I'm Uzumaki Naruto, I don't need approval

Chapter 86: The Prophecy of the Great Toad Immortal

Naruto standing near the path attracted the attention of passing Uchiha.

After facing this savage and efficient medical ninja, Uchiha showed friendly smiles one after another, and said politely: "Doctor Mianma, you have also settled down in the Uzumaki country. If you are here, we don't have to worry about getting sick." Problem."

Naruto nodded towards Uchiha, and could only smile at their treatment problem.

Medical ninjutsu can be used to treat minor injuries such as severed limbs and limbs. It is enough to use yang escape chakra to promote cell division, but if it is a serious illness such as a fever and a cold, there is nothing he can do without medicine.

Not long after, Naruto narrowed his eyes when he saw Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Izumi walking side by side.

The silent Namikaze Minato also flashed past images in his mind, and said to Naruto: "That's Uchiha Mikoto, your mother Uzumaki Kushina's friend, we even discussed baby kissing... It's a pity You are a boy."

I'm really sorry... Naruto shook his head and dismissed the picture of his female attire, and then said:

"It turns out that Sasuke's mother still has such an identity, but according to Shisui, she almost died under the knife of her son Itachi, and her husband even failed to save her. Now she is separated from Sasuke, so she is a poor person."

Namikaze Minato sighed softly: "Yes, but thanks to you saving Mikoto, otherwise Kushina would be sad underground, they were such good friends."

"You're welcome, I saved her because he is Sasuke's mother, and secondly, the food she cooks tastes pretty good."

"Is it because of these?"

Namikaze Minato stared at Naruto, and then pointedly said:

"But you have long been aware of the conflict between the village and Uchiha, and also contacted Uchiha Shisui in advance, and secretly pulled Uchiha. All this can't be done on a whim."

Naruto glanced at Nami Fengshuimon, and said disapprovingly: "Of course saving Uchiha was not a whim. I want to see if Uchiha's situation will improve after leaving the environment of Konoha Ninja Village."

"Of course, I prefer to make it a social experiment about Uchiha, and I may be able to publish articles in the future."

A social experiment... Namikaze Minato is speechless, but with Naruto's current strength, there are not many people in the ninja world who can stop Naruto. If he is not dead, he is counted as one, but he is just a ball of chakra .

One day his chakra will be exhausted, and even this memory will not be able to return.


The capital of the Land of Fire.

The gray-haired Zilai was also spying on the roof of the public bathhouse. After being chased away by the security guards, he ran to the hotel in embarrassment, preparing to write the material he had just seen into the novel.

Compared with "Jiraiya Hero Story", readers prefer "Kindness to Paradise".

For the sake of dear readers, he can only take the risk of being scolded as a pervert, and go to collect materials without hesitation. With such an author, readers should shed tears of emotion.

After writing more than a dozen pages eloquently, Zilai also put down his pen and looked at the bustling crowd outside the window.

The reason for him to perform missions is to travel all year round. As a price, he has been engaged in espionage activities in various countries, and almost every mission is an important mission related to the safety of the village.

But it has been a long time since the last mission was completed in the village, yet there has been no new news from the old man.

Could it be that the old man's conscience found out that he finally didn't assign difficult tasks and wanted him to rest for a few days?

Jiraiya quickly dispelled this idea. The old man's principle is that if it is easy to use, he will use it to death. Since Orochimaru defected and Tsunade Hime left, he is the only ninja who can safely dispatch S-level missions.

It is possible to rest for a week, but it is a bit strange to rest for more than a month. Could it be that something happened in the village?

After thinking for a while, Zilai also picked up the pen again. Anyway, the capital of the Land of Fire is not far from the village, and he just happened to go back to the village to see the apprentice and son of Minato. With the old man around, he didn't need to worry too much.

Not long after picking up the pen, Ji Lai also frowned suddenly, and looked towards the corner of the room.

There was a puff of smoke rising from the room, and a toad appeared in front of Jiraiya, and whispered, "Master Ziraiya, Fukasaku and Sensei Shima are looking for you."

Before the words fell, Jilai also noticed that the reverse spirit technique was running, and he was teleported to Miaomu Mountain.

The sky of Mt. Myogi is always blue, and the surrounding vegetation is also full of greenery.

Jilai also looked at Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage who jumped on his shoulders: "What do the two bosses want from me? Did the village send information?"

Immortal Fukasaku shook his head lightly: "It's not us looking for you, but Immortal Toad is looking for you."

The Great Toad Immortal came to see me... Zilai also muttered, and then, under the leadership of the Immortal Fukasaku, they went to the Toad Temple together.

I have traveled the route of the Toad Temple many times, and every time I come and go, I feel a little uneasy.

Because what he wants to meet is the legendary Great Toad Immortal who has lived for thousands of years. In addition to his long life and the wisdom of creating fairy arts, the Great Toad Immortal also has the ability to predict and can see a vague future.

Under the prophecy of the big toad sage, he found the son of prophecy twice, one is Nagato with the eyes of reincarnation, and the other is Nakaze Minato who became the fourth Hokage.

But due to various reasons, both Nagato and Minato died young, and neither of them became ninjas who changed the world.

Soon, Jilai also arrived at the temple, and saw the half-asleep and half-awake big toad fairy sitting on the platform. The other party seemed to have not yet woken up, immersed in the dream of the future.

Immortal Fusaku glanced at Immortal Big Toad, jumped onto the stage and said, "Iron Immortal, I brought Little Zilai along too."

The Great Toad Immortal opened his eyes, but Zilai didn't wait for the former to speak, and asked first, "Great Immortal, is there any vague prophecy about the Son of Prophecy this time? I'm going to find the Son of Prophecy."

Immortal Toad showed his dim eyes, and said slowly: "This time the future is not blurred. The Son of Prophecy is a blond-haired boy. His eyes... are a little strange, as if they are changing all the time."

"The blond boy, changing his eyes all the time?"

Ji Lai also frowned, the Great Toad Immortal was more riddle-like than before.

Immortal Toad nodded, then said:

"It may be because of the overlapping of too much time and space, and my observations have also been affected, but what can be confirmed is that he has changed the entire ninja world, and he is a ninja who came out of Konoha."

Hearing this, Jiraiya also smiled: "Since it's Konoha's ninja, it's much easier to find it. I'm going to find the Son of Prophecy and train him to save the world."

"No." Immortal Toad shook his head: "You don't need to look for the Prophet's Son, fate will make you meet."

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