penetrating sounds came directly!

The sentient ninja yelled: "What a powerful Chakra!"

Kakashi frowned, and Konoha sensed the ninja's joy and said, "It's Nine-Tails Chakra, yes, absolutely right! It's Naruto!"

Kirabi rapped: "As soon as Naruto makes a move, you will know if there is one, Nine-Tails Naruto, sweeping the world, Oye!"

Because of the presence of Kirabi, the cloud hidden ninjas didn't feel any fear even though the fog was thick. Just kidding, Master Eight Tails is here, what are you afraid of!

Naruto snorted coldly, another tail emerged from behind, then circled in mid-air, swept it vigorously, and in an instant, a strong wind hit, and all the fog dissipated!

The people present were hit by the strong wind, put their hands in front of their bodies, bent down to resist, and waited for the wind to pass, and instantly saw the situation in front of them clearly!

I saw four nine-tailed yellow chakra tails piercing through the four ninjas one by one!

Seeing this scene, the ninjas present were stunned.

"how come?"

"With just one blow, these four people were killed!"

"The famous blood-successor ninja was actually..."

Because of Naruto's attack, Zabuza, Shiro, Pakula, and Bakudenshou's consciousness returned briefly.

Zabuzhan looked at Naruto in front of him, his eyes fixed, and it turned out to be like this: "The demon fox boy back then has now grown to the point where he can master the Nine-Tails Chakra!"

Bai was shocked and said: "Naruto, you really, have become very strong!"

Bakutunshou was shocked and said: "Under the technique of fog concealment, he can accurately find us and hit us. It seems that he is still a very strong perception ninja!"

Pakula sighed: "That's good, it saves us from hurting innocent people!"

In the dark, Dou gritted his teeth, frowned and strengthened the restraint, Naruto frowned, felt the throbbing from the tail, snorted coldly, the four tails were like four swords, and directly raised!

Immediately, the upper bodies of the four ninjas were all torn open and split into two halves!

At the same time, Naruto raised his hand, eyes of Samsara fixed, and shouted: "Wanxiang Tianyin!"

With a chirp, all four of them flew towards Naruto!

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