The country of thunder, Yunyin Village.

Mabui has already written detailed information and requests for help. There are four copies in total. Among them, Konoha's letter is the longest, and it is packed in an iron box the size of a table.

Upon seeing this, Tutai asked, "What is this for? Why did you put the information in this?"

Seeing this, Mabui said: "Because I want to use the technique of heavenly gift to airdrop these four iron boxes into the hidden villages, so that information can be transmitted quickly!"

When Tutai heard the words, he suddenly realized that it was so.

Mabui wants to use the technique of quickly transporting supplies during the war, the technique of God's gift!

As long as you know the exact latitude and longitude location, you can instantly teleport there!

That technique is comparable to the four generations of Flying Thunder God's technique, but the technique of Heaven's Sending can only be used to transport items, because ordinary people simply cannot resist the huge damage to the body caused by transporting them.

Once, some high-level officials thought that during the war, using the technique of sending people from heaven to teleport people, as a result, many people died or were injured, and basically very few survived.

The only one who succeeded was the third generation of Raikage, who successfully transmitted it with the technique of heavenly gift, but that was because the third generation of Raikage's physical fitness was very strong, and the third generation of Raikage, who had the title of the strongest spear, could completely resist it.

Wrapped in an iron box, it should protect the information contained in it. Such a big box will definitely attract the attention of the other ninja in an instant!

Mabui also ordered the others to engrave the words "Book of Diplomacy of Yunyin Village" on the iron box with Leidun, so that the ninjas on the other side can quickly understand this thing.

After doing everything, Mabui asked people to put the iron boxes one by one on the transmission table, and she started to seal!

"Send from Heaven!"

There was a chirp, a crackling sound, thunder flashed, and the iron box was teleported out instantly!

The first hair is Konoha.

Just after the transmission, Mabui collapsed for a while.

Because of this technique, the consumption of chakra is not small, she did not stop, and continued to teleport, and when she did the third one, she was almost unable to stand up.

Tutai worried: "Mabui, take a rest."

Mabui shook his head, took a sip of water from the ninja next to him and drank it, and said with a sigh of relief: "Right now, in the autumn of Yunyin's crisis, Raikage-sama and Xidu fell down, and Darui was kidnapped again, time does not allow I'm late, I have to hurry up!"

Saying that, Mabui bit her lip and insisted, a mouthful of bright red blood flowed down, and she sealed again!

"Send from Heaven!"

There was another crackling sound, thunder flashed, and the last iron box was completely transported away. Seeing this, Mabui fainted.

Seeing this, Tutai hurried over to help, and then shouted: "Quick, send it to the medical room!"

Do a good job in Mabui, and the Tutai feels a lot of pressure in an instant.

In the entire Yunyin, he is now the only high-level executive left.

Worried, Samui brought Karui and Omoi over.

"Master Tutai, there is new news!"

Looking at the three people on the platform, he relaxed slightly. The three apprentices of Sir Kirabi are still there, and they can still stand up, especially Samui, who is very similar to Mabui, an elite female ninja who handles things.

"whats the matter?"

Samuel frowned and said, "Your name is welcome!"

Tutai frowned slightly, thinking that the daimyo might be due to the attack on the village, so he explained: "Samui, Raikage is in a coma right now, and Mabui just fell into a coma from chakra overdraft because of ninjutsu. I am left alone, I will temporarily appoint you as the top executive, take good care of Mabui, and when she wakes up, take care of Raikage-sama and Xi-sama!"

Sam Yi stood at attention and said, "Yes, Master Tutai."

Tutai nodded, looked at Omoi and Karui and said, "You two, follow me to see the daimyo!"

Omoy: "Yes."

Kalui sighed and said: "Okay, alas, this Raikage-sama has also fallen, and Captain Darui is also gone. Could it be that I, Yunyin Village, need... ahhh Ah, it hurts!"

Omoi punched Karui hard and said, "Shut your crow's mouth, even if you die, Master Raikage will not die either!"

Karui covered his head, showing a mask of pain: "It hurts!!!"

Tutai sighed: "Mabui, this place is temporarily handed over to you."

Mabui: "Master Tutai, don't worry."

With that said, Tutai took Omoi and Karui away and went to meet the daimyo.

Fire Country, Konoha Village.

A large iron box suddenly appeared above Muye Village, then fell straight down, fell into the middle of the village, hit a private house, and collapsed. Fortunately, there were no casualties, but the movement caused the surrounding residents to onlookers.

In the perception room, the perception ninja sensed the moment the iron box entered the barrier, and immediately issued an alarm, and the mobile unit set off immediately. At the same time, the Anbu people were also going.

Because, on the iron box, there is a strong thunder chakra, and the perception ninja thinks that someone has sneaked in.

A cordon has been fenced around the collapsed house, Morino Ibiki stepped over the cordon, came to the black iron box, knelt down, touched it with his hand, smelled it and said: "There is a high temperature burnt the taste of."

As the captain of the Konoha Torture Department, he is also very good at intelligence. After taking a few glances, he found that there were obvious scratches on the box, and Yunyin and Yunyin could be vaguely seen.

Could it be that there is something Yunyin in this box?

It turned out that when the item was transported, it experienced the friction of time and space, resulting in high temperature, which abraded away the nicks on the surface, and produced burning marks.

After thinking about it, Yibixi stood up and called someone over.

"Rijiu, use your white eyes to see what's inside?"

"Yes, Captain!"

Hinata Rijiu's hands condensed into chakra: "Blind eyes!"

Under the perspective of the white eyes, the contents of the box are clearly seen.

"Captain, there is a small box inside this box. There seems to be something like a scroll in the small box!"

Yibixi heard the words, and said in surprise: "Give me the crowbar!"

Next to it, a ninja handed over a crowbar, and Yibixi handed it to Rijiu Hinata and said, "Open it!"

Hinata Rijiu nodded and said, "Yes, captain."

Under the blessing of Baiyan's perspective, Hinata Rijiu started to work, accurately found the interface of the box, then pried it open, took out the small box inside, then pried it open again, took out the scroll inside, it was actually red!And it said impressively on it: "Urgent! Hokage-sama personally asks."

After seeing it, Yibixi frowned instantly.

The red scroll is the color of the scroll used by the country to ask for help from its neighbors and friends during the Warring States period, and it directly shows that it is written on a distress letter like Lord Hokage.

Hyuga Rijiu also saw it, and couldn't help frowning: "What is Yunyin doing? Not long ago, he was putting pressure on our Hyuga clan to hand over Miss Hinata, and now he is doing it again!"

Yibixi thought for a while and said, "Anyway, let's leave it to Hokage-sama first."

With that said, Yibixi turned and left, heading for Hokage's office.

The country of soil, hidden rocks.

Standing on top of the big bird, Didala laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha, old man Tuying, I, Hu Hansan, am back again!"

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