Pirates: Beginning with Advancement City

Chapter 31 G5, Luo, the Straw Hats Meet

"Travolga Luo, tell us who were those people just now?"

"None of your business, Smoker!"

Luo looked at the staff who swaggered in, and at the people on their backs, and couldn't help frowning.

"That's right, the partners of the Straw Hats, but how did they get caught here?"

At this time, Smoker also had a big head, and he was going to catch the Straw Hats by himself, but just now those people walked in with black feet on their backs.

"If you don't tell us the truth, we can report you for cooperating with the Straw Hats and cancel your Shichibukai status!"

Luo's eyes froze.

"I originally wanted to persuade you to leave. If you continue to entangle, don't blame me for doing it."


"It's dangerous, I almost thought I was going to be stopped, it's really what Luffy said, Smoker is here."

Nami patted her chest, just now the gang of marines frightened her fiercely, but fortunately, the previous supernova suddenly appeared and confronted them.

At this time, a few people who were not wearing protective clothing walked up ahead, dragging a child covered in white material erosion in their hands.

"Hey, why is this little brat running around! Lord Caesar clearly promised to treat them, so it's over now, it's over."

Several people shook their heads.

"Yo, you guys are back from your mission, are those the intruders?"

"Well, we'll lock them up later, but what about the kid in your hands?"

The other party looked at each other and shook their heads.

"I don't know why this kid insisted on running out, then fell into the garbage dump, and then came across the gas tank. We found it too late, and no one could be rescued."

Nami touched Chopper beside her.

Chopper just shook his head, that state is hopeless.

Nami sighed.

"By the way, you can go directly to the foreman to get the key. After losing this brat, the foreman was severely reprimanded by the master, and now he is working hard to guard the children's room."

The other party said with a smile.

"By the way, where's the master?"

Under the mask, they couldn't see any expression, but the feeling of admiration was no longer in the master's voice.

"Uh, the master is chatting with someone in the office."

"Yes, all right."

A few people nodded silently, and walked straight towards the children's "room", while another group of people were going to enter the monitoring room first, and knock out the people watching the monitoring first, besides, they couldn't be allowed to I will continue to stay by Caesar's side, and I will talk about the reason later. I don't have time to chew my tongue now. If I am caught by Caesar Courant, I will be finished.

"What's going on, those guys?"


"That's right, the heart of that stinky brat."

Virgo held Luo's beating heart blankly at this moment.

"Hey, Virgo, don't let his heart be crushed, that guy is a good one to use, hehelululu."

"Hmph, all right."

Virgo stopped his wicked thoughts and put his heart on the table for the time being. Although he really wanted to teach that traitor Luo a lesson, let's forget it now.

"How is your experiment going?"

"Hehelululu, the production of sad is naturally no problem, and the giantization experiment has also achieved some results. Now each of those little ghosts is several meters high."

"Oh? Then take me to have a look."

"Heelululu, let's go, just go to the monitoring room."


Da Siqi looked at the huge blue space ahead with a nervous expression.

If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for being too weak, unable to help at all, or even being a burden.

After so long, I still can't keep up with their pace.

"Room, this blue sphere is really pretty."

Da Siqi and other g5 members were startled and turned their heads to look.

"Hastily...straw hat Luffy?"

All the staff of g5 immediately took off in shock.

Da Siqi immediately grabbed the handle of the knife.

"Sure enough, you have come to this island."

Luffy looked at Tashiki who was ready to go.

"Zoro, take care of this woman, this is your business."

"It's noisy, Luffy!"

Sauron's direct expression management failed.

"Anyway, put the knife away first."

"I haven't drawn my sword yet! Roronoa!"

"I know! Can't you calm down first, you woman!"

The sea soldiers of g5 looked at each other, expressing that they had never seen the gentle Dashiqi Dazuo lose his composure.

"Everyone stay outside the room and don't go in. I'll go and try to persuade the fight first."

For Luo's ability, Robin still has some understanding. The ability to do whatever he wants in the room space is really terrifying. Luffy is afraid that everyone will be in danger after entering.

"You have to be gentle to persuade them to fight, Lu Fei, don't persuade them to break their bones."

Robin was obviously smiling, but he said the most terrifying words. He deserves to be black-bellied.

"Uh, ok"

Luffy smiled helplessly.


At this moment, Luo and Smoker were panting heavily.

A natural type with high physical skills, it is difficult to cut and cause substantial damage.

One can do whatever he wants in the room.

Neither of them accepted the other, and it was impossible to tell the winner for a while.

"Who is behind you, Trafalgar Law?"

"Don't inquire about these private matters, Smoker!"

The expressions of the two became ruthless again, ready to fight together again.

"Okay, two, let's stop first."

When Luffy's voice came, both of them were taken aback.

"straw hat?!"

"The Straw Hat?"

Luffy looked at the two of them.

"Don't be so polite, we are all acquaintances."

The corner of Smoker's mouth twitched. It's been two years since I've seen him. How could this bastard talk like this.

"Master of the Straw Hat, don't worry about this matter, otherwise I won't show mercy to you."

"Luo, don't be like this. After all, I haven't thanked you for helping me heal when I went to the war."

Smoker looked at Luo, then at Luffy.

"Are you two together?"


Luo directly denied it.

"Actually, it's just that shit about Caesar Courant..."

Hearing Caesar Courant's name, Smoker froze for a moment, while Luo's expression changed drastically, and he slashed at Luffy.

"That guy shot directly at the straw hat?"

Smoker reacted in an instant, and quickly looked at Luffy. The straw hat was probably cut in half by that guy.

"Unscathed, how come?"

Smoker was dumbfounded when he saw Luffy's calm expression.

"How come? Is his domineering already so strong?"

At this time, Luo was the most shocked. The feedback he gave himself when he swung the knife in the room just now was like an egg hitting a rock.

"So, now, can we talk properly?"

Luffy glanced over the two of them.

"Otherwise, I will give you a discount on your bones just like Robin said."



The door of the surveillance room opened slowly.

Caesar and Virgo were stunned when they saw the scene inside.

There was no one there, and the monitoring was directly turned off.

"what happened?"

Caesar quickly turned into a ball of red gas and rushed to the console, restarting the monitoring.

"Fortunately, sad production is normal."

Virgo walked slowly to the side, his gaze swept across the small screens that were lit up one by one.

"Who are those empty houses?"

Caesar was sweating profusely, and looked directly at the small screen that Virgo was pointing at.

"The gang of stinky brats are all gone? And the head of that samurai is gone?? What's going on???"

"No, there's nothing in the corridor!"

It was impossible for the huge bodies of those little devils to hide, only possible to escape.

Caesar gritted his teeth angrily, and grabbed the phone bug directly.

"Everyone, come to the lab and gather for me immediately!"

After speaking, Caesar picked up another phone bug.

"Skoki, Locke, search the snow mountain immediately, and don't let any outsiders escape!"

Caesar's face turned blue with anger, and he hung up the phone with a snap.

"Don't let the plan leak out, chase it out."

Virgo rushed out immediately.

"As long as those stinky brats don't get rid of their drug addiction, don't even think about escaping from me."


"Thank you very much for your help, I am very grateful, but can you help me find my son?"

"Shut up, you silly one-headed samurai."

Sanji held Kin'emon with a reluctance on his face.

"It's so unreasonable! Momonosuke!"

Kin'emon's whole head was dangling from Sanji's hand, anxious.

"It's Luffy! They're waiting for us at the door!"

Nami turned around happily.

"Children, we are outside! We will take you home in a moment!"

"Okay, sister Nami."

The children shouted happily.


"It looks like it went well."

Luffy was relieved when he heard the cheers of the children and saw that everyone was safe and sound.

"What happened to those kids?"

Smoker frowned.

"what happened?"

Luo is the most confused at this time, what's the situation?

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