"Little devil, I have another question for you."

Kaido stared at Luffy who was several times smaller than him.

"Kidd and Luo Na, two brats, I can feel that you are not on the same level as them at all. I really think something is wrong with you, there are countless geniuses in the sea, and I have killed or included many of them over the years. And your growth rate really amazes me."

Luffy didn't answer.

Kaido chuckled lightly.

"Forget it, kid, I really shouldn't ask this."

Luffy smiled lightly.

"Luffy, it's not good, sky!"

Suddenly, Yamato rushed in again with a panicked expression.

Luffy frowned, and walked outside without saying a word.

Seeing the two people walking away, Kaido let out a long sigh.

"My journey may end here, Lingling... But you won't be able to sit on the position of the Four Emperors for long, right? This kid is really a strange existence... Captain Lockes was not as exaggerated as he was back then."

Glancing at the closed cage next to him, Kaido thought about his experiences over the years, feeling surprisingly calm.

"I hope you can find your Joey Boy, Jhin. And you helpless guys, if you can survive, just live well."

"Oden... Hahaha, your country did not return to your Kozuki family in the end... But maybe you don't care?"


"Every day, there are visions in the sky."

Looking at the distorted clouds, Luffy couldn't help complaining.

"Don't be kidding, that doesn't look good!"

Yamato was also speechless seeing Luffy like this.


"What the hell, is it normal for the sky to distort now?"

Those who had participated in the Ghost Island War were all looking at the sky in bewilderment at this moment, but they all understood what this situation meant.

"No peace"

Marco looked at the sky, frowning.

And in the sky above, dense white light spots began to be seen through the clouds.

"That's not Luffy-sama's power, Luffy-sama's power is red lightning, not a white spot of light"

The people who witnessed Luffy summoning Platon Shanks at that time were all nervous at the moment.

Suddenly, Long Xiao shook the world.

In the center of Wano Country, Luffy floats in the air, and the phantom of the Dragon King appears behind him again.

At this moment, the Dragon King's body has been perfectly restored, and the five dragon heads are raised high. The rock-like body reveals strength and stability.

Before everyone cheered, the white beam of light began to pour down.

The whole Wano country was covered by white light all at once, and the pressure of being about to be destroyed made everyone in Wano country stop breathing.


The first thought in everyone's heart is that they are going to die, and they are about to die after not enjoying their freedom for a few days.

However, Luffy is there.

Luffy in mid-air raised his hand symbolically, and suddenly the hidden golden mask shone brightly, and everyone saw that Luffy was manipulating the golden mask to resist the attack from above.

For some reason, a sense of security suddenly filled my heart.

He will not only liberate Wano country, but also protect Wano country with all his strength.

And the strength he showed is beyond doubt.

As if feeling a hindrance, the white beam of light struck even more violently, and all the sounds in the world were covered by the sound waves generated by the collision of these two energies.

Everyone who was pierced by the light couldn't open their eyes. The women and children screamed in horror, praying that Luffy could hold on.And the people who followed Luffy in the battle are all cheering for Luffy with their eyes closed at this time, although Luffy can't hear it at this time.

The time is not very long.

But the people down there feel what it's like to live a lifetime.

With voices around again, it felt like the world had reset.

Slowly opened his eyes, subconsciously touched his face and body.

People haven't turned into ashes yet!

Looking up, Luffy and the dragon behind him looked at the sky calmly.

The cheers sounded like a tsunami.

The Dragon King looked at his master, his old face showed a smile, and he told the master clearly that there was no need to worry, he had already prepared defenses in advance, but he did not expect that the master felt that it was necessary to come forward during this period, whether it was necessary or not.

After living for so long, how could Platon Shanks not know Luffy's thoughts.

I have to say that this little master still has ideas.

The following cheers are the best proof.

"What the hell is that?"

Luffy looked at the sky, as the person closest to the attack just now, he could feel the huge energy.

Maybe it can directly destroy this place.

"How about trying to see if breathing can destroy that thing?"

Luffy thought for a while, but he gave up for the time being. The thing suddenly attacked again, and it would be bad if the Dragon King was distracted.

Fortunately, Luffy sensed that the thing had left.

Im, who was manipulating the Heavenly King far away, already believed that the Wano Kingdom had been completely wiped out.


"What?! Won't you open Wano Country!?"

Yamato stared at Luffy in astonishment.

"Not the time."


Yamato is not an ignorant person, and he also understands what Luffy is worried about.

"I said, Luffy"


"Why does the public have to execute Kaido?"

Yamato remembered when Kaido and Orochi publicly executed Oden.

At that time, the arrogance shown by Oden that he put his life and death aside caused Yamato to feel admiration for him.

But, now...Kaido, his own biological father, is going to die now, just like when he executed Oden, now it's his turn.

"When the time comes, don't look at it."

Luffy said seriously.

Yamato was silent.

Luffy didn't say much, Big Mom was in a hurry, and he should give an answer. Sanji's matter and Pedro's matter needed to be resolved.

"Let's take a bath first."

Luffy thought.


Luffy moaned comfortably.

It was so comfortable to take a bath, and almost all the fatigue disappeared at once.

However, Luffy still thinks about Nami and the others in his mind.

Is it a straight male confession, or is it carefully prepared...

What should I do if I get beaten... After all, isn't it too unnatural to confess all at once?


"Is Lord Luffy in there?"

"Yes, Princess Hiyori, Master Luffy didn't know that we were going to serve him, so he was alone inside."

"Okay, you guys go back first."

Hiyori nodded and told the two maids to step back.

Hiyori walked in quietly...

While approaching Luffy, he took off his clothes.



Luffy looked behind him.

The carcass was half-hidden by the hazy water vapor, the pink face was pink due to shyness and warmth, the moist green long hair was covered with water droplets, and the eyes were downcast and affectionate.

Luffy, who hadn't touched meat for a long time, broke a string directly.

How to cover his white rabbit with his hands, and stepped into the water with somewhat timid steps.

The water is rippling.

Glancing at Luffy, Hiyori turned aside.

"Lord Luffy...it's so energetic"

When Hiyori saw the Pleurotus eryngii, his heart trembled. If it really came, he might suffer.

However, it is too late to regret now.


"Can the princess succeed?"

"I can, Mr. Luffy is not..."

Immediately, Ying's cry from inside broke the doubt.

The two left with flushed faces.

The movement is too loud, who wouldn't be confused standing here!

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