The next morning, Rector got up early.

He couldn't fall asleep all the time, and lying in bed was also a torture. What's more, Rector liked this job quite a bit. When bartending, he could feel the pleasure of being affirmed by the well-prepared wine.

"Miss Lu Jiu, don't we open a shop in the morning?" Rector asked Lu Jiu while having breakfast.

"Well, Darrow said that there are not many customers in the morning, and every night will be very busy, so it's better to rest in the morning."

"Well, if there are not many guests, can I try it alone?" Rector said eagerly.

So, Porter's Tavern, which never opened in the morning, made an exception and opened because of a highly motivated bartender.

The tavern had been open for over an hour without a single customer.

Today is the rest day of the game, and there were few customers, but Rector didn't care, and carefully wiped the cups on the bar.

At this moment, he figured it out, the question that troubled him last night had the answer, and he wanted to regain his dream: to become a great winemaker and taste the world's fine wines.

"In the future, it would be nice to open a tavern." Rector thought with a smile.

It's ten o'clock.

The sun made the quilt warm, and Darrow knew it was time to get up. Although today was a rest day, he still had things to do.

"It's really comfortable." Darrow said comfortably, he hasn't slept so peacefully for a long time.

After eating the breakfast that Lu Jiu left for him, Darrow left in a hurry. Last night, Sonny came to the tavern and said that the things on the list were bought.

But because there were too many things, Darrow told him to rent a warehouse first, and let people pull the things there, and now he has to go to get them back.

When passing the bar, Darrow greeted Rector and went straight out.

"Mr. Darrow, doesn't he need to be in the store?" Seeing Darrow's leaving figure, Rector asked Lu Jiu suspiciously.

"Well, Darrow also has his own things to do. He couldn't leave because of the tavern. Mr. Rector really helped him a lot." Lu Jiu said with a narrowed smile.

"Ah, are there any guests?" Lu Jiu watched a large group of people walk into the tavern, and said immediately.

"Miss, please serve me and my companions a bottle of wine." The leader walked to the bar and said to Lu Jiu.

At the same time, he took off the straw hat on his head and pressed it on the bar counter.

His gaze was drawn back to Darrow.

After going out, Darrow went directly to the door of the warehouse that he had made an appointment with Sonnyro. Darrow came earlier, 15 minutes before the appointment time.

There is no way, he is in a hurry.

If these things are not in hand for a day, his combat effectiveness will be very low. When encountering an enemy like Owen, Darrow can only run, which is too passive.

The bounty hunter Hood also sounded the alarm to Darrow yesterday. Darrow had been paying attention to the situation on the road just now.

Sure enough, Darrow found that there were many more navies on the road, and Rector's reward list was posted everywhere.

"Hoo hoo! Boss!"

After a while, Sonny, who was out of breath, also arrived, followed by a few people, who seemed to be his followers.

"Who are these?" Darrow asked.

"These are all my friends since I was a child. Boss, you have too many things to buy. I can't run alone, so I asked them to help." Sonny replied.

"No problem, don't miss their rewards, but keep this matter secret." Darrow really didn't think of this, and those things were indeed not bought by one person.

"Yes, boss, don't worry, we won't reveal a single word." Among the companions of Sonny Ruo, one of the more clever people said.

"Boss, here is the key." Sonny Ruo finished speaking, took out a key from his pocket and handed it to Daro, and then left with his companion without looking back.

Darrow rubbed his chin, he didn't expect Sonny to leave so simply, and his evaluation of Sonny was a little higher in his heart.

This person is knowledgeable and capable.

It's not that Darrow is stingy, the less Sonny knows about this critical juncture, it will be a good thing for them.

Pushing the huge sliding door open a gap, Darrow got in sideways.

In the warehouse, large and small wooden barrels and boxes are piled up together, and the boxes and wooden barrels are filled with the supplies he needs.

Wood chips, iron flakes, aluminum powder, iron oxide powder, grenade components...

Everything is available. These things alone cost Darrow more than 300 million Baileys, which is almost half the price of a tavern. For the first time, Darrow discovered that his ability would cost so much money.

The compressed fruit should be called krypton gold fruit.

"These should be white phosphorus."

Bypassing these boxes, Darrow walked up to a large drum filled with water. White phosphorus is very unstable and will spontaneously ignite when exposed to air, so it is usually submerged in water.

Sure enough, white phosphorus was soaked in the cylinder.

After counting the contents of the warehouse, Darrow moved all the boxes to the side and made a space in the middle of the warehouse, where he wanted to finish making all the grenades and bullets.

In fact, it is not wise to engage in these dangerous behaviors in urban areas. In his previous life, Nobel set up an explosives factory in the urban area, and an accident occurred, resulting in a big explosion. Nobel's younger brother was also killed in the explosion.

But Darrow had no other choice. The shipyard was a good place, but now Darrow dared not approach it at all.

After spending an afternoon, Darrow exhausted all the materials and made all kinds of grenades: wood chip grenades, smoke grenades, incendiary grenades, seawater grenades...

The integrated grenade of c3 Red Coffin has also been successfully produced, and there are two new c3 grenades:

[c3 Embers of Paradise] made of compressed white phosphorous powder;

[c3 Purgatory Furnace] made using the principle of thermite reaction.

"It's almost time, it's time to go back." Darrow clapped his hands, looked at the big and small grenades in his pocket, and said contentedly.

Although it took Darrow a whole day, he was very satisfied with the result. Now even if Owen's companion finds him, he will have the strength to fight.

At the same time, in the tavern, Roger and his party sat from day to night, drinking and drinking, so lively.

Although they have only been together for a day, it seems that Lu Jiu has become very familiar with Roger and his party.

"Miss Lu Jiu, let me tell you, when we passed the North Sea before, we saw a whale as big as a small island!"

"Hey, really?" Lu Jiu responded in surprise.

"Of course, and we have also seen the Kung Fu Manatee performance in the windless zone."

"Kung fu manatee? What's that?"


At the bar, Roger told Lu Jiu about his adventures along the way while drinking, which caused Lu Jiu to scream again and again.

Before Darrow stepped into the tavern, he heard Lu Jiu's laughter. He thought it was one of Lu Jiu's friends who had come to the tavern, but when he walked inside, he saw the straw hat on the bar. There is that guy.


"Ah, Darrow, you're back!" Lu Jiu was very surprised when she saw Darrow's return, then pointed to Roger and introduced to Darrow: "This is Captain Roger..."

"Well, no need to introduce, Mr. Roger is a famous big pirate, of course I know it." Darrow responded lightly.

"Hey, so Mr. Roger is a pirate?"

"Why, doesn't it look like it?" Roger picked up the straw hat beside him and grinned.

"Well, I always feel that Mr. Roger is very different from those vicious pirates." Lu Jiu said.

"Hahaha, Captain, he said you don't look like a pirate." The drunk Jabba next to him laughed and said.

"The captain will have to change his attire in the future. How about a cape on the back and a pirate hat on his head?"

"Hahaha." Jabba's words made everyone laugh.

"Sister, I'm hungry." Ignoring the warm atmosphere in the tavern, Darrow said to Lu Jiu on the side.

"Oh good, I'll cook right away." Lu Jiu saw that it was indeed time for dinner, so she ran back to the kitchen on the second floor to prepare today's dinner.

Only the tavern was left, where Darrow and Recter stared at Roger at the bar.

"I don't seem to have offended him."

Roger stroked his "nose hairs", thinking a little puzzledly, he felt Darrow's inexplicable hostility towards him from the moment he entered the door.

It's not the kind of hostility that wants to kill yourself, it's more like the kind that doesn't like yourself.

"Captain, what shall we have for dinner?"

"I do not know."

"Haha, it's so miserable, following Captain Roger, I can't even afford to eat."

"Ha ha ha ha"

The members of the Roger Pirates were all making fun of Roger, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively again.

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