"is it?"


Qi Shiyuan didn't know what Feng Xi wanted to ask.But if Fengxi wants to know the answer to this matter, he doesn't mind telling her at all.

"Then, why are people staring and monitoring me wherever I go?"

"This one……"

So is this the reason why Feng Xi is angry?

"I thought you were different from Qi Ran, but are you really different?"

Guessing first, then overturning his own guessing, Feng Xi's words made Qi Shiyuan frown uncontrollably, and became even more angry.

"Fengxi, don't compare me with Qi Ran. He and I are not from the same world."

"Then promise me three conditions."

"You said."

Even though I was already very unhappy.Qi Shiyuan still asked compromisingly.

In the past, when Feng Xi was angry, he would ask him to agree to various conditions like today.

Originally, he thought that Feng Xi, who had gone to hell, had changed, but was it still the same?

"The first condition is to let Qi Ran get out of my world."


Qi Shiyuan was taken aback, he had imagined the possibility of Feng Xi making any request.

But never thought that Feng Xi would say such words.It simply surprised him.

"The second condition, don't hinder me from rectifying this place."

"Yes, as I said before, you are the mistress of Splendid Manor and have the right to do everything."

He has never objected to the management of Jinxiu Manor, as long as she doesn't argue about leaving, the rest is not a problem.

"The third condition, you have someone teach me how to drive."

"Teach you to drive?"

Qi Shiyuan was a little puzzled, Feng Xi knew how to drive and had a driver's license.

What's going on now?

"How? Do you agree?"

She raised three conditions at once, Qi Shiyuan only said the second one directly.The remaining two conditions have not yet been clearly answered.

"Fengxi, it's not that I don't agree to you. Qi Ran is now your uncle in name, and there will always be a chance to meet him. As for teaching you to drive, you have a driver's license yourself, do you still need someone to teach you?"

this is the key of the problem.

If Qi Ran was to get the hell out of her world, unless Qi Ran was sent abroad, even that would not necessarily make him disappear completely, and he would come back in just one flight.

"Is that so? Then I'll change it. You send me two people. Forbid Qi Ran to come within one meter of me."


Even though he still didn't understand Feng Xi's intentions, Qi Shiyuan felt a little happy seeing her resisting Qi Ran so much.

"so be it."

After finishing speaking, Feng Xi wanted to start the treadmill again.

However, before starting to run, she still did not forget to ask.

"You came here to find me, what else is there?"

"The butler said, you locked yourself in the gym and refused to eat. I came here to see."

At first, I was worried that she would run away, and I was in a bad mood.Now I'm worried that she's starving.

"Thinking of something makes me feel bad."

As the young mistress and daughter-in-law of the Qi family, she is always stared at wherever she goes, so it's no wonder she's in a good mood.

"what about now?"

After talking about a bunch of conditions, are you in a better mood?


Feng Xi responded calmly, pressed the switch of the treadmill, and continued to exercise.

Qi Shiyuan looked at her sweating profusely, her face turned pale, and she was worried.

"Fengxi, why didn't I know you were so obsessed with sports before?"

"What can I do if my body is too weak? Even if I can't do anything now, I have to improve my physical fitness."

Without spiritual power, it is best to have a little bit of the most basic leg and foot skills.Otherwise, if something happens to her, how will she protect herself?

"But if you exercise too much one day, tomorrow you will be sore and uncomfortable."

"It doesn't matter."

In those years of practice, I have not experienced any kind of suffering, and have not seen any kind of storm.

"It's time for dinner."


Feng Xi ran on the treadmill for another ten minutes, then stopped, turned and went back to the bedroom.

When she came out again, she had already changed into comfortable home clothes.The whole person is refreshed.

Looking at it, Qi Shiyuan felt that Feng Xi seemed to have changed a little bit.

Those calm and calm after years of baptism are more obvious in her body.

"Let's go eat."

Feng Xi met his gaze, smiled faintly, and went straight to the restaurant.

The dishes on the table were still the usual ones, although they were a little different from those of the Feng family, they tasted good anyway, and she ate very happily.

Qi Shiyuan who was sitting opposite watched, wanted to speak several times, but when he saw her excited look, he immediately gave up this plan until Feng Xi finished eating.

"Fengxi, do you know anything about what happened today?"

"Which aspect do you want to ask?"

Feng Xi wiped the corners of her mouth with a wet towel with just the right temperature, and responded lightly.

"In all respects."

For a question without scope, Feng Xi glanced at him.

"Then listen carefully. I want the housekeeper to send it to the library, but the housekeeper is unwilling. Is this what you mean?"


So, this is why Fengxi proposed to learn to drive?

"As soon as I go to the library, you know that someone is watching me and reporting my whereabouts, right?"

"This one……"

Although this matter is not what I meant, but the result is the same.He could only nod his head.

"Not long after I arrived at the library, Qi Ran arrived. What does this mean? It means that there are people from Qi Ran in this villa, or that people from Qi Ran are watching outside the villa."

"You did a good job analyzing it."

Feng Xi's sobriety surprised Qi Ran greatly.

Both her analysis and her guess are very reasonable and comprehensive.

"Therefore, as far as today's matter is concerned, either the employment is not strict, or the security is not in place. I have reason to doubt every possibility."

"So, you want to clean up here?"

However, worry about him, worried that he is also involved?

"Yes, I'm not a big celebrity, and I don't like everything being exposed in front of people. It's still the kind that is used by people with intentions."

They have already decided to rectify, Feng Xi didn't hide it from him, and said it directly.

"Do I need to do it myself?"

"Need not."

Feng Xi refuses without even thinking about it, it's just a trivial matter, maybe it won't be that difficult to do.

"That's fine, if you need my help, just say it."

As long as you don't want to divorce, leave, or go to Qi Ran, he can help with everything else.

"Oh, I see."

Feng Xi responded lightly, without intending to say more, she got up and went upstairs directly.

It could be seen that she was angry in her heart, but she never let it out.

As far as the current attitude is concerned, the source of this anger has something to do with him.

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