Marvel Immortals in Asgard

Chapter 674 Let's Talk

Looking at Steve who was looking at him like a thief, Carl smiled and said: "Although I saved him, there were many people involved in saving him, such as Phillips and Carter, and of course Howard, they all participated , Phillips comes here often, do you want to meet them? Although they are not from the same world."

When Steve heard about Carter, he didn't remember anyone else. He immediately forgot what Carl said about Phillips and only remembered Carter. He quickly asked: "How is Carter here? How is she doing? Is she doing well? Doesn't she work for SHIELD? Why haven't I seen her at the base? Does she still need to go out on field duty? "

Sure enough, the one Steve couldn't let go of the most was Carter. The other people were really not that important to him. Karl smiled and said: "She should be sleeping very soundly. She has been sleeping for almost 30 years, and she still has it." Quite sleepable."

Steve was shocked: "Sleeping...sleeping for almost 30 years? What is going on? Doesn't she work in SHIELD? In our universe, she lived for nearly a hundred years, how come she has slept here for 30 years? What's up with her?"

Looking at the nervous Steve, Carl smiled. Even Carl could understand that Carter must be the one he had been unhappy with all his life. He even chose to stay in the past after the Endgame. What he gave up was A lot of.

Karl stretched out his hand to open a secret door, and then a burst of cold air seeped out, and he saw two people cuddling together in the ice in a frozen airplane cockpit. How could Steve not recognize where this was?

After letting Steve take a look, Karl waved his hand and closed the secret door, and then said: "How about it? My arrangement is not bad, right? Let them all become super soldiers and sleep together until the future. There will be no regrets, right?"

"Not only that, I also taught the two of them magic. Even though they are frozen now, I am also guiding their magic to operate regularly. When they wake up, the two of them will almost become magic masters. This arrangement should be good, right? ? This will be of great benefit to their future missions and lives, how about it?"

After Carl finished speaking, after waiting for a long time, Steve came back to his senses and said: "This is the best arrangement. We will wake up together in the future and complete the unfinished dance, and then neither of us will have any regrets." ”

When Tony saw this scene, he patted Steve on the shoulder to show comfort. Seeing this, Carl thought for a moment and said, "Yes, I just feel that you are quite sorry, but do you want to hear something incredible about Carter?" The ending? It has something to do with you, and of course it has something to do with Carter. Of course, the premise is that you will not come to this world again. "

Steve looked at Karl and said, "Tell me, what kind of ending is it? It's incredible."

Karl smiled: "Ms. Carter's husband is kept secret, no one knows who he is, right?"

Steve nodded and said: "Yes, no one knows. He didn't even attend her funeral, nor did he see their children. Only Sharon was present. Do you know who her husband is?

Carl smiled and said: "I can't guarantee whether this news is true. It is said that the person who married Carter is also Captain America. How about it? What did you think of? But don't think about our universe."

Steve thought about it, immediately became energetic, and just said to Karl: "Thank you for your advice."

Tony obviously understood what Carl meant and said, "You should really pursue your own happiness. In that case, there may be another Captain America in our universe, um, an old Captain America."

Karl nodded and said: "It's very possible, but I don't think it's that simple for you to travel through time. You may not have completely mastered the technology of time determination. Obviously you have come to a parallel universe."

In fact, Karl didn't expect Steve to arrive here at all, but when he saw it, it would be better to give him a heads up.Although it is very likely that this ending is just because Marvel officials want to take the character of Captain America offline, there is no doubt that this ending is a very good ending for Steve, with less regrets.

Tony also said at this time: "About this, it is very possible that I have not studied this for long."

Carl nodded. To be honest, in terms of time, the Time Variation Administration is the most slippery. They have completely understood the timeline. Carl really doesn’t know much about these things. It seems that he has been busy recently. , Karl needs to go to Master Ancient One to borrow the Time Stone. He is too busy cultivating immortality and has delayed this matter.

Howard knocked on the door for a while, but when no one opened the door, he said, "Boss, look where Abraham is?"

After hearing this, Karl's spirit swept away and he discovered him. He was currently farming in the fields. When Karl saw this, a secret door came directly in front of him and said, "Come here quickly and I will take you to meet an old friend."

Erskine was quite confused, but he came over quickly. But when he saw Steve, he was stunned, and then said: "Steve, you came out directly, just in time to pay you back... Well, that's not right. , you are not the Steve I know, you have no magic power, Steve’s magic power is much stronger than mine, who are you?”

Steve smiled: "Doctor, it's nice to see you again, even though I come from a parallel world."

Seeing this, Carl explained: "He comes from the future of the parallel universe, not our universe. Steve in our universe is still sleeping now. It's because Howard is afraid that you won't survive that day, so he lets you meet him in advance. You... It’s like meeting Steve after he fell asleep, how about it? This arrangement is not bad.”

Upon hearing this, Erskine said: "Who doesn't know that Howard will not live until [-]? I will definitely live longer than him."

Howard said nonchalantly: "Hydra has no ability to kill me now. Besides, I will definitely live longer than you. My magic level is better than you, and I am much younger than you. I will give You’re the one attending the funeral.”

At this time, Tony was dumbfounded. They all knew about the future. He didn't have to worry about telling Howard directly. Without Carl, he had no intention of getting acquainted with Howard.Karl didn't care about the people talking there, but started to contact people and asked everyone to come over quickly. Now he needed to finalize the matter as soon as possible.

At this time, Howard came over and asked: "Boss, do you want to call Bucky and Phillips? They are good friends with each other, and Bucky is Steve's brother in life and death. It would be nice to call him over. of."

Carl thought for a while and shook his head: "Forget it, Bucky and this Steve are not brothers. He also knows that Steve is now frozen and sleeping. In the future, he will definitely be able to see Steve in our world. , there is no need for them to meet now, they will probably be embarrassed. As for Phillips, let him be less involved."

Bucky in the parallel universe became the Winter Soldier and lived into the future. Although he died when Shum was destroyed, they would be reunited soon. There was no need for Carl to let Bucky come over again. After all, Bucky here was different. In his life, he and this Steve were not real friends, the one lying frozen in the plane now was.

As for Phillips, SHIELD has a lot of problems now. Carl doesn’t want SHIELD to know about Tony and Steve anymore, so as to avoid countless troubles in the future. If SHIELD knows something, it will definitely make some arrangements accordingly. , based on their knowledge, what they arranged may very well be a new disaster.

For example, what can SHIELD do against the Chitauri?Besides planting nuclear bombs, what else can they do?But is there any use in deploying nuclear bombs?Apart from destroying New York, it had no impact on the Chitauri on the other side of the space gate. Only the nuclear bomb that Tony carried through the wormhole was useful. Can anyone else do it?

Obviously not, especially for SHIELD. What's more, I don't know if SHIELD destroyed Hydra at that time. In the current SHIELD, Hydra is already a bit out of control in Carl's opinion. A base hung out the Hydra mark so openly. This was a provocation, but Phillips actually didn't move.

Therefore, SHIELD really can’t let SHIELD know about this matter. SHIELD’s layout may still be normal, but once Hydra knows the future information, who can guarantee that the future Hydra will not go directly to New York? Planting one or even several nuclear bombs?In that case, those who will participate in the New York War in the future will be in danger.

Not long after Karl contacted them, the girls started arriving one after another, and soon there was no room for them at Erskine's house. In the end, they had to return to Asgard and sit in Karl's restaurant, which was spacious enough.

At this time, Steve and Erskine were chatting there, and Howard and Tony were talking together. Carl saw that everyone had almost arrived and said directly: "Okay, everyone is here. Let's introduce two people first. Welcome Steve Rogers and Tony Stark from a parallel universe in the future."

Artemis and the others had long been surprised that this Steve didn't recognize them. Obviously there was something wrong with this person. When they heard Karl's introduction, Artemis said: "You mean, they are from In the future of the parallel universe, no wonder Steve doesn’t recognize us, I thought something was wrong with him.”

Karl nodded and said, "Yes, that Tony Stark is the son of Howard from the parallel universe."

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