Shed and Shuanzi are not as thick-skinned as him, so they are not at all jealous of the reward he won.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Ning Wenyang didn't expect you to bend down for five buckets of rice, I despise you" Ning Shu said and snatched the two tickets in his hand, "But I still have to pay for my hard work."

Seeing that there was only one dollar left in his hand, Yangzi cried to Ning Shu, "Little aunt, you are already so rich, so don't ask for these two dollars."

Ning Shu held two banknotes between his index and middle fingers and shook them back and forth in front of his eyes, "You're not right, no matter how much money I have, it's always piled up with a penny and a dime, and you should understand the principle of accumulating a little to make a lot of money, right?"

Yangzi treasured the remaining one yuan and put it in the pocket inside the padded jacket, then looked at Ning Shu with a mournful expression, begging her to be soft-hearted and return the money to him.

The shed gloated and clapped his hands and laughed, "Haha, little aunt can take care of you"

Yangzi looked at him expressionlessly, "Brother, you're talking as if sister-in-law can't control you."

What he said made the three sisters-in-law laugh out loud, Shu Shu really took care of their son submissively, even the three mothers-in-law couldn't compare.

The shed squinted at him, then grabbed Ning Shu's shoulder and said with a smile, "Sister-in-law, let's go."

Ning Shu, "We women go shopping, what are you guys doing with me?"

Shed replied solemnly, "Of course I'm my little aunt's little errand servant. Today you let me go east and I will never go west. You let me chase dogs and I will never chase chickens. I will obey your aunt in everything."

Ning Shu was very satisfied with his attitude, and then said with a smile, "Let's go, Little Shed."

The shed nodded with a smile all over his face, "Cha, my eldest nephew will take you to the street by bike today"

Looking at the courteous look in the shed, Yangzi snorted angrily, "Aunt was fooled into his car by the glib brother again."

Shuanzi patted him on the shoulder, "Let's go quickly, we won't be able to keep up if we don't." At this time, Chu Jinhong's third sister-in-law and the shed had already left the yard and rode away.

The place where Chu Jinhong brought Ning Shu this time was Ladies Street. From the first shop to the last shop, Ning Shu was in a state of trying on clothes. Only then stopped.

Qian Lailai took out 50 yuan from his pocket and handed it to Shuanzi, "Give us the bag. Take the money and take your little aunt to buy delicious food. Let's take these bags home for Shushu first."

"Second sister-in-law, you should go with us too. It's the busiest when there are many people eating," Ning Shu suggested in a gentle voice.

Li Yuelian took the bag from the child and shook her head with a smile, "We don't like to eat those snacks, you go quickly."

Seeing this, Ning Shu had no choice but to wave goodbye to them with the three brothers. Not far from Ladies Street was the Snack Street, Shed and Shuanzi were pushing the cart in front, and Yangzi and Ning Shu followed behind. Belongs to the aroma of snacks.

Shuanzi squinted his eyes and looked towards the place where the aroma came from, which was a meat pie shop. He cheerfully suggested, "Little aunt, let's go and taste this fragrant meat pie."

Seeing his longing expression, Ning Shu nodded and agreed, "Let's go."

After a while, each of them had a large meat pie in their hands. The fried yellow and oily pie looked very delicious. The four of them sat on the small stools and began to eat.

Just as the four of them were eating with gusto, an angry figure came over, "Ning Wenpeng, is it because you don't accept my pursuit because you like her?" He pointed to Ning Shu who was eating meatloaf next to the shed.

Ning Shu looked at the petite beauty in front of her, and then turned her head to look at the shed. It seemed that this guy was his suitor, so she stopped talking to see how the shed solved it.

The moment the shed saw the girl, his eyebrows frowned. He raised his arms and wrapped Ning Shu in his arms, and replied calmly, "You are really right, she is the woman I like the most besides my mother."

Ning Shu raised his eyelids and glanced at him lazily, this guy is using her to block the knife.

Hearing the words of the shed, the girl burst into tears, "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow up.

Ever since Ning Wenpeng helped her once at school, she has paid special attention to him. After paying attention to him for a long time, she naturally got to know him better. Anywhere is fine.Then she began to pursue Ning Wenpeng. She thought that with her talent and beauty, she would be able to catch up with him quickly, but unfortunately her idea finally came to nothing.

On the day she confessed to Ning Wenpeng, she was dressed beautifully. She stopped the boy and told her thoughts about the girl. Unfortunately, he sternly refused. She didn't give up waiting for him to ask him out to play at the places he passed by, and gradually the students in the school also knew about her pursuit of Ning Wenpeng.

This pursuit lasted for two years, from Ning Wenpeng's polite treatment at the beginning to his frowning at the end, she completely understood that he had no feelings for her. The good friends around him also persuaded her to give up, but she was devoted to a person. How can you just let go after so many feelings? Today she went out with her friends to relax and unexpectedly saw the picture of her sweetheart eating with a girl on the street corner. The bright smile on Ning Wenpeng’s face was something she had never seen before. Yes, thinking of this made her feel sore.

Ning Wenpeng looked at her heartbroken look and refused coldly, "Han Jing, I don't have any thoughts about you, so you don't need to waste time on me."

Han Jing saw that his attitude towards her was very different from that of the girls around him, tears flowed down her face, and the girls around her hurriedly pulled her away when she saw this.

Ning Shu and his two little nephews looked at this scene and shook their heads regretfully. The former asked helplessly, "This little girl seems to be infatuated with you, don't you really have no idea at all?"

Ning Wenpeng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the person left, "Phew... I finally left, sister, you can't force things about your relationship, I really don't have the slightest idea for her"

Ning Shu looked at his serious expression and asked with a smile, "That means she is not your type, so what kind do you like?"

Shuanzi was also interested, just now he saw that sister was very beautiful, and to be honest, she was quite a good match with his brother.

"Yeah, brother, what type do you like, tell us quickly," Yangzi asked with a smile.

The shed looked at Sanran's excited expression and shook his head slightly, "I really don't know what I like, after all, I've never liked anyone before."

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