Douluo Silas

Chapter 22: Exchange money

[Disguise Card], also nicknamed Nicoka by Silas.

The function of this thing is almost the same as Neeko's passive. It perfectly disguises herself as another person in appearance, and even maintains the disguise when attacking others and being attacked by others.

In this case, if you want to see through the disguise, the only place you can start with is tone of voice, personality, and martial soul skills.

Then the interesting thing comes, Silas can also copy martial arts and soul skills.

What is this called?


The moment he got this card, Silas thought about the interesting functions of this card.

Of course, it is a serious function. It is not about turning into someone else's husband to spend the evening with beautiful women, nor is it about becoming someone else to pick up girls and go to brothels to keep accounts.

Silas is not that kind of person!

Rejecting the tempting idea of ​​becoming an adult and picking up girls, Silas moved his fingers slightly, and the card between his fingers immediately rotated ninety degrees. Fluorescence emerged from the surface of the card and surged toward Silas.

When the light disappeared, the original Silas had disappeared, replaced by Wang Ergou, who had no difference in detail.

The camouflage of the camouflage card is extremely powerful, not only in terms of appearance, but also in terms of soul power fluctuations.

Silas even suspected that if this card was used in coordination with the martial soul card, maybe even the number and color of other people's soul rings could be disguised.

This conjecture is very possible, but there is currently no ready-made example for Silas to experiment on, so it can only be regarded as a conjecture.

After moving his hands and feet, Silas took stock of his own appearance, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Obviously there are many differences between his physique and Wang Ergou's, but under the disguise, he feels that he can move freely, and Wang Ergou's body movements are not uncoordinated at all.

Even if he is the instigator, you can't see any difference if you look closely. This disguise is simply amazing!

Turning his eyes slightly, Silas laughed strangely, and threw out another card in his hand. Under the fluorescence, Wang Ergou's hoe spirit appeared on Silas's shoulder.

Carrying the martial soul hoe, Silas hummed a tune, lowered his head and walked straight in the direction of Tang Hao's house.

A few moments later, the Tang family's blacksmith shop.

Sensing a line of sight, Tang Hao, who was teaching Tang San the cloak-hammering technique, couldn't help but look back, and then he looked straight into the eyes of Silas, who was disguised as Wang Ergou outside.

Tang Hao frowned, a little confused as to where Wang Ergou came from. Just as he was about to say something, he saw that Wang Ergou had turned around and left.

Frowning slightly, Tang Hao felt that there seemed to be something wrong, but he couldn't find anything wrong, so he went back to teaching Tang San the Cloak Hammering Technique.

Tang Hao's suspicious gaze behind him did not worry Silas at all.

The disguise card is only for detecting soul skills, because it will increase the consumption of Silas's soul power. If the soul power is exhausted, Silas will be forced to remove the disguise, but Tang Hao does not have detecting soul skills.

Even if he is a Titled Douluo, he cannot recognize that the second dog in front of him is actually Silas until the disguise is lifted.

And while just watching, Silas had successfully obtained the second self-created soul skill card.

[Self-created soul skill: Chaotic Cloak Hammer Technique]: By using this card, you will gain the powerful skills of this self-created soul skill and master the use of the hammer weapon. There is no need to continuously consume soul power to use this card, and the card effect lasts forever.

"Wuhu! Take off!"

Looking at the cards in his hand, Silas' face was full of smiles.

The last time Tang Hao asked Silas to come to the blacksmith shop less often, it was because he wanted to keep it secret.

Silas listened to others' advice, so he was determined not to go to Tang San's house, but why did Wang Ergou have to worry about Silas, right?

As expected, the Titled Douluo's senses were still sharp. Even if he didn't consciously sense it, Silas noticed it not long after he looked at it.

But it doesn't matter, this time is enough for Silas to condense the cards.

The Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique is a self-created soul skill that is much better than harvesting.

Receiving this card not only brought Silas a hammer technique, but also gave him an opportunity to crack the hammer technique.

The Chaotic Cloak Hammering Technique, a self-created soul skill that has been perfected from generation to generation, has very few flaws. Only insiders know some of the flaws in this hammering technique.

Silas didn't know this before, but after he used the cards to gain all the knowledge about the Cloak of Chaos, he knew where to start targeting this hammer technique.

What? Is it immoral to steal other people's stuff?

Who said his martial soul had this function? Even if he stole his martial soul, it wouldn't be a big problem to steal some soul skills, as long as he didn't steal from others.

The random cloak hammering technique is the last valuable thing Silas can get from the Holy Soul Village.

After dispelling the Wheel of Fortune martial spirit, Silas returned to his home and began to continue practicing. <brCome.

It stands to reason that Silas can now add a soul ring, but Silas doesn't want to.

The level of innate soul power is something that many people have seen. If you rashly add a soul ring now, you may encounter some unnecessary troubles.

Anyway, his cultivation level can continue to increase even if he doesn't have a soul ring attached. It doesn't matter whether he has a soul ring attached or not.

Three months flew by.

Tang San finally mastered the Cloak Hammering Technique taught by Tang Hao. At the same time, Silas, who was practicing latent cultivation, also opened his eyes: "Is it finally time, Notting City Soul Master Academy?"

There were three more opportunities to throw dice. Silas had good luck these three times. In addition to a piece of random knowledge, he received two consecutive soul ring year increase rewards, turning the original 118-year-old soul ring into 130 years.

Opening the door and going out, the village leader Jack was already waiting outside.

Looking at the village chief, Silas thought for a moment and suddenly took out a gold soul coin from his pocket: "Village chief, look!"

Jack was stunned for a moment, then looked at the golden soul coin in Silas' hand, his palms trembling: "You, where did you find this golden soul coin?"

"Golden Soul Coin?" After hearing this, Tang San's expression also changed.

The value of gold soul coins in this world is extremely high. Just one gold soul coin can support the normal expenses of a family of three for several months. If it were Silas alone, one gold soul coin could even enable him to live for a year.

"The last time I dug, I dug out only this one."

Silas explained: "Village chief, can I exchange this with you for some Gintama coins? A little less is fine, and the rest can be used as travel expenses."

Looking at the golden golden soul coin, the village chief hesitated for a moment and nodded: "Forget it, the golden soul coin is too valuable for you, and it is very unsafe to carry it with you. If you change it to a silver soul coin, it will be much more inconspicuous." ”

Exchanging money is part of the plan.

Silas didn't want to go to the blacksmith shop in the city to work. If he had that time, he would rather go and see things related to soul beasts.

The value of a gold soul coin is very high, but not very high. It can let Tang San know that Silas has money and does not need to work like him.

As for whether it will be enough for six years of living can just use the more than one gold soul coin you dug to make up for it.

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