Douluo: Rebirth of Blue Silver Grass, Infinite Devour and Evolution

Chapter 80 Reconciliation!Bibi Dong wants to sell her daughter?

The blessing of system skills and divine power, coupled with the blue silver overlord gun used by Qin Lan.

Although the overall attack power was good, Qin Lan felt that Bibi Dong could not be so miserable.

The only explanation is that the devouring of Bibi Dong just now caused great damage to her body, and Qin Lan was able to beat Bibi Dong like this.

Bibi Dong stood up from the corner and looked at the young man in front of her, feeling terrified in her heart.

She has shown super strength at this age, and the most important thing is her devouring ability that makes her fearful. She is really like someone else.

She originally thought that her talent could surpass the past and present, but after seeing Qin Lan, Bibi Dong realized that her talent was not worth mentioning in front of him.

But she would definitely not admit defeat, as her soul bones lit up one after another.

At this moment, Bibi Dong already had six soul bones, and these soul bones seemed to have been combined together.

The Shura Divine Armor has begun to take shape. If she doesn't kill the young man in front of her now, it may be difficult for her to have another chance in the future.

However, Qin Lan did not intend to kill or devour Bibi Dong. He said, "Isn't it just the inheritance of a Rakshasa god? Give it to me, I don't want it yet."

"Don't want it?" Bibi Dong was stunned. Is there anyone in this world who doesn't want the inheritance of the divine throne?

"Don't believe it? You'll find out when we get out later."

Originally, Qin Lan wanted to directly swallow the Rakshasa power inside his body!

But thinking that the place he was in was still within the area of ​​the Rakshasa God, he temporarily gave up the power of devouring the Rakshasa God.

If something is done to the Rakshasa God, the gain will outweigh the loss.

After all, unlike other gods, Rakshasa God can do anything.

When Bibi Dong heard what Qin Lan said, she definitely didn't believe it. After all, this was a divine test. How could she just say she didn't want it?Once you start you have to keep going.

If Qin Lan doesn't kill her, then will he wait three years to be killed by the power left in him by the Rakshasa God?

But Bibi Dong said: "Why do you want me to believe you?"

Qin Lan said: "Believe it or not, I have a way. If we continue to fight, I don't think you will gain anything."

In so many years, this was the first time that Bibi Dong was forced to be like this. Although she had enough soul power, her body was extremely weak.

Bibi Dong said: "Then what do you want?"

Qin Lan said: "I don't want to do anything, I just came to see you, out of pure curiosity."

"Look at me?" Qin Lan's answer surprised him, and Bibi Dong continued: "Do you know my identity?"

Bibi Dong is not stupid. From the first time he came into contact with this boy until now, every move he makes seems to show that he knows his identity.

Qin Lan smiled, but did not deny it. He said lightly: "Of course I know, His Majesty Pope Bibi Dong."

"You... are teasing me!" Bibi Dong was a little angry.

"Who is playing tricks on whom? Everything I said is true, including my name, and what about you? Return Yu Xiaodong." Qin Lan looked at Bibi Dong and said!

At this moment, Bibi Dong felt a little wronged. She was forced to this point by a boy who looked to be twelve or thirteen years old.

"Then what do you want to do?" Bibi Dong asked. Her physical condition was really bad now. She had never felt so uncomfortable.

Qin Lan didn't speak anymore, but looked at the blood pool. Logically speaking, he could swallow the energy in such a blood pool!

"Xiao Dongdong, you came here for this blood pool, the energy from the killing city!" Qin Lan walked on the edge of the blood pool!

Bibi Dong was stunned, was Xuechi also targeted?

Only by absorbing the energy in the blood pool can her body recover as quickly as possible. If she does not recover, it will be difficult for her to get out of the Killing City!

But just as she was thinking, she saw that Qin Lan's Blue Silver Emperor Vine had fallen into the blood pool!

The blood in the blood pool was actually decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Stop, this blood pool is mine!" Bibi Dong yelled!

But Qin Lan didn't stop devouring it!

Bibi Dong had no choice but to attack Qin Lan again!

She also didn't dare to use restraint skills, fearing that Qin Lan would devour him again.

After using the soul bone skill, a huge red light was seen emanating from Bibi Dong's chest.

This is Bibi Dong's torso bone soul bone skill. Seeing this, Qin Lan waved his left arm. This is his soul bone skill. It is also the soul skill brought by the Titan Ape's soul bone, the Titan Sky Cannon.

It is basically similar to the skills of the Titan Ape Soul Bone obtained by Tang San in the original work.

It can instantly compress the air into terrifying energy, giving the Titan the power to attack with all its might.

Facing Bibi Dong's soul bone skills, the two collided!

There was a loud bang, and two energies exploded hugely in the space of the Rakshasa gods.

Because he was closest to Qin Lan, Qin Lan was also shaken away by the energy of the explosion.

The same goes for Bibi Dong. Her body basically retreated to the edge of the rock wall.

She used the 10-year-old torso bone soul bone skill, and Qin Lan seemed to also use the 10-year-old soul bone skill.

But judging from the power of the soul bone skill, it seems that Qin Lan's 10-year soul bone skill is much stronger than hers.

Two external soul bones that are over 10 years old, plus a [-]-year-old soul bone. Whose child is this? Why is it so defiant?

In Bibi Dong's view, a person would definitely not be able to grow to this level, so naturally someone would give him a soul bone.

There must be someone behind Qin Lan, but wouldn't the person behind this be more powerful?

Thinking about this, Bibi Dong became a little scared.

Because she knew that Douluo Continent was not as simple as she imagined now.

Although Wuhun Palace and Tiandou Star Luo are considered the three mountains of Douluo Continent.

The three upper sects are also the three major sects on the surface, but there are still some hidden and unknown forces in Douluo Continent.

Perhaps this Qin Lan is the most important member of this hidden force.

If she killed him, she might also be in danger.

But the key thing is that she doesn't seem to be able to kill the boy in front of her now.

Her body was so weak that she was worried that her body might collapse at some point.

The consequences of being swallowed seemed to be great. The longer she delayed for a second, the more she would be in danger.

"Qin Lan, right? How about we discuss it?"

Qin Lan is still devouring the energy in the blood pool. Although his body has retreated, the Blue Silver Emperor vines are still inside.

Qin Land said: "How to discuss it? Don't you don't believe me?"

Bibi Dong immediately changed her attention and said: "I believe in your ability. Now that you know my identity, I will try my best to satisfy you in the future whatever you want. Can you leave this blood pool to me?"

Bibi Dong felt distressed when she saw that the blood pool had been reduced by half, and it would take ten years to replenish it.

Qin Lan smiled and said: "It seems a little late to believe it now. You are going to kill me, can I still believe you?"


Seeing that Qin Lan didn't believe in him and the blood pool continued to decrease, Bibi Dong was also ready to fight.

After all, she also wants dignity.

I saw that the possession of the existing martial spirit disappeared, and then Bibi Dong changed to another martial spirit.

Seven soul rings lit up, six black and one red.

Bibi Dong's second martial soul, the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor, currently only has seven soul rings.

The reason why she has not absorbed the last two soul rings for a long time is because Bibi Dong is still looking for the 10-year-old soul beast, and she does not want to settle for the last two soul rings.

Although using the martial soul avatar can maximize his combat power, Bibi Dong does not dare to use the martial soul avatar now.

She was afraid that using the martial spirit avatar would accelerate her body's collapse.

I saw six spider spears behind Bibi Dong and her spider spear-shaped arms gathering in front of her at the same time.

The tips of the eight spears touched the ground, and a strong dark green light suddenly rose along with the shining of her first soul ring. The eight spears rose at the same time, striking out a half-moon shaped dark green light.

A total of eight half-moon-shaped light blades came towards Qin Lan under Bibi Dong's control.

Faced with this skill, Qin Lan had to be careful.


Qin Lan put away the Blue Silver Emperor vines, because Bibi Dong's goal must be to absorb the vines in the blood pool. After putting them away, Qin Lan's soul ring also lit up in an instant.

Five soul rings, three black and two red!

I saw the Blue Silver Emperor vines in front of Qin Lan spreading rapidly, and a Blue Silver Emperor vine formed a shield.

There seems to be the hard skin of the Titan ape on this shield.

The Blue Silver Titan Shield is a 10-year-old defensive skill that can protect Qin Lan's entire body.

Bibi Dong controlled the half-moon-shaped light blade, which was also a drain on her. She couldn't find any chance to attack and could only fall on the shield released by Qin Lan.

There was a rumble of impact.

Qin Lan sighed, Bibi Dong is not stupid, she is quite smart.

Bibi Dong did not let all the half-moon light blades fall, but fell on the same position on the shield one after another.

Qin Lan's 10-year defense skill. The Titan Ape's soul ring has two soul skills, one for attack and one for defense.

Although it will consume a lot of Qin Lan's soul power, fortunately there is a systematic replenishment, so the problem is not big.

Moreover, he had devoured energy as large as a blood pool. When he put away the devoured Blue Silver Emperor vines, the system reminded him that a total of 4522510 points of energy had been devoured.

With more than 400 million energy, the blood pool contains a lot of energy. This makes Qin Lan already looking forward to the blood-red pool in the Killing City. How much energy can this bring him?

Bibi Dong was even more panicked at this time. Qin Lan shocked her too much.

Five soul rings, three ten-thousand-year soul rings, which seemed to be no less than 6 years old, two and two red 10-year soul rings.

Is this what a teenager should have?

"Old monster!" Bibi Dong couldn't help but sigh, she no longer believed Qin Lan's age.

Like everyone else, they thought Qin Lan was just an old monster hiding.

Bibi Dong said: "You should have another martial spirit, right?"

Qin Lan put away the Blue Silver Titan Shield and said in surprise: "Xiao Dongdong, how do you know?"

Bibi Dong looked a little unhappy after hearing this, just as she expected.

According to her guess, Qin Lan, like her, was absorbing soul rings from the second martial soul after absorbing the full amount of the first martial soul.

Only then will the effect she sees now be achieved.

"Because I am also the owner of twin martial souls, how about we reconcile? If we continue to fight, both sides will lose. You said you can lift this divine test? How?" Bibi Dong asked.

"Why are you paying attention all the time? Are you going to fight or not?"

"Let's stop fighting. I think we should become friends. Didn't you say you were from the Wuhun Palace at the beginning? How about you join my Wuhun Palace and I will give you the position of a platinum bishop. Its status is no less than that of a platinum bishop. Me. I also have a disciple, Hu Liena, who is naturally charming. If you like her, I can marry her to you when the time comes."

Bibi Dong stood in the corner. Although her body was still possessed by a martial spirit, the two spider spines behind her fell on the rock wall to support her body.

Qin Lan's devouring of her hurt her body, and she needed the energy in the blood pool. Without it, she would have to rest for at least half a year or even a year before she could recover as before.

If Bibi Dong did not control Qin Lan and compete with Qin Lan's devouring ability at the beginning, then she would have 100% victory against Qin Lan in this Rakshasa god space. One wrong move would cause her to lose the whole game.

She could only use the last method, the mouth escape technique, hoping to convince Qin Lan.

I have to say that the conditions in Bibi Dongkai are quite good.

The Platinum Bishop of Wuhun Palace, and Hu Liena.

However, Qin Lan said: "I'm not interested in the Platinum Bishop. Hu Liena is actually just mediocre. She can at best be a maid who warms the bed."

Looking straight at Bibi Dong, the scene he saw at first was still in Qin Lan's mind.

"Actually, I think you're pretty good!"

Bibi Dong was a little angry just now, but she held it back the next moment.

At this moment, she could no longer continue fighting. If she fell to the ground, she would not be slaughtered by the opponent.

I wonder how her lifelong reputation could be ruined here.

Bibi Dong said: "I'm actually not as good as you think. Don't look at me now. I'm actually over 40 years old and have a daughter in her early 20s. Are you sure?"

"Daughter? How about you marry your daughter to me!" Qin Lan said with a smile. In fact, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue are not within the control of ordinary people.

But if Bibi Dong wants to betroth Qian Renxue to herself, then we have no problem.

Anyway, he wanted to visit Tiandou City after leaving the Killing City.

Although he first came to this world as a soul beast, he still likes the goddess in Douluo.

Bibi Dong is good, but after all, Qian Renxue has lived in that room, so it is better to choose Qian Renxue directly. She wants the human goddess, and he will not let go of the goddess after the transformation of the soul beast!

"Are you sure? In fact, my daughter and I haven't seen each other for more than ten years. I don't even know where we are now!" Bibi Dong said deliberately.

Qin Land said: "What's your daughter's name? I'll find it."

Bibi Dong said calmly: "Qian Renxue!"

"Okay, then I will give you the identity of a platinum bishop and at the same time betroth your daughter Qian Renxue to me, then I will reconcile with you." Zhao Tai said with a smile.

"Of course you can!" Bibi Dong said.


Qin Lan took out a table from the soul guide, as well as some light golden paper specially used by Wuhun Palace.

These were all obtained by devouring a Wuhun Palace soul master in his soul guide.

"Okay, write all this down in black and gold on gold paper, and then stamp it with your Spirit Hall's certificate." Qin Land said.

Bibi Dong saw that Qin Lan had agreed, and then the possession of Wuhun was released.

What she wanted at this time was to comfort Qin Lan, and she would wait until she recovered.

Even writing this down, she thought it was a temporary measure and she would just have to come back when the time comes.

After all, she must get back the humiliation she suffered today.

Little did she know that she would have no chance of getting it back in the future, and would instead be beaten by Qin Lan (diao)!

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