"Host, I'm not short of money now. Since I followed the entrepreneurial system to learn, I've made more and more money," 188 said proudly.

Ning Shu was very surprised, it seems that the entrepreneurship system really has two brushes, "Then you should study hard with the entrepreneurship department and try to surpass it"

System 188 listened to the host's encouragement and said truthfully, "I can't surpass it. In our system world, it is the number one richest man in the system world."

Ning Shu said cheerfully, "188, how much do you rank?"

188 replied, "I don't know, the ranking list only ranks 9999, and it will not be displayed after [-], but the [-] properties of the entrepreneurial system are not as many."

"The entrepreneurial system won't be your main system," Ning Shu guessed.

System 188 "We have never thought about this problem. When we are produced, we implant related tasks, and we rely on ourselves to figure out the rest."

Ning Shu touched her chin and thought for a while, "It seems that you are all quite free."

188 "Yes, as long as our own work is done well, we can continue to run stably"

Ning Shu nodded clearly, "Then have you been selling goods recently?"

188 replied "Yes host"

"What are you selling"

"Rice, cornmeal, wheat flour, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and some wild pork." System 188 introduced the goods it shipped in detail.

"You can also sell some daily necessities," Ning Shu suggested.

"This government also has such a plan" 188 likes his wit

"188, bring me a small cake." Ning Shu looked at the time, today's nap was over, so eat a cake to refresh yourself.

"The good host cake has been delivered, do you want to pick it up now?"


"The host is busy, please contact me if you need something"

Ning Shu smiled sweetly, "Go ahead, I wish 188 a prosperous business"

The palm-sized cake was quickly dealt with by Ning Shu.

At this time, the door was knocked, and there was a playful sound outside, "Little aunt, we are here!"

Ning Shu opened the door and smiled slightly, "Come in, why isn't grandma here?"

The shed replied, "Grandpa said that Grandma is still resting and will come back later."

Ning Shu looked at the three little guys and said, "Then you sit down, auntie will tell you a story first." Then Ning Shu told about the people and things a kitten encountered while wandering. Trying to live a happy life.

Ning Shu felt that the story she made up was quite good, so she asked the three children, "After listening to it, how do you feel?"

The shed raised his hand and said, "I want to learn from the kitten, and let our family live a life of meat every day."

Ning Shu couldn't help but looked at the shed with admiration and said, "You have ambition, little aunt believes in the shed, you will definitely do it, and then my aunt will follow you to eat and drink spicy food."

Yangzi frowned and said, "Auntie's chili is not good, we eat meat"

Ning Shu couldn't help but chuckled, "Okay, I'll follow you three to eat delicious meat."

Shuanzi said seriously, "I want to buy beautiful clothes for my little aunt every day, just like Su Zhiqing in our village, who wears beautiful new clothes every day."

Yangzi quickly raised his hand and said, "I want to buy a bicycle for my little aunt. I will buy a lot of bicycles. I will let my little aunt ride them every day."

Ning Shu smiled and tears came out, the child's thoughts were innocent and beautiful, "Auntie will rely on you from now on, we must keep our word"

The three children nodded in unison, "One word from a gentleman is hard to follow."

Ning Shu applauded in admiration, "That's good, that's good, I'll remember it after I teach you once, and I'll reward each of you with a pack of jerky later."

The three children laughed and said, "Little aunt taught well, we study hard"

After Ning Shu took out the prizes promised today from the snack cabinet and distributed them to the three, another person got a pack of jerky.

The three of them put the food in their pockets, and the shed promised, "Don't worry, Auntie, I will watch over the two younger brothers."

"Good boy, let's all go back, goodbye" Ning Shu bowed to the three of them

The three children ran out quickly. Ning Shu thought that grandma should have a rest at this time, so she prepared the things for grandma, signed in the day before yesterday and got ten bottles of plaster for the elderly, each weighing half a catty, It is mentioned in the manual that where the pain is wiped and where the bottle will be effective, I still believe in Ningshu, which is produced by the system.

I also prepared two bottles of oral liquid to help sleep and a few catties of pastries.

When Ning Shu was still looking to see if there was anything suitable for grandma in the space, the old mother's voice came from the yard, "Shu Shu, your grandma is here."

Ning Shu hurriedly opened the door and went out with a smile on her face, "You are finally here, come in and have a seat." Then she turned to Li Min and said, "Mom, my grandma and I have entered the room, you can do your work."

When Cheng Xiuzhi walked into Ning Shu's room, she felt her eyes brighten. Books were placed neatly on the desk, a vase of flowers on the bed was just in bloom, the newspapers on the wall looked clean, and the big wooden cabinet was also scrubbed and polished. Bright, the whole room looks fresh and refreshing.

Cheng Xiuzhi hasn't been to her granddaughter's room for a while, and this time it has changed a lot compared to the last time she came, "Shu Shu, did you arrange this yourself?"

Ning Shu pulled Cheng Xiuzhi to sit on her bed and said, "Yes, grandma, last time the newspapers on the wall were all rotten, and then I bought a new stack of stickers, it looks neater than before."

Cheng Xiuzhi smiled and said kindly, "You are really like your sister-in-law, she also likes to decorate her room beautifully."

Speaking of Ning Qingya, Ning Shu didn't see much. When she was young, she only knew that her sister-in-law was studying in the house every day. After little Ningshu grew up, Ning Qingya went to the capital to go to university. After graduating from university, she worked and settled down in the provincial capital. We met once, but in my memory Ning Qingya was very kind to her and her elder sister. Every year, she would give each of them a big red envelope and buy her nice clothes.

Ning Yun didn't want to go to school after graduating from elementary school. After hearing about this, Ning Qingya came back to talk to Ning Yun the next day. After knowing that it was Ning Yun who didn't want to study anymore, she went back helplessly. Before leaving, she even talked to the original owner She said that she should study hard after graduating from high school and take her around the provincial capital, and if there is a suitable job, find her a job.

At that time, Ning Shu was only ignorant of Yinghe, but when she grew up and saw Ning Qingya, she also understood the importance of studying, and started to study hard, hoping to have a good job like her aunt.

"Is my aunt coming back this year?" I didn't come last year because of my child, and I don't know if I will come this year.

Cheng Xiuzhi smiled and shook her head, "There is no confirmation yet."

Looking at the depressed grandma, Ning Shu quickly comforted her, "My aunt didn't come last year, so I will definitely come to see my grandma this year."

Cheng Xiuzhi smiled, "Let her go, as long as your sister-in-law's family is harmonious and beautiful, it doesn't matter if you come or not"

"Grandma, you are so kind." Ning Shu said with a smile

Cheng Xiuzhi tapped the tip of Ning Shu's nose lightly with her index finger and said with a smile, "It's really naughty."

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