Douluo: Rebirth of Blue Silver Grass, Infinite Devour and Evolution

Chapter 94 Rebellious Son Tang 3, this is your mother

Qin Lan is naturally aware of the process of identifying the owner of the Vast Sea Universe Shield, which has been described in detail in the novel.

Holding it in his hand, Qin Lan's just released some mental power and there was some reaction on the Vast Sea Universe Cover. It seemed to want to break away from Qin Lan's hand.

If it is according to the original work, this Vast Sea Universe Cover should break open one's own skin and then take the initiative to recognize its owner.

This is a god-level soul guide left behind by Poseidon, and it has the function of identifying talents.

Therefore, it cannot play its role at all when it has not met its real owner.

However, it is not that easy to break away from Qin Lan's hand. Although Qin Lan has obtained it, he is still considering whether to use it.

In other words, whether he should choose to inherit Poseidon in the future, or take the Poseidon test.

Of course, Qin Lan could devour this Vast Sea Universe Cover and gain a lot of energy, but compared with its effects, Qin Lan felt it was better to stay.

Recognize the Lord?

After thinking for a while, he finally put the somewhat irritable Hanhai Qiankun Cover into the system space.

Qin Lan planned to keep it. If he couldn't become a god with his strength in the future, he might consider taking the position of Poseidon and keep it as a backup.

After all, when it comes to becoming a god, Qin Lan can guarantee 100% that he can use the system energy to continuously improve. What if it doesn't work?

If it doesn't work, you can have the minimum guarantee of becoming a Poseidon. If it works, you can give this thing to other people, such as the people around you.

For the future, Qin Lan's plans are becoming more and more clear.

Using the body of a soul beast to maintain a human body, the soul beast's body is now 48 years old, which is basically enough on the Douluo Continent.

Now is the time to feed back to the human body, but the most direct way to feed back to the human body is to find a soul ring. A 10-year-old soul ring can be worth many years of training.

Of course, there is another point. Qin Lan feels that he should also enter the Douluo world and experience life.

After all, strictly speaking, his heart is still dominated by humans, and he has read novels and anime in his previous life. Now that he is here, he must do everything he wants to do, so this is the meaning of his coming to this world.

In the next few dozen days, Qin Lan also plans to relax, visit Tiandou City, and taste delicious food.

It is a pity that his current body is still too young and cannot experience the most beautiful things in life. It is indeed a pity.

Strictly speaking, after all, his physical condition is only over 12 years old.

If we follow the timeline in Douluo's novel, and if the plot has not changed, Tang San and the others at this time would not have come to Tiandou City at all, and they would really be training at Shrek Academy in Soto City at this time.

The night in Tiandou City seemed peaceful, but some people were destined to be unable to sleep because of Qin Lan's arrival.

Xue Ye cleared the toxins from his body seven or eight years in advance, and at this time, his body was not greatly affected by the toxins, so it was easy to recover without any sequelae.

As for Tang Hao, all he could think about all night was the Xiaolan he saw during the day. It couldn't be said that he looked like him, I could only say that he was exactly the same. If there was any change, it would be compared to when he met Ah Yin. Younger and seemingly more beautiful.

Tang Hao's heart was scratching like a cat, and he wished that Xiao Lan would follow him immediately.

So from day to night when Qin Lan and the others checked into the hotel, he had been following them in the dark.

"Tomorrow I can let the mistress confirm whether you are Ah Yin. Mother and son are connected. This is absolutely true." Tang Hao thought to himself.


The next day, early in the morning.

Qin Lan and Xiaolan walked out of the room together, had a simple nutritious breakfast in the hotel, and then walked out together.

Qin Lan and the others had nothing else to do today except wandering around in Tiandou City, shopping!

After all, Tiandou City is the largest city in the Tiandou Empire. Qin Lan has to prepare more things when going to the far north.

For example, food and drink may have been influenced by some novels in his previous life. He prepared a large amount of water, food and various living tools, and these systems can be perfectly preserved.

For example, the protagonists in the novels I read in my previous life entered a certain space, and one level lasted for many years. It happened that I had enough food on my body to survive.

Because of this, Qin Lan has this habit, so in the killing city where resources are scarce, Qin Lan's quality of life has not changed much.

But just when Qin Lan led the four of them out of the hotel, he saw Tang San walking directly towards him.

Tang San is coming to find him?

Tang Hao is still hiding in the dark. What are they going to do?Could it be for Xiao Lan!

This was the only thing Qin Lan could think of. What's more, she and Xiao Wu were already unhappy after just having contact with Tang San, let alone now.

And Tang San also followed Tang Hao's instructions. When he actually saw Xiao Lan, he was really surprised. The current Xiao Wu was much worse than the Xiao Lan in front of him.

"Why did dad let me touch her? Doesn't she still have something to do with me?"

"Qin Lan, long time no see!" Tang San took a step forward and said directly.

Qin Lan smiled and said: "Tang San, I didn't expect you to come to Tiandou City too. Where is Xiao Wu? Why didn't you see her?"

Tang San said calmly: "She didn't come."

"Who is this?" Tang San looked at Xiaolan and continued: "She seems to give me a familiar feeling."

Without waiting for Qin Lan to respond, he faced Xiaolan Tang San and said directly: "Hello, my name is Tang San, Martial Spirit Lan Yincao, Level 33 Control System War Spirit Master."

Tang San wanted to say hello to Xiao Lan, but Qin Lan didn't stop him. He was also curious whether Xiao Lan still had some kind of connection with Tang San.

Xiaolan smiled and said: "My name is Xiaolan, the Martial Spirit Blue Silver Emperor, and also a soul master."

"Blue Silver Emperor? Can you let me see your martial spirit?" Tang San asked.

At this moment, Xiao Lan looked at Qin Lan, and Qin Lan also gave Xiao Lan instructions. Although he also wanted to take a look, Qin Lan didn't want it to be so easy.

Xiaolan received a message from Qin Lan and said coldly: "Is this martial spirit just what you want to see? You and I are not familiar with each other."

"This..." Tang San felt a little unhappy after being rejected, but his father Tang Hao asked him to test her, just because he wanted him to see this woman's martial spirit and the feelings he could get from it.

So Tang San first revealed his martial spirit, "There are very few blue silver grass martial spirits in the world. Please let me see it, thank you!"

Tang San actually saluted Xiao Lan, which Qin Lan didn't expect.

It seemed that Tang San was somewhat sincere, but Xiaolan had already received Qin Lan's order and said: "Then it depends on your ability. Whether you are qualified to let me reveal my martial spirit."

"Really?" Tang San suddenly felt confident.

The woman in front of him was only two or three years older than him. Even if her soul power was stronger than his, it would not be much, and most likely she would not be above level [-].

Xiao Lan nodded and said, "I will lose if I reveal my martial spirit!"

"Okay!" Tang San said with a smile on his face, full of confidence.

However, Tang Hao secretly saw this scene and put his palms in front of his eyes to block it. This was really blind.

Although this woman is young, in fact, her soul power fluctuates very strongly. According to Tang Hao's estimation, she should already be a titled Douluo.

Tang San is only level 33, how can he be Xiaolan's opponent?

But Tang San didn't know the other party's soul power, Qin Lan and Qin Mo took a few steps back together, and Xiao Lan was ordered to teach the boy in front of him a lesson.

Tang San used the entanglement skill at the beginning, and several blue silver grass vines attacked.

Tang San's soul skills seemed to have not changed with the newly absorbed soul ring, but thanks to the thousand-year soul ring now, the power and effect of the soul skills were much stronger than before.

But what he faced was Xiaolan, a level 91 titled Douluo with a 10-year-old soul ring.

No matter how his Bluesilver Grass vines changed directions, Xiao Lan avoided them one by one.

When Tang San saw this, he was surprised, but he calmly used his second soul skill, Parasitism.

At this moment, bluesilver grass vines appeared on Xiaolan's body.

Tang San also thought his plan had succeeded, but the next moment, Xiaolan's soul power flashed, and...

The bluesilver grass vines parasitic on her body were all broken, and the difference in soul power strength was too far to be compared.

Even if Tang San is currently using a thousand-year soul skill.

Xiaolan smiled slightly and said: "Continue, you should have a third soul skill."

Tang San had never faced such a powerful opponent, even when he entered Shrek Academy and competed with level 70-plus Zhao Wuji, the opponent couldn't be so downplayed.

There is only one possibility: the other party is much stronger than you think.

Tang San didn't dare to neglect. While preparing his third soul skill, he also prepared the steel needle in his hand.

Qin Lan also saw this, but he did not stop it because Xiao Lan could handle all this.

The soul skill Tang San used this time was cobweb restraint, but Xiao Lan was so fast that Tang San's cobweb restraint had no effect at all.

However, Tang San didn't expect that his third soul skill would really work. While dodging, Tang San's hands kept firing Zhang Steel Needle-type hidden weapons.

They were so densely packed that it would be difficult for even the Soul Sect or the Soul King to avoid them all.

So Tang San believed that this move could at least force out Xiao Lan's martial spirit.

However, he still underestimated Xiao Lan's strength. Facing the steel needle that Tang San attacked, Xiao Lan's soul power flashed and formed a barrier in front of him.

Tang San's hidden weapons couldn't break through the defense at all.

There was a crashing sound, and a bunch of hidden weapons had fallen on the ground in front of Xiaolan.

"Little trick, it's my turn now." Xiaolan took action immediately.


A flash of blue light was seen, and Xiao Lan's fist had already landed on Tang San.

As for Tang Hao secretly, at this moment he had no scruples about being beaten by Tang San.

Ah Yin, it's really you.

The way you smile, the way you look angry, and the way you look like when you fight, it's definitely you.

This is simply a scene of an old mother teaching her son a lesson.

Xiaolan attacked, and Tang San could only get beaten.

There was a banging sound, and Xiao Lan punched dozens of times before he stopped.

Although each punch was not fatal, it was a real blow to the body. Tang San lay on the ground in pain, unable to get up at all, and his original confidence was gone.

How can this be a sparring match? Isn't this the end of the matter? Tang San felt depressed because the opponent was too harsh and did not follow martial ethics.

"You still have a long way to go if you still want me to use martial arts with this level of strength." Xiaolan clapped her hands and said.

"Sir, let's go. This guy is so boring. I thought he was a master."

Qin Lan smiled and said: "Okay, let's go!"

Several people walked past Tang San. After a long time, Tang San slowly got up from the ground, with a hint of murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

This look was also caught by Tang Hao, who came to Tang San and said calmly: "Xiao San, you can't have any resentment towards her, and you can't have any murderous intention. It's right for her to hit you."

"Dad, what are you talking about?"

"Can't I even fight back?" Tang San asked.


Tang Hao sighed, and then said: "Xiaosan, how did you feel when you saw her just now?"

"Very beautiful, a rare beauty. Even I have a feeling of excitement." Tang San responded seriously, he was also a normal person, and it was normal for the goddess to have feelings for beautiful women.

"You treacherous son, you can't have such thoughts again."

"Dad, you care about her very much. Who is she?" Tang San asked curiously.

As Tang Hao walked away, he said: "This woman is very likely to be your mother. Although I can't guarantee [-]% certainty, I am [-] to [-]% sure. She is very special, but I don't know why she became like this. .”

"Mother? Dad, this is impossible, she is so young, how could she be my mother?" Tang San said.

"Xiaosan, you are already that old, so let me tell you a story about your mother and me now." As he spoke, Tang Hao thought about those years again.

"Your mother's name is A Yin, and her martial spirit is Blue Silver Emperor. As for her appearance, she is exactly the same as the one named Xiaolan just now. Her martial spirit is also Blue Silver Emperor. Her every move is almost exactly the same as your mother's. I I want you to sense her just to see if you can connect as mother and son."

"But in fact, you didn't behave just now. Maybe it's because you haven't awakened your mother's bloodline yet." After thinking about it, Tang Hao only had this explanation in his mind.

"Dad, this is impossible!" Tang San said with some disbelief.

Tang Hao said: "Don't draw any conclusions yet, let me first talk about the past."

So Tang Hao began to tell Tang San the story about him and A Yin. This story was a bit long, from acquaintance to wanting to fall in love to the battle with Qian Xunji of Wuhun Palace, and the subsequent loss of A Yin.

Until now, Xiao Lan has appeared mysteriously, so Tang Hao thinks that Xiao Lan is A Yin, A Yin is Xiao Lan, and the two are the same person.

"Dad, I understand. I didn't expect that my mother is a 10-year-old spirit beast. Do you think I can also awaken the martial spirit?" Tang San said.

Tang Hao nodded and said: "Yes, of course you can awaken the Blue Silver Emperor Martial Spirit. After all, half of your bloodline comes from your mother."

"Then when will we awaken the true Blue Silver Emperor martial spirit?" Tang San asked again.

Tang Hao shook his head and said: "Not yet, wait until you reach level [-] as a soul master before going!"

"Okay!" Tang San said slightly disappointed.

Little did he know that Tang San couldn't awaken the Blue Silver Emperor's bloodline now. His bloodline had long been taken away by Qin Lan and he couldn't awaken it. After all, his Blue Silver Grass was just Blue Silver Grass.

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