Douluo: Rebirth of Blue Silver Grass, Infinite Devour and Evolution

Chapter 88: 3 million energy, leaving the killing city

When Qin Lan and Qin Mo entered the hell killing fields of the Killing City together, they caused a sensation instantly.

Because everyone knows that both of them have reached 99 wins and are only one game away from reaching the legendary [-] wins and entering the Road to Hell.

"Long live Emperor Shura!"

"Long live King Shura!"

Waves of shouts came, and the two people had become the focus of the hell killing field. Even the battle on the killing stage was affected. The distracted people chopped off the heads of their opponents with a knife.

Although many of them are very afraid of Qin Lan in the hell killing field, they are safe in this hell killing field, and Emperor Shura only attacks high-level soul masters in the killing city. As long as ordinary soul masters do not take the initiative to provoke Nothing will happen.

Qin Lan and Qin Mo signed up at the same time, and the next battle was actually very simple for them.

After all, their opponents didn't even have a Soul Saint, and the highest level was only a Soul Emperor. The battle was really too easy.

Qin Mo was the first to appear. His opponents were only one Soul Emperor, two Soul Kings and six Soul Sects. The nine of them joined forces to attack Qin Mo.

After releasing the Clear Sky Hammer, one fell almost immediately with one strike. In less than a minute, all the opponents fell.

"Congratulations to number 1086 for winning 1 victory in the Hell Killing Fields."


After jumping out of the killing platform, Qin Mo made no extra moves and ignored the shouts of admiration for him.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Lan entered the Hell Killing Fields. Without the intervention of the King of Slaughter, it was indeed much easier. His opponent did not even have a Soul Emperor.

The Blue Silver Emperor's vines were released all over the killing platform. None of the nine opponent soul masters were spared, and they all turned into Qin Lan's energy.

"Congratulations, congratulations to number 6666 for winning 1 victory in the Hell Killing Fields."

After Qin Lan's victory, Qin Mo also came to the killing stage, and then Qin Lan said: "The king of killing can come out and open the road to hell."

The next moment, streaks of blood-red light were seen emanating from the sky above the Hell Killing Fields, and a powerful murderous aura instantly enveloped the Hell Killing Fields.

At this moment, except for Qin Lan and Qin Mo, everyone in the hell killing field knelt down and shouted loudly for the great king of killing.

Because Tang Chen was no longer parasitized by the blood-red nine-headed bat king, his whole temperament was different from before, appearing more powerful and confident.

Qin Lan checked with the system and found that Tang Chen's soul power was still level 98, and his body didn't seem to have recovered much.

When Tang Chen landed only two meters away from the killing platform, he looked at Qin Lan and Qin Mo and said calmly: "Congratulations on reaching Yum. Do you want to go to the hell road now? Are you going alone or together? "

"Let's go together!" Qin Lan responded.

Then Tang Chen looked at Qin Mo and said, "What about you?"

"We can come together!" Qin Mo nodded.

Although Tang Chen wanted to deal with Qin Lan in the killing city, it was a pity that he underestimated the damage caused by Qin Lan devouring his body's essence. He recovered very slowly in the past few days.

According to his estimate, it will take more than half a year to ensure complete recovery.

"Okay! But if two people go through the road to hell together, the difficulty may increase. Are you willing?" Tang Chen reminded again.

Qin Lan and Qin Mo also nodded at the same time and said: "If you are willing, please start the road to hell."

"Okay, then you guys should get out of this killing stage first," Tang Chen said.

After Qin Lan and Qin Mo left here, everyone was curious about what the hell road looked like, because they had never seen the hell road. After all, only people from the Hundred Gods could enter, and the people who had seen Yum in the Killing City last time had already Cease to exist.

Curiosity can kill cats, just as it can kill people.

The next moment, Tang Chen released a faint red light, instantly illuminating the entire hell killing field.

While people were still at a loss, someone's eyes had turned blood red, and then they changed one by one.

Gradually they lose their minds, even kill each other, and some fall into extreme pain.

All those who witness Yum Victory must become sacrifices to open the road to hell when they open the road to hell.

As his blood flows towards the killing platform and is absorbed by the hell killing field, a steady stream of blood enters, a rumbling sound is heard, and the killing platform begins to change.

A huge hole opened, looking like an endless abyss.

Tang Chen said calmly: "You can enter now."

Qin Lan jumped down without any hesitation, while Qin Mo glanced at Tang Chen and then jumped down.

After the two entered, the killing stage also began to close.

The entire hell killing field became silent and dim. Tang Chen said lightly: "I don't know if I can still inherit the throne of Shura, hey..."

As soon as he finished speaking, his entire body disappeared.


Hell Road!

Tang San can lead a beautiful woman to create a road to hell, but I lead a grown man.

Qin Lan and Qin Mo were on a prototype platform above a bloody river.

Hesitation and the two men were relatively strong mentally in all aspects, and they did not faint after coming down.


Qin Lan thought, and the Blue Silver Emperor vine fell down and entered the bloody river four to five meters below.

At this point, Qin Lan will definitely have a good meal.

Moreover, there are no soul beasts to bother me at this place starting from Hell Road.

Start trying to devour!

In just one minute, Qin Lan gained over 1 million energy. The devouring speed was not very fast, but it also allowed him to gain a large amount of energy.

"Qin Mo, please wait for a while before setting off."

"Yes, Master!" Qin Mo responded, and then looked at Death Walk vigilantly to prevent any soul beasts from attacking him. After all, Qin Lan told him before entering the Hell Road that there would also be powerful soul beasts in the Hell Road. .

Time passed slowly.

After about half an hour, the Blue Silver Emperor vines were put away.

Looking at the energy in the system, which is over 4000 million, this trip to the killing city is well worth it.

The reason why he only swallowed more than 4000 million is that Qin Lan is still afraid that if the road to hell collapses, the killing city can still exist. For example, soul masters who have committed the death penalty can be exiled here.

"Qin Mo, let's go!"

After the promotion, Qin Lan quickly moved forward, and Qin Mo also followed.

The speed of the two of them was extremely fast, which was not comparable to that of Tang San and Hu Liena when they broke into the Killing City together.

After running for about an hour, Qin Lan didn't find anything unusual.

"Could it be that all the powerful soul beasts in the Killing City have not come out?"

Qin Lan slowed down so that he could devour less of the energy of the Killing City. He did not want to completely damage the foundation of the Killing City. Moreover, there were many bat-like soul beasts in the Killing City.

These years are not high, but they can still be considered in the category of soul beasts.

After another half hour, Qin Lan found something chasing him behind him, and a large circle of bats in front of him began to chase him.

Qin Lan smiled and said: "I came just in time. Although I don't like bats, I will devour them as long as they have energy."

When these bats flew over, they saw the eight spider wings behind Qin Lan open, and the Blue Silver Emperor vines spread out in all directions with him in mind.

As for Qin Mo, he also has the flying soul bone skill. After all, he has six soul bones, one of which gives him the ability to fly.

Release the Blue Silver Emperor martial spirit as much as possible. These bats are constantly controlled by Qin Lan's Blue Silver Emperor vines, or it is difficult to escape as long as they come into contact.

Swallowed one after another.

The amount of energy these bats brought to Qin Lan also varied. The less energy was only about [-], and the more energy was only [-] or [-]. But the advantage was that there were so many.

The number of tens of thousands of them would add up to a huge amount.

Let Qin Lan step into the ocean of bats on the road to hell.

A steady stream of bats came, each one rushing towards them as if they were desperate for their lives, all turned into Qin Lan's energy. After all, it only took Qin Lan a few breaths to swallow one.

And Qin Lan can devour many at once, all at the same time.

Qin Lan did not calculate the time. In addition to swallowing and controlling the vines of the Blue Silver Emperor, his eyes were always staring at the energy value in the system, which had reached more than 4000 million from the original 5000 million.

These bats continued to gather here before Qin Lan, and Qin Lan's devouring never stopped.

Perhaps because the leader of the bats couldn't sit still, the dark gold three-headed bat king finally came out and faced Qin Lan.

Qin Lan immediately ordered: "Qin Mo entangles this dark gold three-headed bat king and don't kill it for the time being."

"Yes master!" Qin Mo said.

If you want to devour more and more bats, you can't kill their king too early. Otherwise, why would a plate of loose bats take the initiative?

Countless bats are like moths rushing to the flame, Qin Lan is like the existence of fire and light.

These bats don't have much intelligence, they just listen to their Bat King.

At this moment, the dark gold three-headed bat king has been stopped by Qin Mo. Qin Mo's ability is not comparable to that of Tang San when he broke into the killing city. This dark gold three-headed bat king is no match for Qin Mo.

But Qin Lan just ordered him to be entangled, so Qin Mo didn't let him take the initiative to attack Qin Lan and block the way. You attack and I will attack. I can give you some pain, but I won't cause you serious injury.

Therefore, this angered the Dark Gold Three-Headed Bat King and began to summon a large number of bats, even bats that made Qin Lan swallow more than a thousand points of energy.


This devouring was so satisfying that Qin Lan suddenly had an idea.

He moved to a fairly spacious space, and then with a thought, he took out the only immortal medicinal material Yuxiang Qiluo immortal product saved in the system.

This is a treasure that can at least welcome ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts. These low-level soul beasts have absolutely no resistance to it.

Originally, many bats were cooperating with the Dark Gold Three-Headed Bat King to deal with Qin Mo, but when the Fragrance Qiluo Immortal appeared, the smell it exuded kept attracting these bats towards him.

This move can be said to have sent all the bats out of Hell Road.

The energy that these bats can contribute is getting higher and higher, and there are even two-headed bats. However, except for the dark gold three-headed bat king, none of these bats seem to be surpassing it.

The road to hell can only be surpassed by ten blazing sun snakes.


7000 million!

When the energy reached 8000 million, Qin Lan found that the number of bats that could come had begun to decrease, and they were flying in sparsely.

I don’t know how many thousands of bats have been swallowed and how many obstacles have been cleared on the Hell Road. I wonder if this will make Ling Luoluo feel that this place is too easy when he breaks through the Hell Road.

After all, generally speaking, there will be no ten-headed blazing sun snakes, but Qin Lan's goal is definitely to include the ten-headed blazing sun snakes.

There were fewer and fewer bats coming over, so Qin Lan had no choice but to use the dark gold three-headed bat king.

"Qin Mo, smash its three bat heads!"

Qin Mo heard this and said, "Yes, Master."

Qin Mo had been entangled with the Dark Gold Three-Headed Bat King for a long time. Qin Mo had long wanted to solve it in one fell swoop. Originally, this was a one-shot deal, and it had been inked for so long.


One head exploded, followed by two more crashes. All three heads of the dark gold three-headed bat king were gone, but it had the ability to regenerate. But just when he started to live, Qin Lan’s blue head exploded. The Silver Emperor vines wrapped it tightly.

Start devouring!

No matter how powerful his regeneration ability is, he has no ability to resist Qin Lan's devouring force.

After all, he can swallow even level 99 titled Douluo now, but it's just more difficult.

The body of the dark gold three-headed bat king began to disappear. When it completely disappeared, it only contributed 16 energy to Qin Lan. The dark gold three-headed bat king was good, but the energy still had to be collected in quantity.

How can the three-headed bat king with dark gold be worth tens of thousands or even more than [-] bats?

This is the principle of adding up a little and making a lot.

After devouring the dark gold three-headed bat king, there were not many bats around. Qin Lan was also ready to put away the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal, but just when Qin Lan put it away, a dark red snake more than ten meters long appeared. .

I saw that it had a pair of fiery red eyes, but the eyes were not particularly huge.

Its cry is like a baby crying. There are nine protrusions on the head and back of this snake. Each protrusion is like a bright red mushroom, and it seems like there is blood flowing inside. Its belly is also particularly huge, bulging on the narrow road.

Aren't these the ten flaming snakes?

The nine protrusions are its weakness. Logically speaking, they might still have to walk some distance before meeting this guy, but they didn't expect that the other person came on his own initiative. He might also be attracted by the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal.

"Qin Mo, have you seen the nine protrusions on his head? These are his weaknesses. Crush them all." Qin Lan ordered.

With Qin Mo around, he didn't need to take action. In fact, even if he didn't hit the ten-headed blazing sun snake's weaknesses, Qin Mo could still blast him.

As soon as Qin Mo moved, the ten blazing sun snakes immediately attacked.

However, its speed was very slow, and Qin Mo himself had the flying soul bone skill to assist him. In an instant, he was above the snake's head, and the Haotian hammer fell with a bang, and a bulge shattered.

Then the sound of collision was heard again, and the bumps shattered one after another.

At this time, Qin Lan began to release the Blue Silver Emperor vines, gradually wrapping them around him.

After a long time, the bodies of the ten-headed blazing sun snakes disappeared, and a fiery red bead appeared on Qin Lan's hand as soon as he thought.

This is the inner elixir of the ten-headed blazing sun snake. It can become Ma Hongjun’s seventh soul ring, and at the same time allow Ma Hongjun’s martial soul to evolve into a seven-headed phoenix. The effect of this inner elixir is not only to obtain a soul ring, but also to possess an immortal product similar to Effect.

It was especially suitable for use by fire-attributed soul beasts. Qin Lan did not devour it and kept it in the system.

The ten-headed blazing sun snakes were dead, and there wasn't much that could stop them on this road to hell.

The road ahead was naturally smooth, and Qin Lan and Qin Mo quickly reached the exit.

However, Qin Lan did not leave immediately. On this road to hell, he could actually pick up the wool of the Killing City, release the Blue Silver Emperor vines and start devouring the energy in the bloody river again.

Finally, Qin Lan stopped when his energy reached over [-] million.

In fact, he didn't swallow too much. At least more than 50.00% of the energy in the bloody river was retained, which is enough to maintain the current killing city!

"Qin Mo, let's go." Qin Lan spread out his eight spider wings and quickly flew out of the exit.

In the depths of the Killing City, Tang Chen, currently the King of Killing, could clearly feel the changes in the Hell Road.

"The Killing City has suffered too many losses this time. I don't know when it will recover."

After finishing his words, Tang Chen frowned.

Perhaps the energy in the Slaughter City had been reduced too much. He had obviously used the Slaughter City to recover and felt that the effect was not as good as before. The recovery of his body and soul power were more than twice as slow as before.

"Qin Lan, right? When I leave the killing city, I will naturally settle the score with you." Tang Chen said silently.

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