Douluo: Become a young dragon and be brought home by Qian Renxue

Chapter 12 Luo Feng gets angry and beats up Juhuaguan

Others may have never seen a 10-year-old soul bone, but Bibi Dong is very familiar with it.

She has a 10-year-old soft-bone charm rabbit soul bone in her hand.

Bibi Dong didn't think much about it. It might have been given to her by her grandfather Qian Daoliu.

After all, the Sky War God has this strength!

No one would have thought that a soul beast could spit out 10-year-old soul bones.

Bibi Dong's eyes were filled with power, and she lectured angrily, "Qian Renxue, as the saint of Wuhun Palace, you shoulder the great cause of Wuhun Palace for a long time.

Having such a powerful soul beast will naturally be used to strengthen the Wuhun Palace, how can it be used for your exclusive use! "

Qian Renxue looked at Bibi Dong angrily and said in a cold tone, "I don't care, no one can hurt it!"

"I can't help you today!"


The newly recovered ghost suddenly appeared in front of Qian Renxue and picked up Luo Feng.

Seeing Xiaoxue protecting herself like this, Luo Feng was also very touched.

"Fuck your sister!"

He jumped up and kicked Ghost Douluo.

Ghost Douluo didn't take it seriously at all, and didn't even resist.

What power can such a small thing have? If you kill it, roast it and eat it, it’s not enough for one person.


Ghost Douluo let out a muffled groan from his chest, and immediately flew out, hitting the hall heavily.

This scene once again stunned everyone.

Ghost Douluo, is this serious?


Ghost Douluo touched his chest with his right hand and slowly stood up.

He never expected that this guy's power would be so powerful.

This is completely inconsistent with its body!

Luo Feng tapped his feet on the ground and jumped into Qian Renxue's arms again.

An evil smile appeared on Ju Douluo's lips, "It's interesting, I'm starting to become interested in this little guy too!"

Looking at Ju Douluo's ferocious face, Luo Feng felt very disgusted.

[Three-Eyed Golden Elephant Destiny Skull Skill: Destiny Judgment! 】

Master the power of destiny and bring misfortune to your opponents.


Ju Douluo only felt the dark clouds covering his head, and his brain couldn't help but feel dizzy. It seemed as if he appeared in a dark void.

Cold, helpless, dark!

Ju Douluo's heart trembled slightly, he hadn't encountered such a powerful mental attack in a long time!

"Third Soul Skill: Breath Barrier!"

Chrysanthemum Douluo's martial soul is the neutral immortal medicinal herb Qiantongtianju. The energy it eats can move the limbs and the blood can open the eight meridians, which can make the body indestructible.

It is also a 94-titled Douluo.

Soul power surged throughout his body, and a blooming velvet chrysanthemum appeared in his right hand. It was graceful and luxurious, and each petal of the velvet chrysanthemum was like a golden flying blade.

In addition, he was wearing a bright red dress that only titled Douluo were eligible to wear. It was studded with gold and silver patterns, and there was a shining golden gem on his chest that was as big as a baby's fist.

It made him even more luxurious.

Watching Juhuaguan release martial arts, Luo Feng couldn't help but think of Juhuaguan's ninth soul skill: the chrysanthemums are broken, the ground is covered with wounds, and the flowers fall and people are heartbroken!

Pretty smooth.

The strange velvet giant chrysanthemum in Ju Douluo's hand slowly bloomed, forming a golden barrier around it to resist Luo Feng's mental attack.

"Second Soul Skill: Golden Streaming Light!"

Immediately afterwards, Ju Douluo displayed his second soul skill, and his whole body instantly turned into a streak of light, and he went to fight for Luo Feng at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

How could Qian Renxue let his plan succeed?

He also immediately displayed his second soul skill: Angel Wings!

The Seraphim spirit fluttered its wings and flew into the air directly holding Luo Feng.

Ju Douluo jumped into the air and could not help but reveal an evil smile, "Your Highness the Saint, if this is the case, then I will be offended!"

Ju Douluo's sharp five fingers moved slightly, and a powerful pressure instantly enveloped Qian Renxue's body.

Qian Renxue only felt her body shake, and her soul power was instantly blocked, and she immediately fell from the air.

Qian Renxue's lips slightly opened, this was the strength of the titled Douluo.

The gap between me and them is not just a tiny bit, it is simply a chasm that is difficult to cross!

If they really wanted to kill themselves, even if they had 10-year-old soul bones, they would have died hundreds of times!

But they must not be allowed to take Luo Feng away.

Qian Renxue could even imagine that if Luo Feng fell into the hands of this woman, they would definitely feed them food and provide them with rewards.

Before long, Luo Feng's body will definitely be hollowed out!

Ju Douluo slowly walked towards Qian Renxue with an evil smile on his face, "Your Highness the Saint, please hand over this little guy, we will definitely take good care of it!"

Qian Renxue has no choice, she can't beat him again and again.

He could only try his best to run towards the outer door of the Pope's Palace with Luo Feng in his arms.

But after only running for a dozen steps, Ju Douluo's mental power once again enveloped Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue's body shook, and she fell to the ground immediately, throwing Luo Feng out instantly.

Qian Renxue was lying on the ground, with a painful expression on her face as she said, "Xiao Feng, run quickly, get out of here!"

Seeing Xiaoxue protecting herself like this, Luo Feng couldn't control himself anymore.

"Three-Eyed Golden Elephant Destiny Skull Skill: Soul Explosion!"


Ju Douluo's body trembled, just like Ghost Douluo before, he was stunned on the spot.

Luo Feng used the 10-year soul bone skill twice in a short period of time, which also caused great damage to his own mental power.

Just after using it, my brain instantly felt like a pinprick of pain.

Luo Feng gritted his teeth, now!

"The first soul skill: Dragon's Tail Swing!"


With a dragon roar rising into the sky, a giant golden tail swept towards Ju Douluo like an overwhelming force.

Ju Douluo's mental strength was impacted and he was unable to resist at all. He could only watch helplessly as the golden giant tail hit him.

"Little thing, no matter who you are, you are too presumptuous!"

Upon seeing this, Ghost Douluo immediately came forward to greet him, revealing a huge ghost figure ten feet high around his body to resist Luo Feng's attack.

It's a pity that he still underestimated Luo Feng's strength.

The power of a single blow implies a huge force, and it ignores physical defense.

The golden giant tail directly broke through Ghost Douluo's huge ghost shadow and hit him heavily.

The ground of the entire Pope's Palace exploded instantly, revealing cracks.

Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo were smashed to the ground together.

Bibi Dong froze on the spot, her heart was pounding and pounding for a while.

What is this little guy?

Could it be a legendary beast?

With one blow, he directly knocked away his two elders protecting the sect.

But in an instant, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo flew up from the ground together.

Looking at Luo Feng standing on the ground, the two people's faces became more and more confused.

It's still in its previous mini form, but where did that giant tail just come from?

All this is not over yet!

Damn Juhuaguan, you dare to use your mental power to hurt my Xiaoxue.

"The third soul skill: Golden Dragon Claw!"

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