People in Meiman, start a Naruto world

Chapter 068 Returning Triumphantly, Upgrading Physical Skills

"You bastard!"

An angry Sean grabbed the middle-aged man with the big back, gritted his teeth and yelled at him.

Still driven by anger, he swung his fist all of a sudden, as if he was going to hit the opponent in the face.

But at the critical moment, Sean still controlled his emotions well.

It didn't really hit the face of the middle-aged man with the big back.

"Why, stop doing it?"

"So you are all such cowards?"

The middle-aged man with the big back ruthlessly mocked Sean.

"Aren't you afraid of retribution for doing such a thing!"

Sean yelled angrily, grabbed the middle-aged man's collar with both hands, and threw him to the ground.

Ron couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

I don't know if it's the nature, so they gather around Professor X.

It was also because of following Professor X for a long time that I gradually changed my temper.

Be it Sean or Hank, they still lack a bit of sharpness in their actions.

Why do you keep people like middle-aged people with big backs?

Ron didn't have any nonsense. Using the power of Ice Dun, a sharp ice spear suddenly condensed out from under the middle-aged man with a big back.

He stabbed it hard.


The opponent's heart was pierced immediately.


The middle-aged man with a big back is not stupid. He has seen Ron's ability, and he quickly guessed what pierced his heart.

He couldn't help but widen his eyes, staring at Ron in a daze.

But when I opened my mouth, I felt that the breath couldn't keep up with it at all.

After only uttering the word you, he tilted his head and completely lost his breath.


Seeing this, Hank subconsciously wanted to open his mouth to stop Ron.

But seeing that the middle-aged man with a big back was dead, it would be futile to say anything, so he opened his mouth helplessly.

"Ron, that's not our style."

"We don't take life lightly unless it's life-threatening."

But after a pause, Hank still warned Ron solemnly.

"I just did what was best for us."

Ron spread his hands indifferently.

Hank naturally did not agree with Ron's ideas.

Mutants are not accepted by mainstream society, and in this case, they cannot be caught.

Otherwise, it will only make the situation of mutants more difficult.

But it's important to rescue the other mutants right now, and Hank naturally doesn't have the time to argue with Ron here.

"Hey, Ron!"

Sean beckoned to Ron on the side, pointing to the door locks of those "single dormitory rooms", "Next we need your eyes to 'blink' again."

"No problem, Mr. Sean."

Ron took a step forward and said, "You can make me as bright as you want."

Chi Chi Chi!

A few laser rays went down and destroyed all the door locks.

The mutants who were locked inside came out one by one with surprise and natural kindness.

Ron's laser beam has been exposed just now, they are compatriots!

"Everyone, I'm Sean, and this is Hank. It's Ron who rescued you just now."

"As you can see, we are mutants too."

With a gentle smile on his face, Sean took the initiative to speak to the mutants.

He first revealed his identity to the other party, and sure enough, he immediately got a subconscious recognition.

And this is very important.

This is especially true for these mutants who are imprisoned for experiments by ordinary people as guinea pigs.

"You are now safe."

"We'll get you out of here."

Facing the eager eyes of all the mutants, Sean gave the answer that everyone wanted to hear the most.

What follows is naturally needless to say.

Several X-Men quickly brought the rescued mutants back to Xavier Academy as quickly as possible.

"Welcome back in triumph."

At the apron.

Professor X was already waiting there excitedly.

He was so relieved to see all the X-Men returning safely, as well as the mutants brought back by the X-Men.

"Ron, thank you for your hard work."

"Go back and have a good rest."

"You don't need to come to the morning class, but remember not to be late for the afternoon class."

After all the newly brought mutants settled down, Professor X pushed a wheelchair and came to Ron.

There was a trace of a warm smile on his face.

"No, professor, only half a day off?"

Ron deliberately asked in an exaggerated tone.

"Be content, Hank and Sean still have classes in the afternoon!"

Professor X smiled and pushed his wheelchair away.

Ron secretly felt sorry for Sean and Hank. Does this count as an unscrupulous boss squeezing his employees?

It's too miserable to have to continue to work after the life and death fight just now, isn't it?

With such slander in his heart, Ron went straight back to his dormitory without any delay.

Logically speaking.

After working hard all night, especially in that kind of high-intensity battle, most people should be very tired.

But Ron felt it carefully.

He is still full of energy and doesn't feel tired at all.

I have to say that Chunin's physique is indeed not covered.

But even so, since he had half a day off, Ron would naturally not be polite to Professor X.

People who have not experienced this feeling of being able to sleep in the dormitory while others are in class will not understand.

Naturally, Ron couldn't miss it.

Of course.

The first thing Ron did after returning to the dormitory was not to rest or anything, but to enter the system.

Check out the panel.

The reward for this mission has arrived, and Ron once again has a balance of [-] achievement points on his account.

[Host: Ron]

【Age: 17 years old】

【Current task: to be released】

[Task reward: none]

[Skills: Dimension Shuttle (Introduction), Ninja Taijutsu (Junior Ninja), Ninja Physique (Chunin), Self-Healing (Full Level), Teleportation (Full Level), Ice Escape (Full Level), Diamond Transformation (Full Level) , Cyclops (full level), psychic ability (entry)]

[Achievement points: 6018 points]

What can these achievement points be used for?

After some checking, Ron found out.

Except for those who are at the full level and those who don't have enough upgrade points, if he wants to continue to strengthen now, he has only one choice: physical skills.

For Taijutsu, you only need 5000 achievement points to be the same as your physique, and you can directly point to Chunin.

all the time.

The price/performance ratio of upgrading physical skills is not too high, so Ron basically gives priority to upgrading other skills.

But right now, since the other skills are almost upgraded.

Ron felt that it was time to upgrade his physical skills.

After all, if he goes to the ninja world again in the future, Ron will definitely not be able to continue to stay in the land of waves.

Instead, he will really go to the ninja world for a while.

In this case, it is also necessary to make up for one's last shortcoming.

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