Naruto: Rebirth of Naruto, save Jiraiya at the beginning

Chapter 171 Succeeded in mouth escape, dried persimmon and ghost shark joined.

On the tower, Itachi smiled.

"Long time no see, Kisame!"

In the water, dried persimmon ghost shark heard itachi's voice, it was unbelievable.

How can this be?

Mr. Itachi is dead already!

Dried Persimmon Kisame thought he was dazzled, so he rubbed his eyes specially. Naruto saw it, and said with a smile: "Hey, what are you still doing, come up!"

Saying that, Naruto stretched out his hand.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

With a chirping sound, Naruto directly sucked the dried persimmon ghost up from the water.

After landing, Kisame Kisame was still on combat alert, facing Naruto, Itachi took the initiative to step forward, looked at Kisame Kissimmon and said, "Kissimmon, are you alright?"

Kisame Kisame took a few steps back and said viciously: "Mr. Itachi is dead, you fake guy! I never thought that Naruto, in order to make me loyal to you, you specially brought a fake Uchiha Itachi here! "

Naruto laughed, looked at Itachi and said, "Itachi, you should prove it."

Itachi nodded, then opened the kaleidoscope Sharingan, and looked at Kisame Kisame.

"Ghost shark! Look at me!"

Kisame was caught off guard by Itachi's illusion.

During the illusion, Itachi showed what he saw, the scenes of getting along with Naruto, to Kanshi Kisame.

A few seconds later, Ganshi Guishui understood everything.

"So it turns out that Mr. Itachi is dead, he was reincarnated from the dirt, Naruto, you actually used the legendary sage technique to resurrect Mr. Itachi!"

Kisame Kisame looked at Naruto, full of shock.

"Naruto, you are crazier than that guy!"

Naruto looked at Kanshi Kisame and said: "At least, I will not escape from reality. Obito wants to create a world without hypocrisy, hatred, and disputes. There is nothing wrong with this ideal. His mistake is that he pulls everyone into the world." A world of dreams!"

Before Naruto could finish, Kisame Kisame retorted: "Facing this hypocritical world, even though the dream world is fake, it is much better than being in this painful world!"

Naruto shook his head, "No!"

He came to Kisame Kisame, looked at him and said, "I think, instead of dreaming of a fake world, it is better to transform this hypocritical world together. A real ninja recognizes the hypocrisy of this world and still chooses to be a ninja." Love the world and face it bravely!

Instead of running away from this world like Obito, hiding behind that mask forever, controlling everything! "

Kisame Kisame looked at Naruto's firm gaze, then at Itachi who was following Naruto, and fell silent.

Naruto continued: "What's more, Obito's dream is a beautiful lie. Someone woven this lie for him, but he doesn't know it!"


Kisame's eyes widened, and even Itachi looked at Naruto curiously.

Nagato smiled.

Naruto clasped his arms around his chest and said, "Obito's Moon Eye Project, that is, Uchiha Madara's Moon Eye Project, is said to be the art of the Sage of the Six Paths to bring peace to the world, but in fact, that is not the case at all!"

Itachi frowned and asked, "What is that?"

Naruto looked at Itachi and said: "The art that makes the world fall into a dream, Itachi, think about it, what is the difference between it and your illusion, isn't it just an enlarged version, is your illusion real, you What is the purpose of casting the illusion? After casting, receiving the target of the illusion, one of the final results will be good!"

Oh yes!

A word to awaken the dreamer.

As a master of illusion, Itachi was completely awakened by Naruto's words. He murmured: "Behind the use of illusion, there must be a purpose. Entering the dream is just for the better control of the caster!"

Naruto snapped his fingers and said, "Very smart! Because it is close to the truth of the Moon's Eye. In fact, the purpose of performing that large-scale illusion is to facilitate the collection of chakras from all human beings. The purpose is to resurrect an ancient person!"

"Resurrection of an ancient person???" Gan Shi Guixiong couldn't understand, but was very surprised.

this this this...

His worldview is changing rapidly.

Naruto looked at Kisame Kisame and said, "Kissame, what should I say, continue to pursue that fake dream, be a chess piece on someone else's chopping board, and finally become a piece of fish, or follow me to transform this hypocritical world!"

Kisame Kisame fell into hesitation, because Naruto's words touched him a little, especially the sentence: A real ninja recognizes the hypocrisy of this world and still chooses to love this world and face it bravely!

Naruto saw that Kisame was still hesitating, and continued to evade: "Don't forget, you promised me back then, and now I have done it, Itachi, I was going to be resurrected, you said you didn't believe it!"

Naruto pointed to Itachi and said, "I can do the things of bringing the dead back to life, the art of immortals, so I can still do the things of transforming the world!"

Itachi also looked at Kisame, persuading him, "Kisame, I choose to believe in Naruto. Since you and I have already died once in principle, then, this time, let's live for ourselves!"

Dried persimmon ghost smiled wryly and said: "Live for yourself!"

Itachi looked at Kisame and said: "If you don't want to face Obito and them for the time being, then you are like me, put on a mask, and use our hearts to watch the world and Naruto, to see how he goes. Change the world!"

Itachi looked at Naruto, and Kisame also looked up at him.

"Okay, Mr. Itachi, I choose to believe you!"

Afterwards, Kisame looked at Naruto viciously and said: "Naruto, I am at most a cooperative relationship with you. I believe in Mr. Itachi. I will wait and see what you think!"

Naruto saw that Kisame had joined the group, and said with a smile, "Very well, then on behalf of Yuyin, I welcome you to join. From today, you will be a member of the Sky Organization, and from now on, we will be partners!"

Seeing Naruto's outstretched hand, Kisame froze for a moment.

companion?the village?

The things that were once abandoned by myself are now handed over by someone.

Itachi looked at Kisame in a daze, grabbed his hand, and held it with Naruto.

"Mr. Itachi?!"

Itachi looked at Kisame and said, "Guisser, trust me, your choice is not wrong!"

Ghost shark smiled slightly.

It's great that Mr. Itachi is back.

Finally, there is no need to perform tasks alone.

"Oh, by the way, Naruto, there is one more thing, you have to give me back the shark muscles!"

Naruto was a little embarrassed, and said awkwardly: "I agree to return it to you, but Sharkis may not like you anymore!"


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