"On this matter, I believe you have already made a decision in your heart."

Asking him about this matter so calmly, Qi Shiyuan believes that it's not that she doesn't know how to deal with it.

"Yes, but I don't know if it's reasonable to do so."

"Tell me."

Qi Shiyuan encouraged Fengxi to continue talking.

"Although everything Sahan is doing now is not trustworthy, but I think letting her lurk is better than finding out directly."

"You want to follow the vine?"

This way of handling it is no different from He Ruijie's last time, it is still the same as fishing with a line.

"Well, with Sahan here, at least I can get to know him better. It won't be so strenuous to deal with."

"Since you have thought so far, then do what you want."

Qi Shiyuan encouraged her.

Right or wrong, it doesn't matter.

Whether it is to follow: Do not use people who are suspicious, do not doubt people who are employed, or follow the principle that even if you do not believe, it does not hinder reuse, these are just two different views.

"That's exactly what I think, and even though you may not approve of me doing it, I probably will continue to do so."

Feng Xi smiled, in some respects, she and Qi Shiyuan thought about it for a while.

Soon, the two reached a consensus on Qi Ran and Sa Han.

The next day, Fengxi called Sa Han over as soon as the announcement was made.

"Aunt Hanhan, it's not easy to find those blueprints. I don't have an idea for the time being. I don't know the idea of ​​recruiting a designer, and whether I have implemented it."

"not yet."

"Uh, I told Xiao Xiaoxiao to let her spare some time for me so that I could have an interview.

It seems that Aunt Hanhan didn't take what I said to heart. "

Feng Xi pretended to be injured.

"No, Mr. Feng, I was too busy yesterday, and I believe, I believe those blueprints can be found."

Sahan was sad at first, and then said with certainty.

"Well, I believe it. But since it is a planb, it is natural to implement it as soon as possible. No matter whether it can be found or not, both sides start at the same time, so as not to delay the progress of the work. I believe this is what you want to see, right? "

Feng Xi's face was still amiable, as if the reprimand just now was just an illusion, and now she was still that well-behaved and obedient little girl.

"Yes, Mr. Feng."

Feng Xi's kindness and power combined made Sa Han a little confused.

When they arrived at Fengxi's office, Sa Han was still thinking whether Fengxi knew about their plan or not.

Because she couldn't figure it out, she didn't dare to report to the other side lightly, so she could only return to her post and deal with piles of work.

Feng Xi looked at her leaving direction with great interest.

This Sahan seems to be simpler than I expected, did I overestimate her too much?Or have other ideas?

Feng Xi let her mind think for a while, then retracted and started to work.Everything is also developing in the direction she expected.

However, to Fengxi's surprise, after half a month, Su Tai's case would come to a conclusion.

He was arrested on suspicion of money laundering, but in the end he was also charged with misappropriating company assets and accepting bribes.

Feng Xi was a little surprised when someone mentioned the result.

"Qi Shiyuan, didn't you say that you would help them after receiving the equity transfer agreement of Fengxiu Pavilion? This..."

While talking, Feng Xi indicated the contents of the news with her eyes, as if she was blaming Qi Shiyuanmei for not following the agreement.

"I have, but you also know that this person has a lot of bad records. Even if the Qi family is influential, they can't help him. What's more, this matter is not in my hands. This result is naturally not what I expected among."

As Qi Shiyuan spoke, he told Feng Ge about begging him along the way.

After all, Qi Shiyuan thought that Feng Ge would be merciful, but he didn't expect such a result.

"You mean, Su Tai has this result, and there is also my father's factor in it?"

Feng Xi asked subconsciously, feeling that all this was a bit unexpected.

"Well, Su Tai's life was not good at the beginning. Your father helped him out for your mother's sake, but thought that he would lead wolves into the house in the end. Maybe because of this, your father didn't want to let him go."

Even at this time, Qi Shiyuan could still recall Feng Ge's reaction when he saw the evidence. He was so surprised and so angry. Almost at that time, Qi Shiyuan already knew that Su Tai must have It's not going to be a good day.

In fact, this is the case now.

"Okay, but in this way, Su Yuan might not let us go.

"Are you afraid of it?"

Qi Shiyuan asked with concern.

The return of Fengxiu Pavilion to Feng Xi's hands was facilitated by him at the beginning. Now that Su Tai's matter has become like this, Su Yuan knows what kind of reaction there will be without even thinking about it.

"I'm the boss of Fengxiu Pavilion now, what am I afraid of. Besides, if something really happens to me, will you ignore me?"

"No. As long as it's what you want me to do, as long as it's what I can do, it's not a problem."

Even if Feng Xi doesn't say anything, even if he has a lot of things to do, he doesn't care about adding Feng Xi at all.

"Sounds like I'm your liability."

"No, even I am willing."

Qi Shiyuan didn't know how much he had said such things.

He didn't know when such words would have an effect on Feng Xi's side.

But he knew that this was a habit of his, and every time he mentioned it, it would pop up unconsciously.

"Thank you. If I can reply to you one day, I will tell you clearly."

At least Feng Xi felt that the current self could not do it.If one day I can really be moved by him, that might be a good thing.

The husband and wife had a brief exchange, and Fengxi took advantage of the time before going to bed at night to take out the embroidery and started to move.

It has been almost a month since she started to embroider, and the thing in her hand has been more than half successful from a small flower at the beginning.

Feng Xi stopped from time to time to look at the part she had embroidered, and felt a warm feeling in her heart.

Grandpa likes Chinese style things so much, and he likes her so much. If she makes them and gives them to him, I believe he will be very happy.

Feng Xi thought about his grandfather's reaction when he saw the embroidery, and the corners of his mouth subconsciously twitched.

Her smile, like a ray of sunrise in the east, seemed to illuminate the whole world instantly.

Qi Shiyuan came out of the study by chance, and was a little surprised when he saw this scene.

"Xi'er, why are you so happy?"

As he walked over, he asked unconsciously.

When Feng Xi heard this familiar but too intimate address, she paused and looked up.

"are you still busy?"

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