Naruto: Rebirth of Naruto, save Jiraiya at the beginning

Chapter 111 The battle inside and outside the village

Konoha, wars are raging everywhere.

Countless Bai Zetsu attacked Konoha Village, Tsunade stood on the top of the Hokage Building, and Anbu, who was directly under Hokage, guarded the side.

Zilai also stands on the side.

Lujiu listened to the constant ninja reports and exchanged information with Kaiichi Yamanaka. He was slightly surprised when he heard a piece of news, and then he came to Tsunade and said, "It has been confirmed that Bai Ze can change into other people. Ordinary ninjas cannot perceive it."

Tsunade frowned slightly: "Are there a lot of ninja casualties?"

Shikamaru said with a smile on his face: "Thanks to someone's help, so far, many ninjas have been injured. Because Bai Ze has changed into a familiar person, the sneak attack is serious, but there are no casualties for the time being."

Tsunade said in surprise, "Who?"

Shikajiu looked at Jiraiya, and said with a smile: "It's Naruto! He can perceive the changed Bai Ze in the Nine-Tails Chakra mode, and he can find it out accurately. This makes it unnecessary for our ninjas to exist. Suspicion, rest assured bold attack!

Moreover, according to the intelligence, thousands of shadow clones emerged from Naruto's avatar, spread all over the outer defense line of Konoha Village, and formed small teams with the defensive ninjas, and their combat effectiveness has greatly increased. The current situation of the battle is in our favor . "

Tsunade was in a good mood, looked at Jiraiya and said, "Perhaps, your guess is right."

Jilai also smiled slightly. In fact, after returning to the village, Jilai has been thinking about Naruto's purpose, what is he doing, what is he looking for?

Thinking about it, Jiraiya also thought of Nagato.

Nagato said that his dream is to make the world peaceful, even if it means sacrificing everything, he must reshape the world.

To make such an extreme person like Nagato surrender, then Naruto must have something for Nagato to pursue.

Must be world peace!

Since Naruto said that he can see the future, which he cannot see, then the prophecy of the big toad sage, I also feel that it is Naruto.

Among his apprentices, there is a person who can change the entire ninja world and lead the entire world to true peace.

What Naruto has done so far, although people can't understand, but people who can change the world are easy to understand.

So, in private, when Jiraiya held Tsunade for lingering affection, he said, try to trust Naruto, follow behind him, and see what he does.

Tsunade made seals with both hands, looked at the front and said, "Since we are in the upper hand, the medical protection in the rear cannot be left behind."


With a bang, a huge slug appeared on Konoha, and then Tsunade transformed into a seal. These slugs all turned into small slugs, and quickly crawled over the entire village, running to the injured people for treatment.

Seeing Master Tsunade launching such a medical ninjutsu, Lujiu was even more delighted with the overall situation of the battle. This is equivalent to having a stable rear medical treatment, and the ninja who is well healed can continue to fight immediately.

Yamanaka Kaiichi said joyfully: "As far as the current situation is concerned, there are no opponents with very strong combat effectiveness who have not yet appeared, and they are all Baijue. This configuration can deal with it."

Jiraiya also looked at Hokage Anbu's guard and said, "You guys go to the battle too, I'm on Hokage's side."

The Hokage Anbu guards looked at each other, Tsunade nodded directly, and then left one after another.

What Jiraiya-sama said is also right, he is here, it is equivalent to one Kage-level protecting another Kage-level, it doesn't make much sense for these people to be here, they might as well just go out and kill the enemy.

To be honest, if it weren't for their mission to protect Master Tsunade, anyone who saw this kind of enemy hitting their own home would have to go up there!

Inside Konoha Village.

"Burn it, my youth!!!"

Kai roared crazily, left uppercut, right whip, every move was in vain! ! !

Locke Lee saw Teacher Kai killing so fast, and said anxiously: "Mr. Kai, you are too fast, no, I want to surpass you!"

With that said, Locke Lee opened eight doors directly.

"Eight Doors Dunjia, Third Door, Injury Door, open!!!"

A wave of air erupted from Locke Lee's body, and his hair was blown up by the air wave, shaking the audience. Kai saw Li open eight doors, and shouted excitedly: "Release your youth, Li!"

Locke Lee nodded, and then quickly attacked, the speed at which he killed Bai Jue showed a geometric growth.


Kai saw that Li was faster than himself in killing Bai Jue, so he hurriedly stepped up, anxious, and resorted to physical skills: "Whirlwind of Konoha!"

With a bang, more than twenty Bai Jue were killed with one kick.

Locke Lee said angrily: "Mr. Kai, you cheated! You agreed to only use pure hands and feet!"

After being told by Locke Lee, Kay couldn't bear it anymore. Locke Lee can open eight doors and use physical skills, but he can't. He is a teacher. If he is the same as Locke Lee, it is meaningless to win.

Ning Ci looked at Locke Lee, shook his head with a wry smile.

Here, after killing one side, Tian Tian came to the side with the scroll book that sealed the ninja equipment, sighed and said: "I really admire these two people, this enemy can still play a game. "

A few Bai Jue came from the side again, Ning Ci didn't even look at it, and hit the air with a gossip, and then sighed: "Instead of being depressed about the two of them, I care more about that person over there."

Said, also looked over every day.

That's right, that golden Naruto actually helped Konoha's ninjas deal with Bai Jue together.

Then his position, is he defected from Konoha as the village said?

Neji's eyes were opened at this moment, he was able to clearly analyze the composition of Naruto's Chakra, although Naruto at this moment is a shadow clone, but still has a terrifying strength, completely the fighting strength of a jounin.

He stood on the house and saw a dozen of Naruto like this.

This shows how powerful Chakra Naruto's body must be. Thinking of this, Neji couldn't help laughing at himself.

This is how I lost to this guy in the Chunin exam.

Sometimes when I think about it, Naruto is just hanging on the wall, sealing his own chakra, and the nine-tailed chakra, not to mention endless, but also has its own resilience.

As a result, in the later stage of the fight, he was directly exhausted, and Naruto fell to the ground with a punch.

After it was over, this guy made a fuss about him, but it was only then that he woke up. The so-called theory of fate really doesn't exist.

Thinking about this guy, who kept praising himself as a genius, Ning Ci stopped staying and walked over.

Tian Tian stretched out his hand to stop him, but in the end, Ning Ci jumped more than ten meters away.

"Really, this guy!"

Tian Tian stomped his feet on the spot and followed.

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