The tall gatehouse is supported by two thick red pillars with two people hugging each other. On the yellow tiles, there is a large cement plaque with the word "empty area" written on it.

Itachi came here with Ninja Cat in his arms, and Shisui.

"Really, I haven't been here for a long time!"

Zhishui looked at the gatehouse with a look of reminiscence.

Itachi smiled and said, "Today, we revisited the old place!"

Saying that, Itachi knotted seals and transformed into a Konoha ninja. Seeing this, Shisui also transformed into a Konoha ninja.

On the way here, they negotiated to return the Ninja Cat in the name of returning it, that is, they patrolled and found the Ninja Cat passed out on the side of the road, and found that his beard was broken, so they sent him back.


Itachi and Shisui walked in. On the street, there was no one, not even a bird, and it was even more empty than the Uchiha land, because this is an empty area, no place for people to live.

Arriving at a doorway similar to an underground parking lot, Itachi stopped, and Shisui also knew that it was here.

The two walked in and walked through the long passage, the inside was very dark, only the footsteps of Shisui and Itachi could be heard.

Zhishui sighed, "This place really remains the same, it's as dark as ever, giving people a depressing feeling."

Itachi laughed and said, "You know, when Sasuke came here with his father for the first time, he almost cried. After returning, he hugged me and complained for a long time, saying that he went to a scary place today."

When Zhishui heard it, he smiled and said, "Really? Hahaha, it's so cute."

Itachi nodded. At that time, Sasuke was still very young, just sensible, and he knew how to pester him all day long. It was really cute.

Thinking of this, Itachi also smiled happily.

Because of the smiles of the two of them, the oppressive atmosphere in the passage eased a lot.

"Hey, you two, stop!"

Hearing the sound, Itachi and Shisui turned around to look, and saw two ninja cats appearing behind them at some point, one with an upside-down "dry" on its head, and the other with Ninja written on its head. Character.

Itachi smiled slightly. He knew the two cats and greeted them: "Long time no see, Dianhuo, Hina!"

The two cats whose names were called were a little surprised. They looked at Shishui and Itachi, and found that there was no memory of these two people in their minds.

Dianhuo said vigilantly: "Who are you? Why do you know our names?"

Hina sniffed it with her nose, and said doubtfully, "I feel that your smell is so familiar."

Itachi frowned. Before he came in, he had already changed the attributes of Chakra, including Shisui. What they used was not an ordinary transformation technique, but a transformation technique that can change the attributes of Chakra!

Shisui opened his mouth and said: "As the Konoha ninja, the weapon provider of the Uchiha clan, of course we know something about it!"

Itachi looked at Dianhuo and Hina and said, "I'm here to give back your partners!"

Saying that, Itachi revealed the Ninja Cat in his arms.

Dianhuo and China saw that this was the guy Grandma Cat had been looking for these days, how could it be in the hands of these two people!

Itachi said, "We didn't mean anything malicious, we just found him during the patrol and just sent him back."

Dianhuo said: "Leave him to us."

Itachi shook his head and said, "We want to see Granny Cat. It just so happens that Konoha is fighting recently, so we are also planning to buy some weapons."

Dianhuo gritted his teeth and said, "Don't you know that this is a weapon store dedicated to the Uchiha clan?"

Itachi nodded and said: "I know, but the Uchiha clan is gone, don't you guys stop doing business?"


Dianhuo gritted his teeth, but itachi didn't move. After a few seconds, he had to compromise and said, "I can take you to see Granny Cat, but..."

Itachi smiled slightly, then took out a bottle from his pocket, threw it over and said, "Here, as a souvenir, a bottle of Mutian Polygonum!"


Hina pounced on him and snatched away the bottle that Itachi had thrown.

Zhishui smiled slightly. Before coming here, he and Itachi went to the market to buy it. For this reason, he also contacted Naruto and asked Naruto for money.

Hina smiled and said, "Thank you for your care."

Dianhuo said meaningfully: "It seems that you know a lot of information!"

As he said that, Dian Huo walked in front, and turned around and shouted: "Follow me, I will take you to see Granny Cat."

Following in the footsteps of Dianhuo and Hina, Shisui and Itachi finally met the cat mother-in-law.

The cat mother-in-law was sitting cross-legged on a carpet, wearing a cat tool, smoking a pipe, surrounded by cats.

Petting the Ninja Cat that had been lost in her arms for a long time, the cat mother-in-law frowned and said, "Where did his beard go?"

Itachi said: "I don't know, we also found it when we were patrolling. We found it to be a ninja cat. There was a corresponding request for the lost record task, so we sent it back."

The cat mother-in-law snorted, a little puzzled, because the cat's whiskers are only high-quality medicinal materials, and they are very valuable!

However, Konoha Ninja came to the door on his own initiative to bring back the lost cat, so she couldn't say anything more.

"You two have worked hard."

As she said that, Granny Cat took out some money and handed it over, "Here, let's treat it as a thank you money for the two missions."

Itachi waved his hand, but didn't answer.

The cat mother-in-law asked suspiciously: "Huh? This is the two of you?"

Seeing this, Itachi took out some money from his pocket and handed it to Granny Cat.

The cat mother-in-law asked suspiciously: "Your Excellency, this is it? Oh, I heard from Dianhuo and Hina that the two of you are going to buy weapons for Konoha, right?"

Itachi shook his head again.

The cat mother-in-law hummed, took a puff of a cigarette, and stared at Itachi. This person has been looking at herself since she came in. Now, he doesn't want the money if he gives it himself.

There are oddities.

Suddenly, Itachi kowtowed and bowed down.

The cat mother-in-law was slightly startled, "Your Excellency, this is?"

Itachi said sincerely, "It's been thanks to you for taking care of me all this time."

The cat mother-in-law was very surprised when she heard the words, she looked at Itachi and said, "What do you mean by that?"

Itachi smiled and said, "It's nothing interesting, this little money is something from my heart, so I should treat it as a filial piety to you."

The cat mother-in-law looked at this sum of money, it was not a small sum, she just gave it for no reason, and said she was taking care of it, who are you?

The cat mother-in-law sniffed it carefully, and then said: "You have covered the original Chakra breath!!!"

Speaking of this, Grandma Cat said with burning eyes: "Who are you? What are you doing here!"

Itachi got up, Zhishui also got up when he saw this.

As soon as Grandma Cat's mood changed, all the cats around immediately surrounded her, stood in front of Grandma Cat, stood upright, bared her mouth, meowed, and looked at Weasel and Shishui viciously.

Itachi smiled and said, "Grandma Cat, goodbye."

Saying that, Itachi and Shisui turned and left.

Just about to leave, the ninja cats wanted to attack, but they were stopped by the cat mother-in-law.

The cat mother-in-law was smoking, watching the disappearing figures of Itachi and Shisui, the smoke drifting from the bong seemed to form a gauze in front of her eyes, blocking the door of the truth.

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