"Host, in our system world, if we don't have any ability, we have already rebuilt it. Please believe that each of our systems is a successful system," 188 proudly said.

After hearing this, Ning Shu said in awe, "I used to be narrow-minded, but now I have fully realized that I am watching the sky from a well." Their systems have existed for so many years, and the smart ones have learned their skills long ago. The ordinary systems like hers are slow now. Slowly have their own set of codes of conduct.

Ning Shu watched cartoons all afternoon, and the family came back when it was getting dark. Seeing the third brother riding with his mother and third sister-in-law, he asked, "Where did you go today?"

Li Min got off the bicycle path, "I'm going to your grandma's side," then turned to Ning De and said, "Turn back and pick up your father." Ning De agreed and rode out again.

The three of them walked into the kitchen, Hu Yingzi lit the fire, Li Min heated up the lunch in a pot, Ning Shu sat next to the third sister-in-law and said, "Why did you run so far away?" Their house is quite far from grandma's house, and it is impossible to ride a bicycle. It will take more than an hour, and it will take three hours to leave.

Li Min laughed and said, "Today we went to Xiaohe Village to see the calves, and we met your little uncle there, and he forced us to go home for a meal."

Li Min said that his younger brother hated iron and steel, "Your brother-in-law is running around all day long, and your grandma won't even marry him if he asks him to get married."

Ning Shu said with a smile, "Uncle wants to establish a career before starting a family."

Li Min rolled his eyes and said, "Staying honestly in the field and farming is better than anything else, your uncle is spoiled by your grandpa and grandpa."

Ning Shu didn't argue with Li Min about this. Their generation thinks that it is enough to have enough to eat. No one thinks about spiritual prosperity. Here, eating and drinking enough, and keeping your wife and children warm on the kang are the most important thing to do. .

The little uncle didn't want to be one of them, so he, like Ning Wu, wanted to run out to see what the big city outside looked like. This place was undoubtedly the most eye-catching, because their mavericks made the villagers Think they are unreliable and bums.

It's just that outsiders don't know what they are doing, and the number of family members is still clear. No matter what others say, just live your own life and have no regrets in the future.

Hu Yingzi smiled and said, "Little uncle is still very good, and today he made us a stewed pheasant with mushrooms, which is delicious."

"It's just that the craftsmanship is okay." Li Min pursed his lips and said with a smile.

Ning Shu looked at the duplicity of Li Min and said, "Little uncle is filial to his parents, loves his brothers and sisters, loves his nephews, nieces and nephews, he can speak well, and he is skilled. Such a good man will definitely find me a good aunt in the future. Now it's fate." It’s not here yet, you and grandma are worrying too much.”

"I didn't expect that in my niece's heart, I have such a good image. Shu Shu, you have a unique vision." A magnetic and gentle voice sounded from the kitchen door. Ning Shu sat on a small bench and looked back. It was a tall and straight man. It was exactly the same as the little uncle in memory, with handsome facial features, a pair of deep eyes looking at her gently, Ning Shu thought that the little uncle was really handsome.

Ning Shu said with a smile, "Little uncle, you are getting more and more handsome. Besides, what I say is from the bottom of my heart. Little uncle is such a good person."

Li Jie laughed and said, "Shu Shu is getting more and more beautiful, sister, I caught a roe deer on the mountain, and I will give you something to eat." Li Jie put the meat in his hand on the vegetable table.

Li Min said unhappily, "Stay at home and eat by yourself, don't go back when it gets dark today, and bring them back tomorrow"

Li Jie looked at Li Min and said, "Sister doesn't want it, just send it back by yourself and see what mom says about you"

Li Min rolled his eyes at him, "Let's all go out."

Ning Shu entered the room with a plate of melon seeds and nuts, went to sit next to Li Jie, put the plate on the table and said, "Little uncle, eat, I will send something to grandma and grandpa, and you can help take it home tomorrow."

Li Jie took a macadamia nut and gave Ning Shu a meaningful look, "It's not cheap, is it?"

"I don't know, it's from the second sister-in-law." The second sister-in-law did send these things before. Ning Yuanshan and Li Min would not ask their daughter-in-law what to send every time. The head just came and it was perfect.

Li Jie looked at the things on the plate and said, "I've never seen any of these, what does it look like outside?"

Ning Shu looked at his uncle who was looking up at the sky and said, "I will have a chance to go out and have a look in the future, and then we will go to a place every year to play."

Li Jie shook his head and smiled wryly, "I don't know how long it will take, I'm afraid I won't be able to run by then."

Ning Shu understands this kind of person who longs for the vast sky. Although she doesn't have one, she understands how uncomfortable it is to have a free heart being restrained, just like when she was working before, she wished she could leave the company immediately and lie down at home to sleep.

"If you can't run, you can sit in a wheelchair. As long as you can still see with these eyes, you will have no regrets," Ning Shu comforted.

Li Jie smiled and said softly, "Now that the truth is said one by one, it's better than my uncle can say it."

Ning Shu curled her lips and said, "What I said is not as nice as my uncle, who is a role model for my generation."

Li Jie was amused, "Shu Shu will be a freshman at the beginning of school."

Ning Shu nodded, "Yes."

"What are your plans after graduation?" Li Jie thought of his little nephew, who was only young at that time.

Ning Shu thought that there were still five years before the college entrance examination. At that time, she was 21, and then she went to university. After graduating at 25, she went home to take care of herself.

Li Jie looked at his petite niece and said, "What can you do?"

Ning Shu rolled her eyes and said, "In five years, I will definitely grow to 1.7 meters."

Li Jie laughed recklessly, "Let's see then."

Ning Shu thought that his little uncle also graduated from high school, so he asked, "If the college entrance examination is open in the future, will you take the test, little uncle?"

Li Jie ate melon seeds and said casually, "Go, as long as I can still move, I will go"

Ning Shu smiled and said, "The little uncle will have to review a lot in the future, maybe one day it will be open, and it will be better than which of the two of us can take the exam."

Li Jie said proudly, "Then you're doomed. Your brother-in-law and I haven't been surpassed in grades since we started school. I heard that you're still above average in your class."

Ning Shu said arrogantly, "Hedong for 30 years, Hexi for 30 years, I will never be worse than you in the future"

Li Jie looked at Hanhan's niece and said, "Why do you look more and more like your third brother?"

Ning Shu said helplessly, "Little uncle, I am enlivening the atmosphere."

"You're exaggerating." Li Jie couldn't help laughing out loud, "Your expression just now is more amusing than your brother's."

Ning Shu thought of the appearance she had in middle school just now, and laughed too.

When Li Min finished cooking, he saw his uncle and nephew laughing, "What are you laughing at, wash your hands and eat, why haven't your father and your third brother come yet?"

Ning Shu ran out of the yard and stood at the door to look out. After a while, she heard the sound of a bicycle, and said to Li Min in the yard, "I'm back."

Li Min brought the meal to the table, and the family washed their hands and sat down.

Ningde smiled and said, "I heard from the second uncle at the entrance of the village that the calf in our village has been left behind."

Ning Shu smiled and nodded, "Today the captain went to the commune for a meeting, and the secretary of the commune said that whoever can catch the cow will get it."

Ning Yuanshan smiled happier than eating meat to the point of "That's good"

Li Jie wondered, "Where did you catch the cow?"

Ningde immediately said, "Yesterday morning, the educated youths in our village caught ten wild calves. They also caught three big wild boars before. You must have heard about it when you went to Xiaohe Village today."

Li Jie nodded and said to me, "You really have a lot of wild things in Mingshan."

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