Marvel Immortals in Asgard

Chapter 68 The Lost Civilization

Carl heard that it was an asteroid belt, and immediately became interested. The kind whose eyes are shining, Karl knows that there is an asteroid in the asteroid belt of the earth. After detection, it was found that there is a lot of gold on it, and the estimated value exceeds Ten trillion dollars, what is this concept?That's more gold than the earth contains.

Carl asked at this time: "Sif, has anyone explored that asteroid belt in recent years?"

Seeing Carl's interested expression, Sif smiled and said, "No, we Asgard's population is small, and we already have a lot of planets under our control, so there's no need to stare at the asteroid belt at all."

Asgard occupies the Nine Realms, which are actually nine star domains. In addition to the special planets on the world tree, these star domains also have many ordinary planets, just like the mine star that Karl went to before. It's just that the Asgardians are not very interested in the planet, and they usually go there to mine.

But what Karl said next made Sif and the others interested, and they heard Karl say: "Since it is in the same galaxy as Nidweal, do you think there is Ulu Metal Mine there? Besides, Ulu Metal Mine is so rare, And His Majesty Thor’s Hammer of Thor is made of the star core of the death planet, where is that planet?"

Carl's speculation made everyone's eyes shine. This speculation is too reasonable. Sif obviously doesn't know where the planet is, so she can't help but look at Sol, waiting for his answer, but apparently Sol doesn't know either. He said blankly, "I don't know, I've never paid attention to this."

Karl asked at this time: "Your Highness, why don't we go to explore the asteroid belt? It shouldn't be a big problem for others to go back by themselves. We just go and see, and it won't take much time. How about it?"

Speaking of which, there are still people who have objections. Sif suggested: "Then just drive this large airship over there, and let the other personnel go back first. Cheryl, you are in charge of detection, and Fandral, you are at the helm."

Soon after the operation started, I saw Cheryl operating the space detector, which was mainly used to determine the positions of planets and battleships, while Guna was still operating the mineral detector, and Lina was continuing to operate the life detector.

Soon the spacecraft approached the asteroid belt. Cheryl provided Fandral with location information of various asteroids, while Guna turned on the power of the detector to the maximum to determine whether the asteroid contained rare minerals. The most boring one is Lina, because there is obviously no life here, after all, this is the wreckage of the planet.

Looking at the fragments of the planet here, Karl couldn't help but say, "Why is it broken so thoroughly?"

Sif said: "It's really strange. In many cases, star destroying weapons can't smash the planet into pieces."

Sol also said: "Yes, there are many types of star-destroying weapons, one is to directly destroy the living environment, and the other is like our Rainbow Bridge, which directly cuts the planet in half. It is rare to break the planet so shattered." of."

Carl believed what Sol said. After all, he directly shattered the planet so much, and Carl only knew one thing, that is, when the Celestials were conceived, the planet shown in the movie was directly shattered. What is the situation, Karl and the others have never seen any records, and it is impossible to leave anything here.

Just when everyone had not walked past a few asteroids, Guna said: "Sister Sif, Your Highness Saul, I found that there should be a lot of Uru metal on the asteroid about [-] kilometers away on the left front." .”

Hearing Guna's words, everyone gathered around. Now there are only two teams of Carl and the others on board. Of course, there is no need to keep the situation a secret. Looking at the scanning results, everyone is frowning. No one else, from the results Look, it should be Ulu Metal, but there are too many abnormal ones, Sol ordered: "Come up."

Soon the spaceship arrived near the asteroid, and everyone was already stunned, yes, they were just stunned, it was really shocking, a large piece of Ulu metal floated in front of everyone's eyes, its shape was like an ordinary The stone has no characteristics, but it doesn't matter, the most important thing is that it is really big, too big!

After a while, Karl came to his senses first, and shouted: "Why is there such a large piece of Ulu metal? What do we dig these days? All the mines combined are not worth as much as this piece of Ulu metal, right?"

Yes, this is definitely a huge piece of Ulu metal, at least hundreds of thousands of tons, because this piece of Ulu metal is at least several kilometers in size. This is a Ulu metal mountain. At this time, Karl said: "Fan Dahl, please go around this asteroid, let's take a look at the situation of this asteroid."

Soon, the basic situation of this asteroid was detected. It is about seven kilometers long and three kilometers thick. It is an irregular long asteroid with a mass of at least 50 tons.Looking at the asteroid, Carl said directly: "I think we can realize the freedom of Ulu metal, and we can build whatever we want."

Sylvia finally came to her senses at this time, she knew too well what this asteroid represented, at this moment she was already drooling with Sylude, Cheryl and the others were similar, the three warriors of Asgard are now I can't wait to pounce on it directly, they also want a full set of weapons made of Ulu metal, but they have never had a chance.

Sol said at this time: "How should we drag this piece of Uru metal back, and how are the dwarves going to build it? Although Nidawi can melt Uru metal, there is no place to put it down."

Karl said with a smile at this time: "As long as it can be dragged back, Nidawi will always have a solution. The problem now is how to bring it back. Although this is a large flying boat, it is not easy to take such a large Uru metal away. Right? Let’s put it here first, we are looking at other places, and we will definitely have other gains.”

After Carl finished speaking, Sol said: "Yes, let's continue to see, maybe there will be even greater gains."

Fandral started to steer the helm again. Everyone looked at the huge Uru metal with a look of reluctance and started to move on. Soon, everyone didn't feel anything wrong with the huge Uru metal. They found out A larger one, more than ten kilometers long, has a larger horizontal width, reaching seven or eight kilometers.

This one is at least ten times the size of the previous one, and there is no way to take it away. However, they also harvested a lot of small pieces, such as a few meters in size. As for the size of a fist, they can't see it at all. There are too many, and this will be harvested. , it is already several thousand tons in size, it is too much to help.

Carl said at this time: "You said, is the Ulu metal mine in Nidweal because this planet was broken and then transferred to that planet in the form of meteors? The content of the two planets is too different."

After hearing Carl's words, Sif said indifferently: "Probably not. If so, the distribution cannot be so uneven, and at the same time, the current form of mineral veins will not appear. Meteorites have the characteristics of meteorites."

Karl was naturally taught, but just when everyone was enjoying the collection, a man-made object suddenly appeared in the distance. Why is it called a man-made object?The short answer is that this structure is too regular.

When the scan did not find any problems, everyone rushed over. It was an alloy block containing Ulu metal, with obvious crack marks. Carl said: "It seems that there should be civilization when the planet is destroyed. Although this looks rough, but It can be mixed with Ulu metal here, so the smelting technology is not comparable to other places.”

Sif thought for a while and said, "It might be the ancestor of the dwarves, do you think it's possible?"

When Vostagg heard what Sif said, he hurried to check nearby. Although he was not proficient in forging, he had the highest understanding of dwarf craftsmanship. Soon Vostagg said: "It's completely I can’t see it, maybe the time is too long, if you want to find something, you probably have to bring it back to Nidawi.”

Naturally, everyone had no objection, and this metal plate was also taken into the flying boat. Just like that, everyone stopped and stopped, and the harvest was really too much, but it is a pity that, except for that piece of metal plate, they have never seen it again. Something like that.It's just that the flying boat is too small, and it only traveled less than a third of the way, and the harvested Ulu metal can no longer hold it, not counting those metal blocks that are far bigger than the flying boat.

At this time, everyone had to return to the voyage, and there was really no room for refilling, and in the process, Karl also took out his own small flying boat, and loaded almost [-] tons of Ulu metal.

On the return journey, the airship was full of laughter. Yes, it was real laughter. They had gained a lot. Since it was Carl’s idea, everyone didn’t put much effort into it. Therefore, the gain this time, except Sol Except for the fifty that was taken away to His Majesty Odin, they shared the rest equally, that is, several hundred tons per person.

Everyone in this meeting is already overjoyed, such as Sylvia and the others, this meeting is already a bit silly, the impact is too great, they originally followed Karl a bit like breaking the pot, but who knew that there were only two missions, They have become the richest existences in Asgard, and Ulu Metal is really free.

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