This time, it was finally Feng Xi's turn to take him over.

Feng Xi didn't know how to digest Qi Shiyuan's emotions, so she could only hug him like this.

"Qi Shiyuan, Qi Ran is your family no matter what, if this is not what you want in your heart, then let him go."

Feng Xi said softly.

What will happen to Qi Ran is not her concern.

But if Qi Shiyuan is unhappy doing this, she thinks it's not worth it.

Qi Shiyuan leaned against her, as if he was thinking about it, and also seemed to be digesting his emotions.

After a while, he sighed and finally spoke.

"Xi'er, I used a lot of strength to send him in on charges of rape and murder.

I have never regretted punishing him. "

"Then why now?"

He said that he has never regretted it, but now his mood looks obviously very bad.

"The other party said just now that Qi Ran suffers from depression and has thought of committing suicide many times. Suddenly, I don't know whether it's right or wrong for me to do so."

"Which aspect?"

You want to punish him wholeheartedly, but when you hear that he has depression, you can't bear it in your heart?It was the first time Fengxi discovered that Qi Shiyuan was also a tangled person.

"I promised Grandpa before that the Qi family can't kill the Qi family.

Qi Ran's condition, if he doesn't get effective treatment, he doesn't know how long he can endure it. "

Qi Ran's sentence is not short. If this situation persists, he will surely die in prison in the end, but if he does this, he will break his promise to his grandfather.

"Then what do you want to do? I can't help you now."

Feng Xi could feel Qi Shiyuan's sadness.

But now, her spiritual power is gone, even if she wants to help, she can't seem to do anything. Now she is just an ordinary person.

"I haven't made up my mind yet."

"Otherwise, think of a way to see if you can get the person out first and then talk about it?"

Feng Xi suggested.

Back then, Qi Shiyuan had a way to get him in, so I believe he must have a way to get him out.

"No. It doesn't fit the situation."

Qi Shiyuan shook his head, everyone has already been sent in, there is no reason to come out easily, the Qi family is not in charge of the police.

"Otherwise, go to the hospital? Let the medical staff take good care of him?"

Feng Xi suggested again that Qi Ran was already sick, so it was normal to be transferred to the hospital.And all the procedures are complete.

"let me consider it."

Suddenly, Qi Shiyuan had an idea, and after evaluating it, he felt it was feasible.

"Ji Rui, you go to the Qi family's hospital."

After finishing speaking, Qi Shiyuan sent some of his requests to Ji Rui, asking him to do it quickly.

As a result, when Qi Ran woke up the next day, he was no longer in the prison hospital.And his hands and feet were tied with iron chains, and he could hardly move.

Qi Shiyuan looked at the environment he was in, and then at the things that tied him.

"What's going on here? Where am I?"

He asked the person sitting not far away.

"What where?"

"I said what is this place."

Qi Ran emphasized it again, his hands were still struggling, looking crazy.

"Where is it? Of course it's a mental hospital, so don't struggle. You won't be easily let go when you come here."

The person not far away explained to him very kindly.

"mental hospital?"

Qi Ran frowned.

What happened again, why did he commit suicide once, and then woke up in such a ghostly place?

"Yeah, I don't think you look like a person with any problems.

how?Fighting with others for property but being sent here? "

The patient asked very kindly, seeming to care about him.

But in Qi Ran's eyes, all of this is nothing more than ridicule, other than that, he can't feel anything else.

He is the young master of the Qi family, what kind of brat is he, how dare he speak to himself like that.

"Whether I am like this has nothing to do with you. Get out!"


"I told you to get out of here."

With his limbs bound, Qi Ran roared at the top of his voice, scaring the person who kindly answered his question just now to spit and run away.

After struggling, Qi Ran was the only one left in the huge ward.

He looked at the pure white ceiling, and then at the iron chains that bound him, feeling a sense of sadness in his heart for no reason.

The reason why Qi Ran became like this today is because his father died early. Without his father, he has no one to protect him, so he can only let others bully him.

Or was it because he failed to protect Feng Yao, the only wife in this life.

So, he was taken from the prison to the mental hospital, he didn't know how he got there, and he didn't know what would happen in the future, and after Feng Yao left, no one even came to see him.

So, what about his mother?Do you know her current situation? Is she okay now?Did you get bullied when you were not around?

Qi Ran was thinking in his heart, and tears fell as he thought about it.

Then, when his mood was very low, there was a burst of pain in his head, as if he had just been hit with a hammer a few times, and he directly hit the back of the bed with his head in discomfort, with a bang, just He even smashed the bell on the bedside table.

When the nurse heard the bell, she ran over in response. When she saw Qi Ran's out-of-control appearance, she paused for a moment, then turned and ran to call the doctor.

"It's not good, it's not good, the patient's emotions are starting to get agitated again."

While running, she also yelled, causing those in the ward who were not yet sick to look this way curiously.

After a while, a man in a white robe hurried over.

He held the injection in his hand, without further ado, he asked the nurse to control Qi Ran, stuck the needle into Qi Ran's body, and pushed and pressed.

After a shot of medicine, Qi Ran, who was struggling fiercely at first, calmed down after a while.

He stopped being noisy, and he didn't make any noise. The whole person was like a soulless body, bound quietly, his eyes seemed to be looking at the ceiling, and there seemed to be no hope.

The nurse checked Qi Ran's condition and saw that he had calmed down, so she felt relieved and left with her things.

And Qi Ran was still tightly bound like a ferocious beast.

Look at Qiao Xuewei outside the prison

As soon as it came out at the funeral, she won a wave of attention and aroused a wave of sympathy.

Originally, Qiao Xuewei thought that doing so would bring her benefits.

But what he didn't expect was that Qi Shiyuan directly attacked his son and sent her son in.

I originally thought that if I earned public opinion, I would be able to earn more voice for the mother and son.But the current result made Qiao Xuewei feel a little reconciled just thinking about it, but she was just a girl who knew nothing.

In the Qi family, apart from being a bird in a cage, Qiao Xuewei couldn't see any way out, and she was still suffering day and night.

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