Naruto: Rebirth of Naruto, save Jiraiya at the beginning

Chapter 177 Unleash the Itachi in Your Heart

With a bang, Itachi was thrown flying out.

Zhishui gritted his teeth and panted angrily.

Itachi fell to the ground, raised his body with difficulty, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Shisui stood up, and the kaleidoscope Sharingan had already appeared. Itachi knew that this was a manifestation of Shisui's inner emotions. Shisui walked towards Itachi, and Itachi also stood up.

Kisame came to Itachi in an instant, and said seriously: "You are not allowed to hurt Mr. Itachi!"

Shisui frowned and said, "Go away, this is a matter between our Uchiha clan!"

Seeing this, Naruto stood in front of the two of them, "Shishui, the matter has already happened, so there's no point in entangled with it."

Itachi pulled Naruto away and said, "Kimesame, Naruto, get out of the way. This is between me and Shisui. I really didn't fulfill my promise to Shisui and failed his entrustment."

Naruto frowned, unable to say anything, sighed, and stood aside.

Seeing this, Guixier also moved away.

Zhishui came over, grabbed Itachi's clothes, and punched it punch after punch, roaring while beating:

"I asked you to protect a family, and you slaughtered them!"

"The eyes entrusted to you, the hope entrusted to you, what have you done!"

"Look at the clothes you are wearing again, what is it, blue or white, white or white!"

"You are right for me!"

With a roar, Shisui finally threw a heavy punch, and directly punched Itachi again. This time, Itachi's whole face was bruised and swollen, his mouth was full of blood, and his nose was bleeding.

Zhishui panted heavily, looking angrily at Itachi who fell to the ground.

Naruto couldn't stand it anymore, but he knew that this was a matter between Shisui and Itachi, and if it wasn't resolved, there would always be one thing between them.

Itachi was lying on the ground, looking at the ceiling, expressionless.

After Shisui calmed down, he came to Itachi, stood like this, looked down at Itachi, then, Shisui squatted down halfway, looked at Itachi and said quietly: "The patriarch of the Uchiha clan, your father, Fugaku , I know his strength, presumably, he was not killed by you, but he was willing to die by your knife."

As soon as Shisui's words came out, Itachi's eyes fluctuated, and in his mind, he seemed to return to that night, the back of the sitting figure holding the knife, facing his parents, and his trembling hands.

Zhishui sighed, "He chose to believe in you, just like me."

Itachi gritted his teeth, raised an arm, and shielded his eyes, trying not to let his emotions come out.

Seeing this, tears flowed from Shisui's eyes. He sat beside Itachi, took a deep breath and said, "Itachi, you at that time must have been in great pain!"

Itachi couldn't hold back any longer, first he hummed in a low voice, his body shook constantly, and his teeth were clenched tightly, then, Shisui put a hand on his arm that blocked his eyes, and said, "It's all over. , Itachi."

These words were like a key, completely unlocking Itachi's emotions, the tears were released instantly like a flood that opened the gate, the flow could not be stopped, and he began to sob loudly.

It's like a person who has been suppressed for many years finally let go of his long-standing disguise.

Seeing this, Naruto felt warm inside.

It seems that Zhishui is asking Itachi for his guilt and punching Itachi hard, but in fact, Zhishui is helping Itachi to release the guilt that has always been in his heart.

Shisui knows Itachi very well, he knows what Itachi is like.

After listening to Naruto's words, Shisui immediately understood that this matter can only be done by Itachi, because he is kind, even if he is ruined, even if he bears the eternal infamy of slaughtering a clan, he still chooses to protect the village, Konoha, and own younger brother.

Danzo knew this, so he talked to Itachi to make this happen.

From this point of view, Naruto said that it is not surprising that Sasuke killed Danzo.

Itachi has burdened too much, and no one in the true sense has ever come to question him.

Shisui is Itachi's best friend, and also his big brother on the ninja road. His questioning is like those relatives slaughtered by Itachi. Every word and every fist will pry open Itachi's hard heart door and hit his heart directly. !

Therefore, Itachi's emotions were completely vented.

Seeing this scene, Kisame felt a little emotional, and even felt sorry for Mr. Itachi.

He knew that until his death, Itachi was thinking about his younger brother in his duel, and he seldom lived for himself in his life.

Naruto patted Kisame on the shoulder, beckoning him to go out together, and let him and Shisui stay alone for a while.

Kisame nodded and followed Naruto out.


Naruto looked at Kisame and said, "What kind of person do you think Itachi is?"

Kisame thought for a while and said: "Mr. Itachi said before that a ninja will only see his true self clearly at the moment before he dies. I think Mr. Itachi should understand the moment he fell in a battle with his brother. Alright.

However, in my opinion, Mr. Itachi is a poor man.

Poor people like me. "

Naruto nodded, and then said proudly: "My previous ambition was to be a Hokage and surpass the previous Hokages, but in this life, my ambition has become a little bigger."

Kisame looked at Naruto, and Naruto replied: "I hope that in the future world, there will be no more people like Itachi, don't appear again, hide in the dark, protect people, let alone come out, there are external forces , Let the world fall into darkness!"

Kisame blinked, then grinned and said, "You are crazier than the masked man I've seen before."

Naruto let out a cry, and responded, "Obito, that's a poor man, but I haven't woken him up yet!"

Ten minutes later, Shisui and Itachi came out, followed by Orochimaru.

Looking at the wound on Shisui's face, as if he had been healed, Naruto was a little surprised.

Orochimaru said: "Fight in the future, don't fight in my laboratory, I won't be in charge of healing anymore."

Saying that, Orochimaru closed the door directly, and he wanted to rest.

Shisui looked at Naruto and said, "I haven't officially said thank you to you yet."

Saying that, Shisui bowed to Naruto.

"Itachi and I just met, and we have a lot to talk about, so..."

Naruto nodded and said, "It's okay, just go and chat, it just so happens that Itachi can tell you what happened when you were not around."

Shisui smiled and looked at each other, and Itachi followed Shisui. After obviously crying, although he was still a little sad, his eyes were much clearer, not as depressed as before.

Ghost Shark said, "Then what about me?"

Naruto pulled Kisame away, and said as he walked: "You have a sense of boundaries, okay? When you have time, you can help Kirabi teach the students. Also, don't you want to practice Thunder Dungeon? Go learn, let the two of them alone Talk about the old days."

Kisame's heart: Not very happy.

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