"It's better not to, it's too cold now, it's easy to catch cold if you open the window casually."

Qi Shiyuan hugged Fengxi's arms tightly to ensure that she could lean more comfortably.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you don't."

In the past, a person was fine even smelling the smell inside the car, but now with Qi Shiyuan by his side, with her familiar scent and warm embrace, if he still gets motion sickness, it's not justified.

"Xi'er, I haven't seen you for more than a week. You seem to have lost weight."

Qi Shiyuan asked softly while stroking her arm.

Hearing this, Feng Xi got up from him and turned to look at Qi Shiyuan excitedly.

"Is it thinner? Really?"

Qi Shiyuan paused, not quite understanding Fengxi's reaction.

I thought she was overly excited.

"I said you lost weight, why are you so happy, are you losing weight recently?"

Qi Shiyuan frowned, disapproving of her actions at all.

"I'm not losing weight, I'm just working out. But I have pounds, I'm not skinny, and if you think I'm skinny, I'm getting stronger, and that's a good thing."

Feng Xi said.

Qi Shiyuan's words are undoubtedly the best compliment for her fitness, and it is the result she has been waiting for for a long time.

"Is that so? All right then."

Hearing Feng Xi said that it had become stronger, Qi Shiyuan couldn't hold it any longer.

But generally speaking, both are considered good, at least Feng Xi didn't lose too much weight, and he didn't appear in that unhealthy condition, so he didn't need to be so concerned.

"Qi Shiyuan, why did you come to my company today?"

"I'll pick you up from get off work."

"But I have a driver to pick me up after get off work. You don't need to be so troublesome because your legs and feet are handicapped.

And you just came back from a business trip, so you should be very tired. "

Feng Xi thought that he had only been on the plane for a few hours, came back by car, and then asked for her company. It was really too much trouble, and she couldn't bear it.

"I'm fine, the business trip is not as scary as you think.

And I want to... see you sooner. "

In the last half of the sentence, Qi Shiyuan blushed after finishing speaking.Fortunately, it was in the car and the light was not bright, otherwise Feng Xi might have seen his crimson face.

"Well, I'm glad to see you too."


"Of course, not only happy, but also very... at ease."

It seems that Qi Shiyuan is back, she is no longer so cautious, it seems that there is nothing wrong with being careless, anyway, Qi Shiyuan is there.


Qi Shiyuan stretched out his hand and pinched Feng Xi's nose.

Obviously, from the beginning to the end, he never heard Feng Xi say a word related to missing him, but what she showed was that she missed him.And I miss him very much.

Qi Shiyuan never thought that one day, Feng Xi would miss him.

What does this mean? It means that Feng Xi has already started to care about him, and has already started to need him.

"Why do you pinch my nose? If you pinch my fake nose crookedly, you will be responsible."

Feng Xi looked at him resentfully, with fierce milk.

"Oh? So your nose is fake? Let me see."

While questioning, Qi Shiyuan stretched out his hand and pinched it twice.

It's been so long, this seems to be the first time Feng Xi has joked with him, and he is happy to cooperate, especially seeing her fierce tits.

"Qi Shiyuan, you hate me. If you pinch me again, I'll bite you."

As she spoke, she grabbed Qi Shiyuan's hand and was about to bite it.

That casual look made Qi Shiyuan couldn't help raising his eyebrows, but the words he said were full of deterrence.

"Fengxi, I've only been away for more than a week. How come you have learned to bite. It seems that this family education cannot be relaxed for a moment."

While speaking, Qi Shiyuan shook his head thoughtfully.

"Family education? Qi Shiyuan, you are about the same age as me."

"Yes, but I am your guardian now."

Qi Shiyuan looked into Feng Xi's eyes seriously, and spoke proudly.

Even if she really does nothing, but takes advantage of Feng Xi, it is still a very happy thing.

The husband and wife just said each other one by one, and the atmosphere was very good.

Compared with having a drink with a group of unfamiliar people every day, staying with Feng Xi like this makes Qi Shiyuan feel that his whole life is complete.

All the way to the villa, Qi Shiyuan touched his nose when he saw Feng Xi being teased by him, got out of the car very consciously, and then hugged her down.

"Okay, I was wrong just now, don't be angry, okay?"

Qi Shiyuan hugged her and walked inside while coaxing her softly.

"Then you can't tease me like this in the future."

Feng Xi raised her head, thought seriously for a while, and then made a request.

"Xi'er, this is the love of husband and wife..."


Feng Xi was stunned for a moment, and expressed his freshness to Qi Shiyuan's words about sex.

Since I came to this world, I seem to be exposed to new knowledge every day.She is also studying hard.

But she still doesn't understand what Qi Shiyuan said.

If you like it, you like it, if you don't like it, you like it.How can someone make another person angry, but conversely say that it is a couple's love? She just listened to this theory and found it ridiculous.

"It's fine if you don't understand. If you really don't understand, it's okay for you to interpret these behaviors as liking."

"Like? You mean you like me?"

Feng Xi's reaction to the words just now was half a beat slow, but when she changed the words, she immediately reacted, which made Qi Shiyuan feel a little embarrassed.

For the first time in a long time, he was asked a question about his liking by his wife.

"Don't answer? Am I making a mistake?"

Seeing that he didn't speak, Feng Xi continued to ask like a good student, as if she didn't plan to give up until she got a result.

"Didn't you feel this yourself? If I tell you, you will believe it?"


Without getting a clear answer from Qi Shiyuan, Feng Xi finally gave up struggling.

At the same time, Feng Xi felt a little thankful that Qi Shiyuan didn't say it directly.

Otherwise, she doesn't even know what kind of reaction to use to respond.

If she didn't say it like this, Feng Xi felt much more at ease.

"Xi'er, there are many things that we need to feel with our hearts. Only when we feel it ourselves, can we trust the other person's heart from the bottom of our hearts."

"I know, just like I treat you, I don't hate you, on the contrary, I feel very safe staying by your side. So I am very willing to continue our relationship."

"You said you would?"

For a moment, Qi Shiyuan felt that he had heard wrong.

It should not be too surprising that he could hear such an answer from Feng Xi himself.

"Yeah, because it's you, so I am willing."

"Thank you!"

Qi Shiyuan hugged Fengxi tightly without thinking, and excitedly wanted to embed her into his bones.

Their love has not been reported yet, but Qi Shiyuan knows that if it continues like this, their love will not be far away. One day, his Fengxi will open the door of his heart.

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