Marvel Immortals in Asgard

Chapter 55 Unreliable

Karl didn't know what happened to Odin's family. When he returned to the fief at noon, he didn't care when he saw that Sif was not there. After all, Sif had her own things to do, so he didn't have time to stay with Karl all the time. with.Karl and the others were all commoners, most considered knights in the Middle Ages, except for completing the corresponding tasks, basically no one cared too much.

Before eating, a training session exhausted everyone's energy. At noon, they all ate vigorously. This kind of scene can only be seen in places like Asgard. After all, several girls, each They ate at least seven or eight catties of food, and Karl smiled happily looking at the few people who were too full to walk.

This is life, Carl said after feeling a lot, "Cheryl, is there any news recently?"

When Cheryl saw Carl asking, she said: "It's mainly about the hunting festival. The date has been set. It will start on Yongri Day and last for a week. There are still one and a half months from now. During the period, apart from hunting, there will be There will be various activities, the head of the sheep handed in depends on the hunting, and each group is allowed to hand in three times."

Carl continued: "Is there any change in our current ranking? It is said that there are so many strong teams, so we shouldn't be kept in the second position. Haven't any people who are good at missions come back recently?"

Cheryl said: "There is no change. I also inquired about it. No. 1 is the team rescued by His Royal Highness Saul. They dug a lot of Ulu alloy. Originally, each team handed in one piece to complete the task. They I handed in more than 30 yuan, and the value given was 1000 million yuan, and they were directly more than 3 million yuan."

This is really fierce, but the other people are too stretched, and they can't surpass them, but what Cheryl said later made Carl startled, and he heard her say: "Someone wants to copy our situation , Now there are more than a dozen teams who have taken on tasks similar to ours at that time, and it is very likely that they will be surpassed."

Carl listened, but it didn't matter. He didn't think too much about the right to participate in the hunting festival. After all, this kind of activity is supposed to be more fun, and the others are nothing, and the rewards are sometimes nonsense. After all, what kind of rewards are there? It's all possible, and Carl doesn't look forward to it at all.

Carl then asked: "Is there anything else? These don't mean much to us. The rewards of that event are generally weird. Even if the toilet seat cover of the Golden Palace is used as a reward, I don't think it's strange."

At this time, everyone was laughing, of course, first, and then they began to scream and hurt, and it took a while for Sylvia to say: "Stop joking, I eat too much, and my stomach hurts badly when I laugh." .”

Carl said a little angrily: "We all know that you have eaten too much, but you still stuff it into your mouth. Who are you to blame? The rest of the python meat will not be given to others. We will eat it ourselves. One day sooner, one day later What difference."

Sylvia retorted: "Hmph, who told you all to eat like this, I don't eat like this, isn't it a loss?"

After hearing what Sylvia said, Carl was speechless. To be honest, although Carl ate the most, Carl didn’t overeat. Unlike Sylvia, who couldn’t move after eating, but why? After all, eating a little more is nothing to the Asgardians, and as it is now, it just happens to be able to quickly improve their strength.

Carl had no choice but to say: "Well, what you said is reasonable, but you have to do what you can."

At this time, Cheryl continued: "The other big thing is the war between the Cree and the Skrulls and the Nova Empire. Now the Nova Empire has nothing to do. Their defense is very tight, and the Cree have no chance. However, the war between the Skrulls and the Crees is a bit fierce, and they are still engaged in a tug-of-war recently."

"But generally speaking, the Skrulls have already shown a relatively obvious decline. The planets they ruled have lost a few more, and their production speed of warships can no longer keep up with the consumption of wars. The fleet of the Cree is still there. To expand, the Cree are clearing out the Skrulls on those planets recently."

Carl sighed and said, "I can't intervene. If Heimdall can cooperate, we can do something."

Everyone naturally knew that it was impossible. After talking about it, there was nothing else to do. Carl and the others continued their respective cultivation. In the evening, Sif came back. When she saw Carl, what happened in the Golden Palace The matter was told to Karl, and Karl was dumbfounded at this time. Yes, he was shocked by Sif's operation.

After a while, I said with a bit of fear: "Sif, you are too courageous, how can you let His Majesty and the others try it for themselves? Especially His Majesty Odin, his divine power is too strong, and we have no follow-up meditation ideas , If the power accumulates to a certain level and cannot be channeled, no one knows what will happen to the power."

Only then did Sif react, and asked anxiously: "You must have follow-up thoughts, right? Now only you have the solution. Once there is a problem with His Majesty, the problem will be too big."

Yes, that’s a big problem. You must know that Asgard’s collapse started from Odin’s death. From Odin’s death to Asgard’s collapse, it must not exceed ten days. Sif did this It's too unreliable.

You must know that the new meditation idea written by Karl is based on inner alchemy and meditation ideas, plus a little bit of his ideas. It must be enough for ordinary Asgardians, but it must be used for Odin. It is far from enough, because Odin's power is too huge, he is at least equivalent to a strong man who has condensed golden core, if you give him a specious foundation-building technique, how effective will it be?On the contrary, it may bring new problems.

For example, the general foundation-building exercises focus on one sentence, which is called "concentrate into the air pocket". Carl's meditation method is completely based on this sentence, but there is an extra one that uses sexual light to wash the body.

Karl said helplessly at this moment: "The matter has come to this, there are only two ways, one is to stop practicing, and dissipate the divine power again, so that His Majesty is still the same as before. The second way is my idea, that is to use meditation to come out The physical contemplation of objects, constructing the world, a world in the sea of ​​consciousness."

Next, Karl told everyone the picture shown in "Spring River Flower and Moonlight Night", and finally said: "If Mingyue has been constructed, then use Mingyue as the basis to gradually build a world. What do you think? If successful, you How strong will it be? And I estimate that in this process, you may master many abilities, such as space, such as controlling water, such as controlling light, in short, there will be countless possibilities.”

"I call this method the construction of the kingdom of God. If one day this world directly becomes a reality, then you should be able to become the masters of a world, and it should be very powerful. As for the thunder and lightning, to be honest, I don't know what to do. How to build it, I originally thought that His Royal Highness Saul is relatively lazy, he may not need the follow-up, Sylvia and the others, it would be good if they can condense the bright moon into a solid body, and you can go farther."

After hearing Carl's words, Sif went on to say, "Think about it now, if we can have some ideas, maybe we can solve the problem by brainstorming. After all, you have already thought of a bright moon world."

Sif is really focused on Sol, but thinking about what happened to Sif in the future, Karl also felt sorry for this girl. Karl remembered that Sol used Loki to save Jane Foster. When going to the kingdom of the dark elves, Sif was still warning Loki not to betray Thor, which shows that her affection is just helpless.

But at this time, Carl was also in a dilemma. How could it be so easy to accurately describe a world? How many people can have the level of Zhang Ruoxu?Carl thought hard for a while, but there was no good solution.

Carl said: "If your majesty is speaking, let him observe spring more, the world during thunderstorms. At that time, the drizzle is continuous, and the plants all over the mountains and plains sprout buds, and the seeds buried in the soil germinate under the watering of the spring rain. Animals were also awakened by the sound of spring thunder, and the world began to be noisy and full of vitality."

"Or, after a long drought and no rain, a rain falls with the sound of thunder, the already dry land is moistened, and everything recovers. By the way, there should be such things on the interstellar network, and there should be quite a lot."

"Well, that's all I can think of. As for slaying demons, it's not easy to do. Your Majesty should be the one who understands thunder and lightning best. He has more ideas than I do. You can't conceive demons in the world, right? Maybe you can let them Soldo fights evil creatures to stimulate his demon-smite characteristics, but it’s hard to say how the world will be built.”

Karl is now also speechless by Sif, and he is slandering in his heart. For the first time, he feels that Sif is unreliable. This is completely a love brain. When he sees Sol, he doesn't care about anything. This is for His Majesty to practice. of it?This was completely modified by Karl himself, because Sif also modified it once in the middle of what he said, and Sif can do it.

Sif continued at this time: "Then do you have any suggestions for His Royal Highness Loki's meditation method?"

Karl was speechless at this time, could His Royal Highness Loki's meditation method be something he could say?And what is most suitable for Loki, Frigga and Odin are very clear, what need to ask him?

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