Naruto Uchiha Tenchi

Chapter 1 Uchiha Tenchi

My name is Li Xiaotian, I was watching anime at home, and I somehow traveled to the world of Naruto.

Unexpectedly, he became the son of Uchiha Madara. My father was wiped out by the first Hokage Senjujuma in the Valley of the End because he defected to the village. My mother also died of depression because she couldn't stand the gossip in the village. In this way, I became an orphan.

My current name is Uchiha Tenchi, and I am ten years old this year. As the son of a ninja, I cannot enter the ninja school.

When he was three years old, Senju Tobima, who was the second generation of Hokage, had always been prejudiced against Tian Qi, thinking that he should be eradicated as a descendant of Uchiha Madara, but Hashirama stopped him. He believed that the fault was only Madara alone. There is no need to impose Madara's faults on his descendants.

I have to say that Hashirama is worthy of being Madara's good friend, even if Madara rebelled, he still kept Madara's child.

This is a good thing for Tianqi, but it is a pity that the good times don't last long. Hashirama, who came back from the Valley of the End, passed away two years later. The second generation of Hokage that was agreed at the beginning should be inherited by Uchiha, because Madara's defection and the lack of top-notch combat power in the clan, Senshou Tokaima didn't care so much, and directly became the second generation of Hokage.

Tenqi, who was supposed to go to school at the age of five, took office in the second generation of Hokage, so he had no right to go to school, and was monitored every day. The Uchiha tribe also stayed away from him, for fear of getting involved with him and offending the second generation. Naruto.

But even so, Tian Qi, who inherited the blood, still showed an amazing talent for learning.

Although most of the powerful ninjutsu scrolls and money were confiscated by the second generation of Hokage, he still has the strength of a ninja only with the three body skills left by Tomona.

But this also made the second generation even more afraid. The second generation tried to kill him many times, but was stopped by his sister-in-law Uzumaki Mito, the first generation's wife, otherwise he would not have lived to be ten years old.

Tianqi sits on a rock by the river, watching the slowly flowing river, and can't help feeling sad about his fate.

I am a modern boy, and I have traveled to the world of Naruto, even if I travel, I have become Madara's son. In the original book, Madara has no son!This is the rhythm to play me to death, Tian Qi picked up a stone and threw it into the river, he couldn't help but frown.

I have seen Hokage before time travel, and I understand the plot, but now it has nothing to do with the plot, and I don’t know if I can live to that time, even if I do, because of the strict supervision of Muye Village From the point of view of attitude, at the beginning of the plot, I am just an old man fighting five scum.

Hey, if I don't learn ninjutsu scrolls, and no one teaches them, no matter how talented I am, there is no place to display them. How can I still develop ninjutsu by myself?

Yes! ! !I can develop ninjutsu by myself, what a yellow croaker brain, why didn't I think of it before, Tian Qi patted his head with one hand.

Before developing ninjutsu, you must first confirm what chakra attributes you have. After researching on your own attributes, you will post it. Testing chakra paper is easy to do, and you can sell it on the street. Just do what you say, Tianqi just trots all the way to the street.

The three Anbu (founded by the Second Hokage, Senshou Fumama) who were in charge of monitoring Tianqi saw Tianqi galloping all the way to the street, and followed closely behind.

Captain, he's just a brat, why don't we watch him all day long?

One with a cat face mask said, and the other nodded in agreement.

You just joined Anbu, of course you don't understand, but his father is the one who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the first generation adults.

What!It was the Uchiha patriarch who defected, and he turned out to be his descendant.

Now you know how important he is.

Both players nodded.

Tianqi didn't know that some Anbu were talking about him, at this moment Tianqi was running home happily with the chakra test paper he just bought.

His home is at the very edge of Uchiha, and compared to Naruto's situation, no one throws things at him and calls him a monster.

When he got home, he closed the door and started the test directly. He slowly transferred the chakra to the test paper, and soon the upper left corner of the test paper started to burn. Tianqi was not surprised when he saw this. Almost everyone in the Uchiha of the fire attribute chakra has it.

With the slow input of Chakra, the upper right corner began to wrinkle, the lower left corner shattered directly, the lower right corner became wet, and then split into two directly, as if the middle was cut.

Seeing that the test paper detected that he had five chakra attributes, he was not happy but his face became ugly.

Damn it, the status is already very special, if the guy from Qianshoubeijian knows about the five attributes, he probably has to rush to my house with a knife.

No, no, I have to quickly destroy this piece of waste paper. The plot hasn't even started yet. I can't capsize the boat on such a trivial matter.

Then Tian Qi took out a small brazier and threw the test paper into it. Seeing the test paper turned into ashes with his own eyes, Tian Qi felt a little relieved.

at this time,

Ding!The point system is starting, bound host, Uchiha Tenchi.

I rely on!What the hell, Tianqi had a headache, a rush of information rushed into his mind, and the pain gradually subsided after half an hour.

Just as the pain disappeared, a virtual screen appeared directly in front of Tian Qi.

I'm going, this scene shocked him directly, anyone who suddenly appeared in front of his eyes would be shocked.

Then the screen directly displayed rows of words,

The system will release tasks from time to time according to the surrounding environment of the host, and the host will get points after completing the tasks, and the points can be exchanged for the things they need in the mall.

When the host uses the system, he can just read the system silently in his heart. Only the host can see the system interface. After posting the first task, Uchiha Yang, who came to make money to provoke him, will be rewarded with [-] points. If the task fails, he will be directly obliterated.

Hey Hey hey!Don't release the mission on your own, I don't understand it yet, and obliterating it is too much.

The system ignored him directly.

Seeing that the system ignored him, Tian Qi directly began to sort out the information quickly. Simply put, this is a system that must complete the task. You can get points after completing the task, which can be exchanged for all things in the Naruto world. If you can’t complete the task, you will die. up.

Tian Qi gritted his teeth, everyone really wanted his life, even the golden finger of the system wanted his own life in different ways, since you all want me to live, I will live for you.

Opening the mall, Tian Qi thought to himself and opened the mall directly, wanting to see what things could be exchanged, but the result was as he expected.

Reincarnation Eye: 1000 million points

Eternal Kaleidoscope: 100 million credits

Immortal body: 100 million points

Looking at the string of zeros behind one, Tian Qi showed such an expression.

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