Douluo: Rewrite fate, starting from Bibi Dong

Chapter 161 The charm is too great to stop

At first glance, Princess Xue Ke didn't realize how beautiful this girl was.Upon closer inspection, she seemed to be a little more beautiful.

If it's still a bit vague to say so, then her appearance can be compared with Ying Bao in Fu Lang's previous world.

Princess Xue Ke looks a lot like Ying Bao.

As Her Royal Highness, Princess Xue Ke came to Fu Lang with a respectful but impolite tone, "Your Majesty, long time no see!"

This is not the first time Fu Lang has met Princess Xue Ke.

In fact, Fu Lang had met Princess Xue Ke several times.

Sometimes the Heaven Dou Empire has very important grand ceremonies, or the Spirit Hall has important grand ceremonies, both the Heaven Dou Empire and the Spirit Hall will demand each other's rulers.

Princess Xue Ke, as His Majesty Xue Ye's favorite Princess of the Heaven Dou Empire, has met Fu Lang several times.Even though they met each other, they didn't know each other very well.

Fu Lang asked, "Is there anything you can do for me?"

Princess Xue Ke asked with a smile: "It's nothing, can't I find you?"

Fu Lang smiled, "Of course."

Princess Xueke touched the bracelet with her fingers, took out a jug from it, and said: "I heard that you came to Tiandou City. It just so happened that I brewed a new kind of wine recently. Knowing that you are good wine, I specially brought it for you to taste Taste it, and leave me a comment by the way."

Fu Lang asked curiously, "Can you still make wine?"

Princess Xue Ke walked to the table in the room and replied: "Some people like women's reds, some people like sticks, some people like music, and I prefer wine making. Especially brewing different wines. brewed wine."

Princess Xue Ke took out the drinking utensils, and poured some wine from the jug.Then he handed the full wine glass to Fu Lang.

Fu Lang looked at the wine utensils.Transparent and made of crystal.The drinking utensils are filled with red liquid.

Fu Lang smelled it, and it did smell like wine.He opened his mouth, took a small sip, and tasted it with his mouth.His eyes lit up, "Wine? Are you wine?"

Princess Xue Ke was surprised by Fu Lang's words, "How do you know it's wine? No, no one can make this kind of wine. How do you know it's wine? Could it will too?"

Fu Lang shook his head and said: "I don't know. I drank this kind of wine by accident. It's the so-called luminous wine cup of grape wine. If you want to drink the pipa, you will be reminded immediately; Lord Mo laughs when you are drunk on the battlefield. ! Talk about wine!"

Douluo Continent has not yet invented wine.

It has to be said that Princess Xue Ke is very talented in wine making.Not only does she know how to brew, but she also knows how to serve wine in clear crystal glasses.Drinking wine is like drinking blood.

"The luminous cup of grape wine, if you want to drink the pipa, call it immediately; Lord Mo laughs when you are drunk on the battlefield, how many people have fought in ancient times!" Princess Xue Ke repeated Fu Lang's poem, and said: "Pope, I didn't expect you to be so talented. This poem Can you give it to me? I happen to be using it to promote my wines."

"Of course." This poem was not written by Fu Lang in the first place, so Fu Lang naturally didn't care, "Xue Ke, is that why you asked me for it?"

"It's not anymore. Father told me that you like to drink." Xue Ke didn't finish her sentence.

Princess Xue Ke only spoke half of what she said.The other half means that she came to Fu Lang because of the pressure her father put on her.

Fu Lang is excellent.

Fu Lang's recent actions in Tiandou City have been closely watched by interested people.

His Majesty Xue Ye really wanted to form an alliance with Wuhundian, and then destroy the Star Luo Empire.When he heard that Ning Rongrong and the others had successfully stayed with Fu Lang and got advice from Fu Lang, His Majesty Xue Ye asked Xue Ke to come to Fu Lang.

His Majesty Xue Ye hoped that Xue Ke could capture Fu Lang.Let Fu Lang become the son-in-law of the Heaven Dou Empire, and let Wuhun Palace and the Heaven Dou Empire have a political marriage contract.

This is very beneficial to the stability and prosperity of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Princess Xue Ke is a sensible person, and she knows that Fu Lang is also a sensible person.She didn't make it all clear.

Fu Lang did infer this information from the sentence "Father told me that you like to drink".

As the pope of Wuhundian, Fu Lang was very opposed to this kind of political marriage.Resisting in his heart, he persuaded: "Xue Ke, I hope you will take your destiny into your own hands!"

Fu Lang hoped that Princess Xue Ke would not be involved in a political marriage, and he also told Princess Xue Ke that he would not engage in a political marriage.

Princess Xue Ke froze for a moment, thought for a while, and also understood Fu Lang's implication.She calmly replied: "Your Majesty, have you heard a word?"

Fu Lang asked, "What are you talking about?"

Princess Xue Ke smiled sweetly, "Smart hunters always appear in front of hunters as prey!"

Fu Lang was taken aback.

What does this mean?

Could it be that...His Majesty Xue Ye was the prey, and Princess Xue Ke, as a hunter, deliberately took it as the prey.

In other words, she, Princess Xue Ke, was just going along with the flow, following her father's order to get close to the person she likes!

All in all, she, Princess Xue Ke, wishes to marry Fu Lang as his wife!

Fu Lang was stunned.

Princess Xue Ke knew the meaning of Fu Lang's reading of her words, she smiled and said, "Is the wine good?"

"It's okay!" Fu Lang said.

"There are other wines I brew in my princess mansion. Would you like to taste them too?" Princess Xue Ke tempted Fu Lang, "I can assure you. Those wines are all good wines that are not available in the market!"

Princess Xue Ke wanted to create a chance to get along with Fu Lang.

Fu Lang is the Pope of Wuhun Palace, and she is Her Royal Highness Princess of the Heaven Dou Empire.She and Fu Lang matched in status.She was very satisfied with Fu Lang.

Fu Lang hesitated for a moment.nodded.

In the previous life, Fu Lang was also a fan of Ying Bao.If you put aside Xue Ke's identity as Princess Xue Ke, and Xue Ke looks like Ying Bao, he has the heart to capture Ying Bao.

"Ding dong!"

"The system detects that the host has accepted the pursuit of Princess Xue Ke from the Heaven Dou Empire. Rewrite the fate of the goddess—Princess Xue Ke. Reward item: God-given spirit ring!"

In the system's goddess positioning, Princess Xue Ke is also a goddess like Meng Yiran and others.

As early as when Fu Lang met Xue Ke for the first time, he signed with Princess Xue Ke to get a reward - Ti Yunzong.

Fu Lang listened to the voice of the system in his mind, and questioned in his heart: "System, I just agreed to go to the princess mansion to taste fine wine, why did I accept Princess Xue Ke's pursuit?"

"Ding dong!"

"The system rewards have been issued, and the system does not accept rebuttals and questions!"

In the next few days, Fu Lang stayed in Tiandou city for a while.It wasn't until the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition started that Fu Lang left Tiandou City, instead of returning to Wuhun City, he went to Star Dou Great Forest.

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