Marvel Immortals in Asgard

Chapter 44 New Harvest

Speaking of Karl, he started to perform. First, the metal changed its shape directly under Karl's metal-gathering technique. Sometimes it was a ball, sometimes it was a cube, and then it was a tetrahedron and a pentahedron.But then Karl found a stone, and when the divine power entered the stone, the stone would soon crack, and then there would be no change.

Karl did not break the stone. He originally wanted to turn the stone into a cube, but the stone broke directly. It was obviously broken by divine power, and he had no intention of turning the stone into a cube.

Seeing Karl's performance, Ge Na also had to lament Karl's talent. At this time, Ge Na said: "Your talent is very good, but if you want to transform the stone, that is the category of intermediate magic. In our Asgard, the most Top-level magic can only be mastered by God Queen Frigga and His Highness Loki, and by the way, His Majesty will too, he is still the god of magic."

"For example, His Royal Highness Loki's illusion can create physical clones to the extreme, and no one can see it, but it requires advanced knowledge of magic and the use of divine power, as well as the laws of the essence of the world, which I don't understand at all. As for advanced magic, I only know one or two of them, which involves the combination of divine power and magic knowledge."

"And what you said about wanting to deform the stone is an intermediate magic. You need to integrate rune knowledge into magic to do it, just like this." Ge Na said, and then saw a rune light up, flying towards the stone, and then The stone began to deform, and soon a cube appeared, and Karl's eyes lit up. This is Transfiguration.

At this time, Ge Na said: "This is just a simple application of runes. When the runes are arranged and combined to a certain extent, many incredible things can be done, but this is still early for you, you have to learn the basics first."

Carl naturally had no objection. After getting the answer, Carl returned the copied magic book to Ge Na, and Ge Na continued to replace Carl with a new magic book.But after watching Ge Na's magic, Carl knew that Asgard's magic is really similar to the magic in "Harry Potter", after all, divine power is so magical.

Just like the magic that Ge Na just cast, it is the simple application of Transfiguration, but in the setting of "Harry Potter", someone standardized all the spells, but Asgard obviously did not, the magic here is more advanced Changeable, here is the study of the nature of magic.Of course, it is different from Karma Taj, where it completely borrows power, and there are not many magics that can be used, but the space magic and time magic there are really strong.

They hurried back home, and sure enough, Sol and the others came again, but there was still no Loki. Seeing Carl, Sol yelled directly: "Sheryl, Carl is back, let's eat, I can't wait."

Then Sol sat down directly in the middle of the dining table, looking like the head of the family, taking it for granted, Carl rolled his eyes, but he had to bow his head under the eaves, and Carl had to be polite, and then said insincerely: "Sol Your Highness, welcome to come, please allow me to clean up first, and then come to dine with you."

No way, who makes someone a prince, if you don't want to see him again, you have to hold back, otherwise you don't have to mess around.

Soon, Carl finished packing, and all kinds of food were put on the table. When Carl sat down, Sol directly raised his glass and said loudly, "For Carl, for Asgard, cheers!"

This sound directly made Karl a little baffled. After drinking, everyone dropped the wine glass directly, and then the housekeeping robot delivered ale again. Only then did Karl have the opportunity to ask: "Your Highness, what's going on today?"

Seeing Carl's confused look, he smiled for a while before saying: "You don't know, the gravity training field for all Asgardians is open today, and our Asgardians will definitely become stronger and stronger. The other is Because you found a special python and donated a python to His Majesty Odin, the father of the gods, His Majesty decided to reward you."

Speaking of which, Sol stood up, walked to the flying boat in the yard, took out the contents, handed it to Karl himself, and said, "This is a high-level artifact sword. In Asgard, it is more powerful than this sword." There are not many swords that are more excellent artifacts. The name of this sword is Gramer. It is one of my father's collections. It was made by dwarves and all forged from Uru metal. Except that it does not have the ability to summon the Rainbow Bridge, it is no worse than the guardian sword. .”

When Karl heard this, he also took the sword solemnly. When the sword was pulled out, he could immediately feel a force entering his body. After careful experience, there was a feeling of being embraced by the warm sun at noon in winter. There is absolutely no feeling in general artifacts, it is very magical, and this sword should be called the sword of the sun.

Asgard's artifacts, the more advanced they are, the more benefits they bring to people. For example, the Berserker Rod used by the Berserker Legion only stimulates the user's anger and then stimulates the user's potential, thus providing powerful power, of course Asgard has divine power to supplement, but it will not cause any accidents, and it will become stronger and stronger.

But such artifacts do not directly provide power to users, and belong to low-level artifacts.The high-level artifacts are completely different. They generally have corresponding attributes and can bring various benefits to the user, such as Thor's Hammer. Those who can pick it up can use the power of thunder in it, but less Someone can pick it up.

Taking back the sword, Karl saluted solemnly: "Your Highness, thank you for your generosity, this sword is very powerful."

Sol chuckled, and then said: "There are others. This is a more advanced meditation method than the one you learned in school. It is very suitable for you and the people in your team now. I think you understand the value of it."

Karl was also very happy when he heard it. This is what they lack now. The meditation methods used by Sylvia and the others are too inefficient. Now Karl has no way to directly hand over inner alchemy to them. What's wrong is that I don't know where to cry when I cry.

At this time, the girls are also very happy. They have already experienced the benefits of meditation. Now that they have better ones, they can improve their strength faster. This is much more valuable than any artifact.At this time, he saluted again with Karl: "Thank you for your generosity, Your Highness."

Then Sol took out another small box, handed it to Carl, and said: "I only gave you a piece of Uru metal earlier, and I will give you more this time, which should be enough for each of you to create a set of artifacts." , but you need to prepare other metals yourself, how powerful the artifact can be depends on how good the auxiliary metal you find, of course, you can also create only one artifact, then the power of the artifact will be even stronger."

Together with the girls, Karl saluted again: "Your Highness, thank you for your generosity!"

The rewards this time are also really rich. Let’s say that Ulu metal is enough for each person to build a set. Basically, each person has at least ten yuan. These Ulu metals are worth hundreds of millions of universe coins. Of course Ordinary civilizations don't use it, and it's a bit wasteful for them to use it, and it's probably similar to the metal used as currency.

In the hands of a civilization like Asgard, Uru metal can exert ten times or even a hundred times the power, such as Thor's Hammer, the whole body is made of Uru metal, and the storm of the gods is integrated into it, making it what it is today. The Thor's Hammer is no less powerful than a stellar-class battleship, which shows how powerful the combination of Uru metal and magic can be.

Then came the carnival time. Neither Carl nor the girls were stingy with the python meat. Everyone ate it to the best of their abilities. In the end, everyone was full. Like Sif, she didn’t look like a goddess at all. Yes, now she looks like a pregnant woman, her stomach is already a little bulging.

However, there are some exceptions. Fandral, Hogan, and Vostager surrounded Karl, and Vostager asked: "Karl, how did you do it? How long has it been since your artifact has outstripped the Ours is fine."

Karl was also very helpless at this time, luck came, and he couldn’t stop it, but there are actually some reasons for how he did it, he watched a lot of various film and television works, maybe it’s just guesswork in film and television works, but After having divine power, it can be realized very easily directly, that is, high-gravity training. For ordinary humans, its effect is limited, because it has no great power, but Asgard has divine power, and gravity training becomes possible.

However, Karl needs to give them some reasons for the past, so he said: "It's not too difficult to talk about the method, it's just knowledge, plus inspiration, of course, there must be a little bit of luck, just like this time, We were only here for mining, but who would have thought that there would be pythons in the high mountains in sub-zero temperatures, I thought this python was not simple, so I killed the python, and it turned out that this python is very special."

In fact, what Karl said is almost the same as if he didn't say it. It sounds like he said it, but in fact, he didn't say it.

At this time, Fandral also asked: "Can you give me another example, or what's your idea?"

Karl thought for a while, and suddenly thought of the art of dancing. The Asgardians are good at everything, but they can't fly. It's a bit speechless. Can fly.Thinking of this, Carl said, "I really have some immature thoughts here, do you know the recoil?"

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