Marvel Immortals in Asgard

Chapter 726 Do something

Hela shook her head after hearing this and said: "The method of shock was correct at that time, but we found the wrong target to attack. We should have attacked Thanos first, but the time was short at that time and we did not think about this. After all, we were If we had not used deterrence and used conventional means, we would definitely be in trouble now."

Karl nodded and said: "Yes, the deterrent method is good. We directly use the Rainbow Bridge to attack. The attack distance is ten light years, and the attack range reaches the diameter of a star. This directly allows us to deter everyone who is ready to make a move. No People dare to go against us again, otherwise we would definitely still be dealing with people with ulterior motives now."

"It's just that we didn't consider Thanos at the time. If we had attacked those predators and sent troops directly to eliminate Thanos, we would have definitely been able to catch him off guard, but now it's obviously too late."

Hela shook her head and said: "Your idea won't work. After attacking the predators, we will have no chance to attack Thanos. You won't forget the distance between us and them. The most we can do is catch up quickly." For him, it might take three to five years to pursue him in a straight line now, but at that time, it might take two to three years."

"Oh, at that time, I was only thinking about building the neutron star energy supply system, and I didn't consider Thanos and the others at all. I missed a good opportunity. This old guy Odin is also to blame. He should have dealt with Thanos and the others."

Karl heard Hela direct the question to Odin, and sighed: "You can't blame your Majesty. He has his own ideas about governing the country. Just like now, don't all Asgardians live and work in peace and contentment? ? There is no benefit in taking the initiative to deal with Thanos. Besides, this matter is also our own error in judgment."

Hela said at this time: "Don't put money on his face. Isn't it your credit that the Asgardians can live and work in peace and contentment now? The Asgardians in the past did not have such a comfortable life now. By acquiring a portable fief, they can rely on the cultivation of the fief to earn millions of cosmic coins every year, which was simply not possible before."

"Coupled with the Uru metal and vibranium you brought back, the price of artifacts has been greatly reduced, making high-end artifacts affordable for everyone, and the formations have increased Asgard's energy supply level. …”

Karl listened to Hela's words and fell into a wry smile. There was no need to talk about these things again, let alone compared with Odin. Isn't this giving Odin eye drops?Odin has the Supreme Throne. Maybe Odin is peeping at this moment. What's more, Hela mentioned Odin's name just now, because she was afraid that he wouldn't know.

Besides, if Hela can talk about Odin, does he dare to say it?Do you really not want to hang out in Asgard?Although he has contributed a lot to Asgard now, Odin has many ways to deal with him, just like how he exiled Hela.Once exiled, Hela had no possibility of returning without Odin's consent and until Odin's death.

Therefore, without waiting for Herrado to say anything, Karl interrupted her directly and said: "Forget it, forget it, no need to talk about what we have done, this is everyone's credit. Let's continue talking about Thanos, since he escaped , let’s let him go first, but we must always pay attention to Thanos’s movements. Once we get news about him, we must pay attention to it. I’m afraid he will find a way to retaliate against us. You all know how extreme this person is. , cannot give him an opportunity to take advantage of."

Fulla said at this time: "Yes, judging from the information obtained from future Tony, Thanos is an extremely arrogant person. This time he ran away in despair, which is considered a shame. With his character, in the future He will definitely come back with revenge, so we must do a good job in intelligence work and understand his movements as much as possible."

Carl was very helpless at this time, and finally thought of a way to deal with Thanos. When he wanted to remove Thanos in one fell swoop, he ran away. In this way, Carl really had no good way to deal with him.

Even if he wanted to use the curse method on the immortal side, it would not work. They learned it in Heaven. This type of spells basically does not exist. After all, it is inherited from Heaven. There are heresies. It is true that there is no such thing.I just don’t know if I will be able to learn the seven nail-headed arrows in Tiangang Technique when I become stronger in the future. If I can learn it, I can give it a try.

It's just that he has no confidence that he can learn this kind of magic. After all, what he learned in Heaven is really focused on it. For example, it is relatively powerful in alchemy, weapon refining, and formations.But in terms of spells, they are a bit good. They have learned very few truly powerful spells. Heaven is a bit like cultivating craftsmen.

After all, they have not been exposed to overly powerful spells, such as thunder. It is said that Shenxiao's thunder is more powerful than the Five Elements thunder. They have never discovered it, let alone the legendary Sanqing thunder.But when Thanos ran away like this, Karl had no way to deal with him, he was too far away.

Karl could only nod his head at this time and said: "Sif, please mention this to Heimdall. You must make it clear. You must not let go of any information about Thanos to prevent him from attacking us inadvertently. He is very aware of Thanos' strength and power, and he must not be careless about this matter."

"We must also pay attention to ourselves. Once we discover something, we must keep an eye on him. We may not sell his information in the future, but we must find a way to keep an eye on them. Once there is an opportunity, we must resolutely get rid of him. If If we let him successfully attack our Asgard, we don't know how many people will die, including us."

Thanos is definitely a poisonous snake. In Thor III, Thor just led the Asgardian refugees into the universe and decided to go to the earth, when he was raided by Thanos. At this time, the Asgardians, There is not much left, and he still wants to kill half of them. Considering how cold-blooded Thanos is, this person must not be left behind.

Once he raids Asgard, even Karl can't say that he can make all the girls escape unscathed. Now the girls are his family. No matter who gets into trouble, he doesn't want to see it. This is also The reason why he has been so careful for so many years is that although he is a little timid, everyone around him is safe.

As soon as Carl finished speaking, everyone agreed, but after saying this, Sylvia asked: "Well, Carl, Thanos has escaped, do we still want to go to the universe to play? We are really busy now ."

Karl thought for a while and said: "Since we have lost the opportunity to kill Thanos, we don't have to be so anxious. Let's arrange the work at hand first, and then we can go have some fun in the universe. How about it?"

Sylvia's head was going crazy at this time and she said: "Okay, okay, it just saves us from always having things on our minds and not having fun playing. When these things get on track recently, we can have a good time." .”

Karl nodded and said, "Yes, but now everyone can think about where to go. Let's make plans first."

Hearing this, Silvia said: "We definitely can't go to too many places. After all, we are still very busy. What do you think of Xandar, the capital of the Nova Empire? The security there is very good, and there is basically everything you can play there. "

Fulla said: "Xandar is very good. In fact, there are not many places we can go to now. We are not too confrontational with the Kree, so don't even think about the areas controlled by the Kree. It is not considered. Originally, Sku Not to mention the Lu people's area, there is a war raging there now, there is no need for us to get involved."

"The Shi'ar Empire is too far away from us. It takes too long to go to them. Moreover, they are quite exclusive. There is no need to go there, let alone the places within the Nine Realms. We all go there often. .”

There is really nothing good to go to in the Nine Realms. Either they have been there or there is no way to go there. For example, Jotunheim and Muspelheim are places that they cannot go to at all. You have to fight, and you have to fight to the death.Of course, there are some that don’t welcome outsiders, such as Niflheim, which is very exclusive.

Although there are many elves in Karl and have been there, the feeling there is not good, so it is not a suitable place to rest at all, especially when going there, you need to report to King Frey there.

Karl nodded and said: "Xandar must be going there. It is a peaceful and technologically advanced planet, which is very representative. In addition to this planet, you can consider any other places you want to go."

Artemis said: "Then add another Almighty City. Let's go together. It's time for me to settle the matter, and then completely open our trade with the Almighty City. Now our trade with that place The quantity is not high. You must know that Zeus often holds meetings of the gods. Although it is an exaggeration to say that the gods are there, there are still thousands."

"This means at least hundreds of planets. If they can become the gods of those planets, it means that they have mastered a large part of the resources of those planets. These are necessary for us to cultivate immortality. What do you think?"

Karl said: "Isn't this too difficult? Zeus is not easy to deal with. It is said that he seems to be quite small-minded."

Speaking of Zeus, Karl couldn't help but think of Thor IV. Regarding Zeus who appeared in Thor IV, there are different opinions on him. The first one is that Zeus is really cowardly. He didn't dare to deal with the God Killer, so he just stayed in the Almighty City. , in response to Thor's joint request, he responded directly with ridicule, much like a clown.

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